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 A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science

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PostSubject: A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science   A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 12:24 pm

Science - Concience
Or in Spanish
Ciencia - Conciencia - ser - ecencia

When we find a reason to drop everything and chase the void, we must know that there is nothing waiting on the other side. We must put it there ourselves: the void will simply spit us back out with the drive that took us to it being the only thing left from it.

This is hard... Say a little girl in a satanic feast. She uses the ritual to free herself from the magic of life: what magic of life is waiting on the zenith to take with her back to life?

This is the building nature of humans. If we don't put something there for negativity to seize, it will seize whatever the fuck the random bestial drives that took us to the something wanting nothing want and thus dissipate inmediately into a disappointing return to the same somethings, the same consciousness that had already overcome this bestiality.

Negativity as method demands that nothing be thought to await. Magic requires a landing point: this is where the negative science comes in. It neglects its origins at the risk of negating whatever brand new effects it can and will effectively produce. This method has the ability to make an ever climbing ladder for consciousnes.

Consciousness negatively: what isn't there? All the things that are there have to be traced back to a point where they weren't there, and then something joyful can be produced from other negative inquiries that reveal things which can serve the drives of consciousness as discovered by negative regression. Parodites, meet Nietzsche.

Last edited by Pezer on Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science   A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 12:38 pm

This is very fucking hard, forgive the chaotic style and blinding mistakes.

Negativity is a kind of absolute reversal of life, a benjamin button kind of trip. We see ourselves coming from death onto life, words and abstractions are more real the more abstract they are, and more abstract the more rooted in concrete life: concrete life in reverse, but forward at the same time.
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PostSubject: Re: A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science   A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 12:40 pm

So, the more something sounds like life, the more it leads to death, and the more it sounds like death (say... Homer), the more it leads to life.
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PostSubject: Re: A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science   A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 1:28 pm

Full disclosure because this idea is as dangerous as it is powerful: it came to me while half awakening from a half sleep, fully formed and beautifully concrete, and dissolved as I hurried to get it down.
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PostSubject: Re: A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science   A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 2:48 pm

I remember being focused a lot on the insight that philosophy is death, this was about a year and a half ago. These realizations come to us in strange ways. Only by following the impossible track will we ever know that we have arrived at something certain, and then only in relation to that whole scope against which and precisely not in terms of which we acted. So, do that enough times over a wide enough scope of experiences and ideas, and one begins to build up a picture of what makes the most sense, if only because one has already therefore verified so much that doesn't make sense, then subjected all that negative verification to overlap of cross-analysis and seat that analysis firmly in the most sure world we know-- ourselves, our own experiences.

But as you say this leads through death. I don't know how I made it through and out the other side, well I do know but I'm not gong to say. But every man who wants truth must fortify himself "unconsciously" and allow himself o be held by those worlds as render health not possible, but needed. Then the task becomes either to continue in pure truth or to act out truth in the world. Maybe both are possible at the same time but even if so one must retain absolute, categorical priority over the other. And I don't really know too well on what basis one makes these choices, only that they are made.
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PostSubject: Re: A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science   A Thought on The Consequences of Negativity as Science Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 2:58 pm

In any case my insight here, if one can be discerned, is that there are numberless such threshholds. Negativity is in fact the only real basis of building.

Nietzsche was deeply negativistic, and it was thus that he produced such a life affirming thing as will to power. To come out of Nietzsche unscathed, one must dare one's self to be as negative in every respect of one's life: the whys and the wherefores, dug into like an oil rig in Texas. Or turn it back on him, as I see Sawelios and Parodites have done, which inevitably blows back into one's life. Perhaps more violently and effectively, but less personally. I see philosophy as a deeply personal thing, which comunal aim is only to allow others the same level of personal depth and allow for a higher level of discourse. So, I need them as much as they need me. Maybe this is the line you are talking about, the choice: to be deep or to dig depth. I don't see it as a choice, but as two sides of a comunal striving: the violent, creative side is the same thing as the personal side.
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