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 Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Empty
PostSubject: Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.   Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2016 6:45 pm

Rapport is the agreement that a good thing is possible. Implied in this is that a bad thing is also possible, and that it appears to each to be clear to each which is which.

Agreement on the other hand merely that a bad thing is the case builds an alliance, but not rapport. All such alliances fall apart before or once the bad thing has been overcome, unless a common good is synthetically arrived at and symbolically agreed upon. The good has symptoms, the bad has enemies; by bad government the good acquires semblances of being its own enemy as its symptoms take on evil masks to hide their rugged faces to the structural failure that is also a product, and no less a consumer of the reality.

"Dutch" (Nederlands, Hollands), Thorbecke styled American styled government is the art of riding out the subtle guiders of discomfort (Lacanian Law) to the end of refining a system of contradictions that amount in a positive statement of a condition.

As Leonidas says in the Movie, more or less... : This. Is. Government.
I did not really go after Zizek. But I had a movie quote and Lacan in it.

And I do like Zizek -
Or rather like him, I like how it keeps popping the Cokey - and if I see him I will dare him to go into Spielbergs Tom Cruise movies.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.   Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2016 7:04 pm

The condition that is thus stated and introduced as reality, is always of the same nature, but comes in different linguistic forms. Some examples, as put forth by various types of people.

(1) Life is tough, and it can be made good by intelligence and courage.
(2) Existence equals the good equals the necessary; this is god.
(3) The ultimate goal and soul of all is freedom.
(4) All is united in mortal difference. This is why we love, and why we despair most when we love, unless we also understand. This is why we can not understand without loving.
(5) All must go their own path; no man over another a priori. All situations are new, all powers are real, all values are legitimate until they have been cast out by greater affirmations of other value.
(6) No values are protected from above except the right to value as one does naturally, as long as this does not infringe on others natural valuing. The means of making this system mobile is money, which is the delay of pressure, and the introduction of time into the relations of power and creates a running condition out of what was formerly merely an accident; opportunity, and what we know as economy.
(7) All men are created equal and granted by their creator the inalienable right of the pursuit of happiness.
(8) The goal of government is to contain itself, and to occupy the power vacuum, and keep mafiosi out of it, so that the world can revolve around the essential securities it provides. These securities come down only to every persons right to his own life, and the implications of this in a society with unequally distributed gifts. The basest and thus most fundamental political-philosophical problem is the penal system; what to do with individuals that the society of individuals can not value among its individuals?
(9) All being is valuing and amounts in self-valuing in all instances; the most comprehensive valuing is the absolute valuing of the self-valuing principle, and the most comprehensive self-valuing is the conscious grasp of the world of self-valuings, which is what the Greeks referred to as Poesis, and which has since then become a bit more dangerous.
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Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.   Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2016 7:39 pm

Government is always seen as a necessity.... I see it only as a fuck you to powerful people. The perfect government:

Government is just a maze with a Minotaur in the middle that must be fed. The fear of the minotaur, enclosed by the maze, the frantic ceremonies of sacrifice...

JFK was lying. Rather than fear being the only thing to fear, government considers it is the Minotaur. Quite offensive, unless one is the minotaur.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.   Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2016 8:51 pm

Rather than saying that this is too vague for me to quite grasp, I take the direction todays philosophy has pushed for, the genesis of concepts from the mythos, and as the mythos; the cauldron of the mythos that brews up primordial concepts; please elaborate, put some more words around the name Minotaur, as this creature does very much stand at the center of the intricate and vinelike mysteries of our Meditarraenean origins of creative nobility...

Theseus was the first hero I read of in an ancient language. Minos was the first realm that I studied of that world, of which I realized that no one had understood it.

(It was hard, winter-born FDR who said that fear thing, by the way - earlier than I had figured...his first inaugural address, long before WWII. )
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Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.   Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner. Icon_minitime

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Rapport. An attempt at Zizek without Zizek but with Zizek lurking around the round corner.
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