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 Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 6:18 am

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:09 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 6:49 am

We then went on to create a myth called Jacks, of which a few scenes found the light of day, but nine of which betray much of the generative quality of the mythos yet. These scenes are all nice enough as experiment, but it will take years before I pick this up again, and it will be with different actors most likely.

Story-wise, all of this can be seen as a teaser to a present day aspect of a crime-mystery running back through Constantines (and Julians) Rome. The issue is a darangement of the female psyche.
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 7:10 am

I'm impressed. (Not that it matters.)

Keep up the good work.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 7:14 am

Late winter, when we were preparing for the third scene (preparing means trying to scramble the actors together), a fire broke out in the Snowdon Theater. A historical building located diagonally across from where I spent my first two months in Montreal on Decarie Bouldvard, above a dive bar called "Le Bievre".

I got drunk with all sorts of weirdos and convicts every night for two months, playing pool and doing Karaoke with what must seriously be one of the best guitarists on the planet a beautiful drug addict ne'er do well whose even more beautiful mom, who has all sorts of spawn running around the globe, runs the bar.

So anyway the theater set fire, and we went to check it out, as during my stay on Decarie, I had already decided with Pezer that I wanted that abandoned theater to become something beautiful - perhaps a club annex yoga center- something sexual and potentiating. Pezer hates yoga though.

We talked to some people, got some responses online, met them, and then I devised another step in the scheme -

Unfortunately, the elders weren't down with the 'dark' aspects of a club, and what is more, the city seems to have its own plans with the theater. I decided not to push any further. I still would like to get involved in something like this, though, as a ground-level philosophic-political experiment; for philosophers to run a club.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 7:21 am

Sisyphus wrote:
I'm impressed.  (Not that it matters.)

Keep up the good work.

It matters - the audience is all that matters.
Granted I am the first and main audience.

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 7:31 am

After we shot the scene with the girl in the house, of which only a few frames are displayed throughout the two first clips, we had to wait forever for her exams to begin and end, and we decided to practice our skills on commercials for random items we found in the house. It was dead winter, at most -20 C outside constantly. Somehow that seems relevant.

I had in mind we should make 120 of these, but Pezer lost faith that this was going towards something useful.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 7:38 am

After we shot the second to last Jacks scene, I decided that we should train our own acting skills. I took a method from the book Être Acteur, by Michael Chechov, which I once picked up at the Seine, and modified it to this: both of us take a starting point in mind about where, and who were are and what our aims is, but we dont tell each other, and begin to act from these assumptions. We used this more or less as a guide, also for scenes more specifically framed, such as the therapy session in there.
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Fixed Cross
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Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2016 2:34 pm

The views and opinions expressed by the characters are not our own. For me, I took the approach described by Parodites - to indulge in my complete opposite(s). I think the actor will instinctively go there when he realizes what acting is.

Look up Michael Chekhov and The Psychological Gesture. There's a cool book you can download that comes up at the first page, but the link seems to be embed-proof. The book I have is unfortunately not online and doesnt even seem to have been translated into English. I may actually take that on myself, at least parts... it's great stuff, methods for merger of the psyche and the body through the raw narrative power that the mind has, in which it is able to form a hard straight line over the broken yin lines that make up the dynamics of the self-identifying psyche.

We all submit to narratives as our ontic horizon, whether we clearly see it as narrative and forge our paths and erect our souls domicile as its lead author, or seeing it as Truth through the eyes of a merely wandering soul, this is what being human is, Dasein, as Heidegger almost, and Pezer fully explicated.

Ariadne is the Narrative; she is what allows for Dionysos to enter Greece and split in two and become juxtaposed against Apollon in Doric tension. Her two mythic deaths are both accounts of a narrative ending, and moving on to a different sphere, in fact an entirely different quality.

In one, when Dionysos takes her from Theseus; the introductory, purely mythical part of the Greek narrative ends and the divine, ontic one begins. Immanence is born as the Greek soul sneaks away the narrative from its fathers dream.

The other, when Ariadne is turned to stone by the hands of Perseus, is a halt in the narrative, and a commencement of a tragic phase, where the god (the Greek soul) has to go into the Hades to retrieve the joyful commitment of passion, or physis, to narrative, or culture, in order to put forth a happy, innocent human kind.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 1:59 am

A video I made of Israel where I went with the muse of VO to have 2011 pass into 2012 as this forum was just taking shape, put to a beat from 2006, after making which I went out, did a ritual do Diana, got high, danced, and a beautiful red heads friend, as I remember, came up me and asked me if I wanted to take her friend home. I woke up to her honey blonde hair over my face and her whisper if I wanted to go again. The beat was called Baal. The title of the song is a name Pezer came up with for himself, right before he decided to go back to Venezuela.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 2:23 am

Up next is "Murder n' Manslaughter 1.2 II" - a teenage movie series we had going of which this is the second film in the dunes, with the German bunkers.

