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 I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.

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2 posters
Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Empty
PostSubject: I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.   I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2016 12:28 pm

I was thinking, it is well known that the JudeoChristian god is modeled after Zeus, and Zeus tends to have extramarital affairs with human women... and he does tend to conceive children in the shape of young men that congregate with the humans to work their magic among them. Plus, he also tends to punish and suspend painfully on hard stuff those that give divine secrets to humanity.

Plus, Christianity is Greek. It has nothing to do with Judaeism. It came to be in Greece, was written in Greek. I dont know how I managed to overlook this for such a long time.

Naturally then he was given Rome.
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I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.   I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2016 7:31 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
I was thinking, it is well known that the JudeoChristian god is modeled after Zeus, and Zeus tends to have extramarital affairs with human women... and he does tend to conceive children in the shape of young men that congregate with the humans to work their magic among them. Plus, he also tends to punish and suspend painfully on hard stuff those that give divine secrets to humanity.

Plus, Christianity is Greek. It has nothing to do with Judaeism. It came to be in Greece, was written in Greek. I dont know how I managed to overlook this for such a long time.

Naturally then he was given Rome.

Most of what you said was already established in my mind except for Jesus being a son of Zeus. But logic applies. Joseph never had sex with Mary. Therefore the birth was a miracle. Same logic many Greek women used. Blame it on Zeus.

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I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.   I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2016 7:51 pm

In Spanish, Heyzeus. Duh.
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I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.   I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2016 9:19 am

Hi-D wrote:
In Spanish, Heyzeus.  Duh.

And not only that, the believers have the Devil to blame stuff on.

Life is great when you don't have to take responsibility for your thoughts, words, and deeds.
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I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.   I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus. Icon_minitime

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I just realize: Jesus is a son of Zeus.
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