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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:19 pm
Fuck yes.
My most troublesome reactive emotions have been to antisemites. It took me a long long time to not become instantly nauseated by them. I think we all have our weakness, wherein our reactivity becomes concentrated, and this weakness is always based on a true humanity.
We need to somehow 'avenge' this part to lose the weakness - or so did I.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:23 pm
The beauty is in here: that the reactivity is our true humanity. Thus, from the reactivity itself, from its very valuing-pattern, a greatest strength can be forged.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:41 pm
As a sign of my triumph you can see that I can now brotherly address Spinoza as "you old Jew", referring to a typically Jewish predisposition, which brought him to a certain conclusion that I disagree with. I can now agree with some points that antisemites make, without in the least being moved to consider their position. Some things are just true, and the wretched will always scavenge the Earth for truths about others that they can use. That an antisemite speaks a truth about a Jewish weakness does not mean he is not himself infinitely lower, and even shares this weakness, but in a less useful form; after all, this is what the Jews "did", without intending it in the least - they 'infected' the weaker strata of Europeans with this One God of Objective Good, a notion that had not ever existed, so that a soulless Universalism was born from their entirely soulful Supremacism. The Jews invented Monotheism in order to make their god rule all other gods, and then peoples under other gods did indeed abandon their own for the Jewish god - who had no capacity to benefit them! I am laughing out loud, this is always the funniest stuff for me.
But then what doesnt kill makes stronger - and from the bizarre evil of the Hollow Universal, human nature was drawn to substantiate itself inward, to fill that vacuum. Horror Vacui is the driving force that is called Faith; the ontic motion away from affective void; the Nothing that was taken as a picture of the Hebrew enigma and turned into the Patriarch forced that human soul that was not about to turn to pure wretch into a motion to invent its own depth. Thus many forms of Christianity went on to be conceived, all of them mere expressions of a truly human will on a canvas of negation -- by juxtaposing negatives of positive attributes against one another a picture emerges, of 'holiness'. Most holinesses were simply death suspended in organic time, the pale saints with folded hands, but in some, the holiness itself formed a canvas, upon which an entirely new positive could be born; thought.
Thought was smothered to death, and then it was rebirthed, in the skeptic philosophers and scientific geniuses and erotic artists of the late Renaissance, and then the industrial age, which brought forth Schopenhauer, the first Pessimist, which is the post-Roman version of the Stoic. From this Pessimism of Strength, Nietzsche was able to smell out the real thing, the spirit, which was reborn as a phenomenon into the world, under the names will and power, which came together to impregnate the mind with a new conception of itself - a new power of Being. Being to the second power, life; to the third, consciousness (and with that, morality); to the fourth, self affirming will to power (living ethics); to the fifth, generative philosophy... or so one may picture the antidialectic.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:20 am
At least Trump is calling out the rigged election system. Funny how no media is looking into well documented exit polling discrepancies with respect to electronic voting machines. Trump should get more specific and talk about this.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:07 pm
I always try to look into the war of the agencies. Naturally this isnt an easy thing to discern the dynamics of, but one can deduce some of the positions.
We know that the NSA is Clinton, it came to be under her people and she's its figurehead, and that the FBI is leaning to hate her. The CIA is divided always - I am thinking Trump must have many influential contacts there, but the machinery is very Clintonesque, statist-interventionist. But I bet it's interesting down there now.
The state department and CIA are always in each others hair too.
Toms work at spycultyure is to reveal the connections of CIA and Hollywood, when you hear him speak you'd think they're almost integral to each other. But the beauty of the US is that it is never monolithic. Europeans and Marxists have a hard time understanding division of powers. We have separation of state and church and trias politica, but the US has more like a tenfold division of government, plus the federal structure.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:45 am
In the interest of full honesty I think Trump will win, and I am not bothered by this anymore. I think Trump is acting as a Sign of certain truths that are now breaking open. For example there is something about what Trump represents and those who like him, that naturally resists the total consumerist mindset and deep psychological pathology of self-consumption which plagues so-called Liberals or those who hate Trump. It isn't that the "right" or just "a-political middle" going for Trump ridge now aren't also consumers and self-consumers, but there are certain barriers in there that prevent the kind of totalizing and unlimited consumption-logic running wild across the entire personality as can be seen in many of the liberal/DFL status quo defenders. Obama for example has no such limits, this can be seen when he hides behind slogans and terms that are deliberately evasive but designed to appear "common-man-ish". I bet even his easygoing smiles are carefully crafted.