We ended with a cliffhanger- part III wasn't made - 'real life' happened.
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 7:36 am

Yeah, real life is more important than movies. Once we get our real life together we can then enjoy the movies.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 7:25 pm

What I meant is the guy who lies on the train-tracks in the end, died. So it wasn't really a matter of first life, then movies - death happened to one of us, so 'real life' happened to the rest.

Fun was over. For the moment.
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Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2016 5:20 am

Well, you could write a sequel such that the dead guy returns as a ghost and he messes with everyone who caused him to have such a horrible life that he decided to commit suicide.

As that old Rock-A-Billy song goes: "I ain't never had too much fun."

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 8:54 am

Thats a pretty funny idea. Its been a bit too real though,
Dead friends and sons and brothers tend to haunt the ones that loved them.
Besides, the guy was about the funnest guy you'd ever have met.

He killed himself as this was in his genetic history, unfortunately.
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 8:59 pm

Yes indeed, many different reasons why people are haunted after the loss of someone close to them.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 12:30 am

Loss of self-valuing is the universal behind it.
We self-value largely in terms of the ones we love or simply care about.
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Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 6:27 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Loss of self-valuing is the universal behind it.
We self-value largely in terms of the ones we love or simply care about.

Agree. Perhaps included is the concept of attachments. When we lose someone we lose a part of our self as well.

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 10:18 am

Yes. This is why I say we do not have a Self, but are simply a form of self-referent valuing; this so called Self of ours usually turns out to be made of other people.
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Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 6:24 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
Yes. This is why I say we do not have a Self, but are simply a form of self-referent valuing; this so called Self of ours usually turns out to be made of other people.

I'm still working on that "self" thing. I can say "my self" pretty easily and everyone knows what I'm talking about. If I say "my collection of all the things I have experienced in my life" most people would think I had gone spacey.

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 8:58 pm

Let's just say the self is a verb, not a noun.

a small history of philosophy

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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 10:02 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
Let's just say the self is a verb, not a noun.

a small history of philosophy

Good video. I like the idea of two black holes colliding; eventually black holes will be all that is left in a universe, and they will eat each other up too, until only two remain. These two will contain all the matter in the former universe, so whenever they collide will basically reset that universe in a huge explosion. And since each black hole will be slightly different mass from the other, this asymmetry could account for the arbitrariness of the natural laws or the distribution of matter versus anti-matter. Basically the degree of asymmetry between the final two black holes will be essentially "random" and this difference will shape how the resulting explosion (Big Bang) will take place.

Even if you imagine an expanding universe, and black holes all flying away from each other, eventually gravity will pull them back together. Basically the black holes will eat up enough dark matter to eventually slow the universal expansion, and also the black holes will be pulling on each other too.

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 10:21 pm

Fuck, could you simulate that in some way?
In general it seems there must be all sorts of things going on inside black holes
who knows it is so dense that it is simply a layer of attraction that pervades all matter and draws it deeper into itself -
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 10:27 pm

Im thinking the inability of anything that is swallowed or moving in its direction to escape from it, could be compensated for in a deeper-layer expulsion of - some or other 'stuff', force, pressure, valuing - i imagine it like the reverberations of the deep subatomic and deep-atomic rumbling that the vortex must cause.

That no particle can escape it does not mean that no condition can emanate. On the contrary, its gravity emanation is the very cause of its Alcatraz like nature.

Ive also thought that in a black hole is a mirror like axis between different constitutions of the universe. It would not be possible to move through it, but it still has two, or more likely nine or some other 'final' number of 'sides'.
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 10:38 pm

Imagine once we have anti-gravity fields we could wrap a space ship in one and just walk up to a black hole and look inside to see what it looks like. I think black holes are supposed to be stars shrunk down to the size of a spec of sand or something like that, just a star way smaller than a star is supposed to be able to be. So no fusion is going on, as fusion is what keeps regular stars from collapsing into themselves by their own gravity.

Black holes could all link together at the quantum level maybe. With anti-gravity we could probably use them to wormhole around, then.
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 10:43 pm

Shit, we could wrap a black hole in an anti-gravity field and throw it inside a ship as a power source.
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PostSubject: Re: Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel    Wie Ei Steelt Steelt Ook Kameel  Icon_minitime

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