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 America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history

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America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Empty
PostSubject: America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history   America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2015 2:23 pm

America is Europe, but more precicely, as it was called early on, New Europe.

The way that Americans feel European is that in which we were a re-planting of a European branch in an all-together different territory. There is, still, a pathos of letting be ramifications of Europe that are impossible in the crowded territories of the mother continent, because of space and historical age.

If Americans severed ties with their European forfathers, it is because Europeans from the continent never felt this possibility, America was always simply a mining operation.

Consider Simon Bolivar's independence project. His ambition was to conquer all of America and re-name her Columbia. By taking the naming out of the continent's hands, there was a severing, but by replacing the name with what was considered a more accurate European discoverer of the new Continent a very clear intention and pathos was evident.

Americans can only self-value as an extention of Europeans because, following the mass wipe-out of the people they found there, Europe is all there is. Possibly the one instance in history over the last couple thousand years, at least, where a whole swath of the Earth was really honestly colonized.

The "indians" and blacks here are outsiders, and the mixed (vast majority by now) are as European as the Moors in Spain became (in most cases more, because only a small portion of the American continent ever experienced true culture before Europe).
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Empty
PostSubject: Re: America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history   America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2015 4:27 pm

Quote :
Consider Simon Bolivar's independence project. His ambition was to conquer all of America and re-name her Columbia. By taking the naming out of the continent's hands, there was a severing, but by replacing the name with what was considered a more accurate European discoverer of the new Continent a very clear intention and pathos was evident.

That is a very good argument for your claim.

Columbus was of course Italian, which is auspicious, enforces the idea that America is the continuation of the Roman Empire.

Great expanses for us Europeans to look forward to. We'll build a new Atlantis in the ice of the North, if the Earth continues to heat up. The Dutch will head the engineering efforts. Thousands of years of jobs. Tidal-energies, gigantic mills catching the under-currents in these great bays, with an axis anchored by nuclear blasts in the depths of the earth, we will weather the storm and so become one with the storm. This is mans destiny, the way he will be master of this earth.
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America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Empty
PostSubject: Re: America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history   America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2015 6:02 pm

Well, so was Americo Vespuccio, the north americans are as responsible as us! Incidently, italian pirates were instrumental to the independence efforts of the South.

Let them come. The expances are in fact great. We will reap their cool heads, and they will reap our water.

And Hyperborea will linger above, like a mana raining Tower.
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PostSubject: Re: America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history   America and Europe, a very short interpretation of history Icon_minitime

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