Before The Light
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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Raidho Empty
PostSubject: Raidho   Raidho Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 5:39 pm

Race against time. Rippling force. Cool cats. Privilege, the diving board, the gasping audience in the corner of ones eye. Wild roots, noble lineage of the arrow, racecar, radical crash and burn from which one emerges with a nochalance putting the Phoenix to shame.

Loaded weapon, tense staring, waiting for the fire to fill the void. Natural woman, hot legs in business skirt, clack clack heels on corporate marble, ready to set the room on fire. The swoosh of the heavy door opened with force. Beginning of a fight already won. Confidence.

Warhead painted with flames and pinups. Han Solo jumpstarting the Millennium Falcon. Kicking up dust, leaving the competition coughing and cursing. Curving spacetime around ones velocity. Rule of Mach. People and machines nicknamed Thunderbolt.

Crossing the Equator. Handling great changes like the beating of ones own heart. Thriving on adrenaline. Fearlessness, the wind in ones back. Fast metal riffs. Horses storming forward, crossing the river in a few frenzied seconds. The battlecry that merges with the thundering hoofs.

Active happiness. The joy of him who turned out well. Having passed the test, having become the test.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Location : Acrux

Raidho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raidho   Raidho Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2019 6:59 pm



The yes, standing out against a thousand and one no's
Certainty, and thereby, understanding what certainty is.

The simplest of runes. Akin to Sagittarius. Wherein the anguish granted by self-serving honesty is ended.

"If it's a lie,  we fight on that lie"
"Rather a wrong path than dwindling at a crossroads"

The straight path, the few steps that it lasts, before we arrive at Kenaz, where Odin winks and disappears around the bend.

Raidho is the quality of a good stride that gives courage where knowledge must be left behind.

Understanding that wisdom leads away from knowledge; that certainty can not be known, only enacted.
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Raidho Empty
PostSubject: Rit   Raidho Icon_minitimeThu Sep 26, 2019 12:11 am


Right, Rite, Ride,

winners wit, hone in kill zone zen

answer to the riddle, master on the fiddle, anywhere but the middle
random? seldom - rather self aware and holding a candle
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Raidho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raidho   Raidho Icon_minitime

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