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 To Be Axiomatized

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 3:30 pm

I propose that the Law Of Conservation Of Energy is false; that it is a local, limited law, that it applies to closed systems, which Being is not.

I propose the Law Of Increase Of Integrity. This non linear law holds that as time progresses, the integrity of the processes subject to it increases.

As structures have a limited integrity, they will all the time be dissolved to provide parts and elements to higher integrities. This is why we follow leaders, and why minerals form.

The conservation of energy is challenged, explicated, falsified and contextualized by the definition of a 'system' or 'world' or 'set' as a matter of becoming more subtle and involved in circuitries- perhaps requiring the creation of new energy.

Relativistically, The Law Of Conservation Of Energy Is Tautological.
Philosophically, Law means Necessary Perception.

Implied Challenges: The Big Bang and the Higgs Boson seem to me erroneous derivatives of a logically incomplete system.
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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 6:38 pm

I will consider both as equally valid.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 11:44 am

They do both appear simultaneously, and are thus indeed both valid.

Technically it is the one within the other, maintenance of energy (basic coherence of existentia) is dependent on integrity (this is fact, it is just that science did not yet have a term for this signifier) - and yet, integrity also requires an influx.

What is the influx made of? I say possibility.
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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 12:04 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
They do both appear simultaneously, and are thus indeed both valid.

Technically it is the one within the other, maintenance of energy (basic coherence of existentia) is dependent on integrity (this is fact, it is just that science did not yet have a term for this signifier)  - and yet, integrity also requires an influx.

What is the influx made of? I say possibility.

I would agree and you are consistent with the Taoist concept of "wu", that is, Mystery, or rather Potential.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 12:09 pm

I am going to investigate that connection.
It has been clear to me from when I first opened up to the Void in a standing Zen meditation (offered by Wong Kiew Kit) that the phenomenon of potential has been well understood by the Chinese.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 11:27 pm

notes by Friedrich Nietzsche

1063 (1887-1888)

The law of the conservation of energy demands eternal recurrence.

1064 (1885)

That a state of eguilibrium is never reached proves that it is not
possible. But in an indefinite space it would have to have been reached.
Likewise in a spherical space. The shape of space must be the cause of
eternal movement, and ultimately of all "imperfection."

That "force" and "rest," "remaining the same," contradict one another.
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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 5:49 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
notes by Friedrich Nietzsche

1063 (1887-1888)

The law of the conservation of energy demands eternal recurrence.

1064 (1885)

That a state of eguilibrium is never reached proves that it is not
possible. But in an indefinite space it would have to have been reached.
Likewise in a spherical space. The shape of space must be the cause of
eternal movement, and ultimately of all "imperfection."

That "force" and "rest," "remaining the same," contradict one another.

Elsewhere you mentioned that you hold to the understanding that the beginning of the universe is eternal (I paraphrased you, correct me if I am in error) and logically, I think, that would require the end to be eternal as well. "Conservation of Energy"

Many people speak of balance (equilibrium) between the manifest (yo) and mystery (wu). That is, between the physical world and the spiritual world.

I concluded a few years ago that balance can never be had because everything is constantly changing. Therefore I opted for the concept of seeking "Harmony" in our life.

Therefore, the "force" (energy of life), in my mind, is our personal "chi". Energy can be understood through dualistic thinking, that is, positive and negative, or, if you will, yang (action) and yin (rest).

Harmonizing is the process of adding yin when Yang is dominant, adding yang when yin is dominant. Harmonizing allows for the flow of energy along the path of least resistance. Too much yang and you blow a fuse, too much yin and nothing happens.

But "nothing happens" should not be viewed as a negative concept. It should be viewed as a state of rest.

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PostSubject: Re: To Be Axiomatized   To Be Axiomatized Icon_minitime

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