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 Re-visiting the Social Contract

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PostSubject: Re-visiting the Social Contract   Re-visiting the Social Contract Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 9:19 pm

At bottom, what holds societies together, and any real statesman knows it, is the carnal knowledge that it could be a lot worse. That's why beating your children used to be really important. They were unevolved enough that no contraptions could replace a direct suggestion of the direction in which things usually went a lot worse.

In a sense, our generations are unique in that way. Our contraptions are powerful enough that beating children is actually considered one of the most unacceptable ways things could go wrong. Thats fucking power. As Niesche said when asked what Beethoven would have thought of romanticism, we can safely say ol' N would be sort of only confused by our times. Still, Ill take both of tgose over anything that came after.

Anywho, whatever isn't about this simple guarantee is the excess of which we can still call the Greeks the unrivaled masters.
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PostSubject: Re: Re-visiting the Social Contract   Re-visiting the Social Contract Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2016 8:45 am

Yes, a pure positivity power. I like this.
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PostSubject: Re: Re-visiting the Social Contract   Re-visiting the Social Contract Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 12:38 am

As Dante conceived of Hell, and created a new layer of fear, in the same stroke he standardized Italian.
Indeed a common acknowledgement of a certain level of elevation, privilege, this has driven aristocracies. Also the 'joy's of the Colosseum - and als the comforts of the last man!

But also a woman in her bathrobe, finding it too itchy and throwing it off.
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PostSubject: Re: Re-visiting the Social Contract   Re-visiting the Social Contract Icon_minitime

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