Trump himself doesn't even matter, what matters is what he indicates as Sign. Even if, hypothetically, it were the case that Trump as president would be objectively worse in many real world practical ways than would be a Clinton presidency, it is still the case that Trump should win. I say he will win because of how he is a Sign... this is beyond any of us.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:59 am
And I still think there is a danger of runaway populism and "aggressive" forms of nationalist sentiment, indeed certain other (pathological, compensatory) instincts are given free reign along with the instinct to freedom, as Nietzsche wrote about. So the issue should be frame as being between the Sign-aspects and drive to freedom versus the danger of runaway pathological elements hitching a ride on that train. Since Trump was hesitant to denounce KKK support for him, as an example, it isn't very clear how much natural resistance he can incorporate to check the danger of the runaway aspects.
In any case, "where the saving power is, there grows the danger" to reverse Holderlin. We should feel pride at seeing the birth of this Sign. I am proud to call friends Fixed and Parodites who were able to indentify this before I was.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:01 pm
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:33 pm
Capable wrote:
Zizek and we are buddies, even though he's never met us.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:52 pm
Doh, I chickened out with the comment, then I saw you responded.
I think this means that Hillary Clinton is officially more dangerous than Stalin.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:03 am
Let's list Obama's achievements that Clinton is so proud of and would continue:
In just the last 8 years alone:
College tuition has increased by 2x cost -- yes, doubled Health insurance has increased by 2x to 3x cost -- yes doubled or tripled National debt has increased by 7 trillion dollars -- yes that's right I said trillion. The Middle East fucking exploded Israel and Palestine are further away from a peace deal Europe is in bad shape Terrorist attacks started to take place in the US with new frequency American politics is more polarized than ever The stock market is another huge bubble The housing bubble just transferred to rental markets and still exists Wages and real job growth are largely still stagnant The US has lost respect of key allies like Turkey and Philippines OPM was massive hacked over a year revealing millions of federal employees most personal information
Yeah this guy was a fucking genius, haha. Oh yeah I forgot, but he got a Nobel for being black. M'kay.
Anyone in planet earth would be better than Obama 2.0, er I mean Hillary.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:03 am
Capable wrote:
Yeah this guy was a fucking genius, haha. Oh yeah I forgot, but he got a Nobel for being black. M'kay.
When I first started reading your post I thought I would mention that but you covered it well.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:21 am
One thing I forgot to add to the list above: he blamed the American people for not trusting the NSA to spy on them illegally and indiscriminately. Lol. Because we're the problem. Yeah.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:26 pm
Capable wrote:
One thing I forgot to add to the list above: he blamed the American people for not trusting the NSA to spy on them illegally and indiscriminately. Lol. Because we're the problem. Yeah.
Yeah, that was pretty close to Bush's "If you aren't with us then you aren't an American." (Paraphrased)
I think Obama has beat out Grant as the worst president we have ever had.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:44 pm
The fact Trump got this far proves there is general and growing awareness that the bullshit system of weakness-fidelity we have today isn't sustainable anymore.
Everyone voting for Hillary is simply scared of violating the status quo. Or as one person I heard say, "Trump is racist against anyone who is poor". Lol.
I'm curious to see how this all shakes out.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:46 am
There is an almost utterly unacknowledged principle at work, unacknowledged from the perspective of theory today: that it is possible for the whole "women's rights/liberalism/Left" paradigm to go too far. Of course most people know this at the level of instinct, but strangely there is absolutely zero theoretical acknowledgement of this. This is also one of those instances where Left and liberal can be lumped together into the same group, because the utter unacknowledment of this principle exists in both of those camps. When you talk to people in these camps or listen to them it's as if their own project were eternal and perfectly Good and could not possibly do any wrong, could not possibly contain any potential excess of its own will which excess would cause it to stray into irrationality even on its own terms, so much more so on general terms.
Trump is the resistance of a reality principle at work; just because theory must so far have absolutely ignored this principle doesn't mean the principle isn't subject to reality. Remember the Obama accomplishments that I listed, which Hillary would happily pursue; these are things almost every "liberal or Left" voter simply cannot even acknowledge exist. For example, democrats can't even acknowledge that it's important to not have 7 trillion of new debt in just 8 years. These are psychological blind spots that translate into theoretical weakness.
