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 Acting and the Daemonic

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Fixed Cross
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Acting and the Daemonic Empty
PostSubject: Acting and the Daemonic   Acting and the Daemonic Icon_minitimeSun Jan 19, 2014 8:46 pm

It occurs to me that the art of acting in theatre/film has a strong relationship to the type of philosophizing that becomes possible when the contingent nature of the egoic psyche has been divined, and when a speculative ethics becomes the only option to arrive at - or rather to aim at, direct oneself towards, even believe in experiential truth. Truth has then taken on a new meaning, not so much deeper maybe as simply less to do with history as to present.
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PostSubject: Re: Acting and the Daemonic   Acting and the Daemonic Icon_minitimeWed Jan 22, 2014 10:12 am

This is a very thought provoking thought. I understand what you mean, it reminds me of a kind of disillusion of ego that can occur when one is having fun or absolutely focused on ones work. But mainly what I thought of is the idea of being an actor for ones entire life, never being a concrete self, but perpetually acting. Taking on different roles in different circumstances, who was it that said life is but a stage. I know I am probably missing your point but I did grasp what you meant when I read it, I swear.
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