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 Daemonic polarities

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Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 9:50 am

Yeah, definitely. I don't even work at that job anymore, the one I had mentioned earlier in this topic. I quit it without having anything else lined up, despite having no money at the time. Because yeah, options. I won't be stuck in some fucking hellhole.
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PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 9:54 am

Goddamn right.
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Fixed Cross
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Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 5:00 pm

You are both to begin with very "economically viable" artists. I know as I have worked a lot with both kinds.
Its just an artist can't sell himself. He can't even believe in himself, think of himself as an artist, I forget this. When I made good films, I laughed at Art. When I made music, I certainly did not figure what I was doing had merit. So it is done strictly because it is enjoyed, as will to power.

totally contrajuxtapositioning then; Pezer you need to do filmmaking. Even Bill himself liked your first with his music, called it an excellent film. But more people have been impressed. I certainly think it is excellent, Thought of a Rune, and I really am strictly actor in it, all direction is very much different from my initiatives. I had no clue what you were doing, aesthetically.

I ruined many talents by heaping praise on their seeds that had just crawled into the light. I am a resistance.
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Fixed Cross
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Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 5:04 pm

There is no money in art. That is what the artists who consider themselves artists say, as there is indeed no money in their display.
only the probing ponderer who uses some instruments and aesthetic consistencies to force a path through nothing is worth his salt.
Art as the circumference to philosophy. Philosophy as looking directly into the sun.
When daddy is a mason
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Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 5:13 pm

I might try filmmaking again some day.

It's asthetics that bother me. I see geniouses like Kubrick, Cronenberg, that guy from Drive, and it kills me that I don't know how to make the aesthetics serve the plot.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 5:24 pm

Thats why they have screenwriters.
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Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 1:18 pm

Capable wrote:
Money is freedom, but the only way to get money is to give up freedom.

Wage-slavery destroys happiness, but we are convinced that happiness is still possible so that we keep wage-slaving in attempt to consume. Consumption is the modern form of compensation for the death of happiness.

The idea of nation-states imposes a false categorical equivalence among peoples and cultures. Supposedly there is a sense in which any culture or people or society is "equal to others" on the simple basis of the fact that we have this idea of the sovereign nation-state, and regardless of the actual content and real conditions of those cultures, peoples or societies.

I think that the way to give up lest freedom must have eto do with the direct engagement of money as such; one to love money or find a way to actually love its nature, to be free in gainig it.

This speaks to, for example, both stock trading and rap music.
These are two of my paths to approach money on its own merit without prejudice toward it.
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Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 27, 2018 5:24 am

left and right are sort of a daemonic polarity. for example the left wants to side with weak people who supposedly have little power, while the right wants to side with strong people who supposedly have lots of power. that’s just a surface ideological aspect but it’s also not entirely incorrect, it’s just the surface. but this surface is working to balance out power dynamics. the upper edge of the power dynamic of the world is solidified and expanded upward even more by a nietschean sort of vantage while the lower edge of this same dynamic is solidified and expanded upward by the marxist vantage. so the discrepancy exists between levels of power, so called, and this discrepancy is maintained by a balance of nietzsche against marx; marx tries to close the gap while nietzsche tries to keep the gap open.

of course this gap is a surface thing only. real power has very little to do with such things, which is why focusing too much on this sort of surface power dynamic is harmful to one’s own cause. the soviets found out that trying to close the gap only expands it infinitely more wide open, which indicates that the gap can’t really be closed, which is basically nietzsche’s point anyway. but we can close such gaps at more local levels, for ourselves and our family and friends, for example. marxism therefore is just a kind of mistake of scale. what works on a small scale doesn’t work on a large scale unless it emerges to the large scale from natural smaller scale activity and dunamjcs and even then the results are still imperfect. even if America gets perfect closure of the gap for example, hypothetically, then the gap would just manifest between America and China where so much of the stuff we use in America is made using slave labor. This phone i’m writing on right now was probably made by a Chinese child with bleeding hands and an empty stomach.

marxists don’t care about that, of course. just as they didn’t care that the soviet system oppressed and killed millions of its own people. taking something improperly out of scale causes it to become ideological. ideological means divorced from reality.

gaps exist. we can and should try to close gaps naturally and in line with reality, focusing on the local level. then gradually this can expand logically up to larger scales but only if we maintain respect for the local levels. this is the long process humanity is on. it’s truly daemonic because if gaps close then the excess doesn’t vanish it has to go somewhere, like squeezing an air bubble underwater. in a properly local natural system that is self-integrated, the excess splits and divides itself into the local units, in a way that is already integratable, and causes uplift. but at large scales when you close the gap the excess cannot be integrated like this and it manifests as chaos. chaos necessitates authoritarian control, which further weakens integration possibilities and stalls out locality entirely.
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PostSubject: Re: Daemonic polarities    Daemonic polarities  - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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