Reality principle binds (post)modern liberal/Left/women's/minority rights theory just as it binds everything else. Now this fact will begin to penetrate that theory itself, regardless of the psychological resistance that would like to maintain a certain level of lofty ignorance.
On another note, I've never seen America as alive as it is tonight.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:13 am
Listening to the corrupt national media try to twist and turn this election in Hillary's favor is sickening.
Cry out your corruption left and right who went against the people who have focused their will on this eve.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:15 am
Fixed, to your point in the other thread about their inability to even formulate the line-- yes I was noticing this too. They keep trying to spin and spin and spin, anything to deny the reality staring them in the face. This pathological denial has been evident for some time and it was very important that it be put in its place.
Human ideality can and should stray into fantasy, but it cannot live there. The Left/liberal paradigm is not the enemy, the enemy is the unreality principle in however it manifests. Under Obama we have seen it manifest as this Left (fake Left)/neoliberal unconscious that has been slowly gaining power and assuming it was invulnerable to reality. Today it learns the hard truth of pain, the waking into forced acknowledgment that it cannot live in fantasy forever.
We philosophers will need to be conscious of minimizing the dialectical reactivity so common in historical process, namely we should not forget what the real enemy is. I have real sympathy for those many millions who voted their minds and hearts against Trump, they have their reasons and until recently I shared them. But there is a larger process at work, and this is one of those instances where reality cannot be ignored.
The world just shifted underfoot tonight. The future fell into a new tectonic alignment; it is our task now to offer guidance and shaping to this new arrangement of possibilities. Let's carry those who don't understand and who cannot stomach a Trump presidency, for not everyone has strength to be objective in these matters. In a way, the world is handed for a moment back into the hands of those who are able to see beyond the veil of immediacy and who are able to tolerate a few uncomfortable truths and personality defects for the sake of a larger vision. Trump is dangerous in some ways, that hasn't changed; but the historical dialectic demonstrates how even these dangers of his are going to be converted into saving powers, into reality-grounds, because one cannot live on unreality principle alone. And the US system is dynamic and daemonic enough (uncollapsable dualistic qua affirmation) that Trump would never be able to seriously thwart or change that system itself.... I think this is what Zizek's was trying to get at, I will formulate it more clearly: The US system is strong enough to tolerate an excessiveness like Trump without breaking, thus channeling that otherwise uncontrolled or irrational excess and danger into a productive historical force. Perhaps only the US has a system and cultural daemonic strong enough for this.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:25 am
The Left/liberal mindset as instilled in common people is now given a fortuitous respite from the self-imposed frenzy of pathological denial that it was worshiping at the alter of unreality. Capitalism will be enriched and corrected a little bit by this respite and healing process. The collective American spirit rose up on grounds of reality, if anything Obama and Clinton gave the unreality a face. Now their next iteration will be forced to grapple with a more significant reality standard. And the pro-Trump side will also be forced to confront itself in a mirror more massive and crystal clear than anything it has ever been exposed to before.
This outcome was absolute historical necessity.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:41 am
Trump don't play, they best pay heed rather than payoff. Orange jumpsuits are not in short supply.
Subject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:11 pm
The world pulled off something here. Ir presented the most unelectable systemic candidate against the frstutterly non systemic candidate, which would in theory be unelectable, period. Only through Clinton-Kaine could Trump become possible. Then as it became possible, it was seen as the human possibility.
I take pride in this victory as my own, having spoken, written and memed for Trump wherever I could, and having often felt that i it wasnt for sites like this one, there would be no possibility of this happening. It was historic necessity - but only because of our efforts. Only because philosophy has grown strong enough to have the courage of its convictions. I know I have personally swayed quite a number of womens votes, by pointing to various angles. So this is now our world. This is not neutral, we've won. This victory belongs to all those who put their necks out against the Clinton camp, which has behaved precisely the way the nazis behaved, under the slogan 'we deserve to win'. My former friend who set up and honorlessly took down Humanarchy turned into a fascist, telling me out of the blue atter 15 years of frendship "Im sorry I ever wasted any time on you", because I had posted some Trump material on facebook. To me that is what fascism is, to sacrifice your humanity for what your hormones tell you. There are very many on this world like him. Theyve always been able to live in their moral cocoons. What will happen inside of them now is unsure - certain is that the process is still subhuman, and must in the best o them attain to humanity over the course of the next decades. We will help them, but not as equals; rather as a man feeds a sick dog.