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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Studios   Studios Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2016 1:24 pm

We've set up a youtube channel for our Montreal based film company, Before The Light Studios;

Keep an eye on it. Things are rolling along quite nicely.

Ive PMed Capable about screenwriting. He said he's interested. In 2012 I had a correspondence with Parodites, working on a script, about two types of heroism. That was a tremendous setup, which I hope to continue working on some time.

In any case I invite Capable and Parodites hereby to join the studios as concept developers and screenwriters, to write philosophy for the screen.
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PostSubject: Re: Studios   Studios Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2016 2:54 pm

Yes I'm interested. And trying to work on some things. I'm having a difficult time trying to find a way to personify pure force, any suggestions? I want, within the film medium, for some characters to be ephemeral or unformed, imprecise yet functioning personas that act within the story; basically I want to find a way for the sensation and idea of a pure force or power to take the form of a character without needing to be represented in a concrete body or actor.

I'm toying with the idea of using an object, coupled with a voice over and some cinematic effects, but I know that's been done before. Another idea I had was to use brief glimpses of an article of clothing, somewhat suspended in the air or a boot on the ground, but making these fleeting and giving the impression they're disconnected from an actual unified whole person wearing those clothes, and then doing a voiceover on top of that. Or simply the power or suggestion, have other characters act as if another person were in the room but never actually show that other person. Use clever camera work and cuts and angles and sounds to create impressions of people where there are none.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Studios   Studios Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 10:33 pm

I realized that film can not be invented, it must be obeyed. He who obeys it best is the mightiest. Like handling the sword.

To violate laws is only viable in the context of reestablishing, re-acknowledging them on a higher level of story development; one can cause a disorientating sequence to be released in a stabilizing finale where a person is shown to have gone through a delirium or physical duress. The physiology is challenged, and in the state of shaken-ness the viewer is given an image to identify with, in that state, as that state.
In as far as a story is carried by physiological nuances, it works as a script.

Actors are nervous people; high strung natures that are used to and not afraid of feeling their nerves reeling; they enjoy it. They ride on the currents of mans expectations and somehow fulfill what man can not attain while purely in the flesh.

Im impressed by the thread about politics, I follow it happily and share it with intelligent politically interested people. They appreciate it. My father said he thought much of Parodites' analysis of Trump. Other people communicated interest but wishing to understand in simpler terms. There is a magnetism to this; Trump is a story and who understands the psychology of man can tell where the story is headed.

Let's think up a political thriller. Analogous to the dynamics i this election but heavily altered so as to resemble only in the sense of mechanism. It is interesting to think up a future that could follow in say 50 years. I am thinking here of your view of women as the positive substance, C, as that which is far enough from the self-devouring ground of consciousness as to be properly within consciousness; 'objective' - or even 'object'.
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PostSubject: Re: Studios   Studios Icon_minitime

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