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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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 scribbles and syllables

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: scribbles and syllables   scribbles and syllables Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 5:00 pm

stacks of paper in my pocket nice and crispy
finger on the trigger kinda itchy
girls on my trail acting bitchy
chrome on my ride super kitchy
take it through the mud, rip it up, how lets see
how much all this shine still stand for itself
Im not a brand on your shelf Im liquor itself
drink to near death wake up in vigorous health
I piss on visions of Self, intrinsically position my valuing
to building itself, feeling this world, bringing girls
to the top, whirling dervish, twerk it work my plumbing
fat sack blast something seventh coming
get that ass throbbing like a goblin
as shes gobbling on the Ouroboros  
Wars in the core of the forest
Thor come down Teutonic on the flock
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PostSubject: Re: scribbles and syllables   scribbles and syllables Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 5:16 pm

Philosopher awesomer bolder than bold
Colder than cold stereotypical stereophonic
Hydroponic yeah I'm on it
Supersonic jump on it why not
Hot and I told ya I sold ya soldier
I slipped the streams and flipped the folds
I catch truths like others catch colds
I burst beams like they ain't got seams
I run trains on dreams and train dreams
Like fucking dragons
Scream to the sky high and hi hello why not
The universe is in me
Buy and bye so long and why not
See ya there or maybe not
I'll be a pharaoh to tear up your scarecrow
Bow down while I break the blue outta the sky
I forced a court order on boredom
While you kissed the gist goodbye.
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Arcturus Descending
Arcturus Descending

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PostSubject: Re: scribbles and syllables   scribbles and syllables Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 12:29 pm

Scribbles and scrabbles you say
Etchings of mind each day
Appear on a solitude walk
Memories dauntingly balk
An effort to call all to mind
A frustrating attempt to bind
pearls of loose verses
become benign curses
Having it any other way
would surely usurp the day
dazzling gems strung together
like so many birds of a feather
purpose and meaning abound
the poet's creation is found
deep within his flowing blood
hot with passion like a flood
Words like stardust permeate
the world itself and re-create
Transformations then abide
Hidden spirits rise and sigh
Loosened by their bindings
Their very Selves their findings
Etchings and hatchlings dancing freely
minute beacons shining gleely
Words become the only places
where the Sacred interfaces
with human divinity abounded
and the human spirit astounded.

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Location : Acrux

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PostSubject: Re: scribbles and syllables   scribbles and syllables Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 3:46 pm

Rhyming in a company of poets
I travel the globe as so it goeth
It's all road, stretching onward
gone with the wind, now dont blow it
Odin shows in Autumn leaves
and dropping seeds on rich soil
birthing trees, Im at ease  with the
changes ripping up the artificial peace
Yeah Im here in the chambers
of kings and queens, no remainders
of guilty sins or broken dreams
there's no saints here, just gains
in the game of treasure
as wage slaves go insane under pressure
we wage war with perspective like Escher
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PostSubject: Re: scribbles and syllables   scribbles and syllables Icon_minitime

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