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 science of the object

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: science of the object   science of the object Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 8:39 pm

All objects are transferences of laws upon one another.

Their consistency is not their own, but that of these laws, and the fundamental law of being which governs the interaction of laws, which is self-valuing logic; all laws require and serve self-valuing, but all except the law of laws itself are of a particular application and a limited range.

Gravity can be overcome in all sorts of ways by transferring it onto other laws, such as pressure and velocity.

Something Id like to posit as a claim to be challenged:
Gold is the result of all known laws in fully extended execution upon one another.
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PostSubject: Re: science of the object   science of the object Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 8:17 am

I don't refer to them as laws very often but rather use the term "processes of nature". (That's universal nature, not just nature on this planet.)

Everything is a result of something else, isn't it? Including gold and diamonds.

A result of something else? Yes, if we accept the Big Bang theory. The beginning of this cycle we are aware of started in Singularity. Then there was hydrogen, then the force of gravity, then everything else from those two.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: science of the object   science of the object Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 2:46 pm

Sisyphus wrote:
I don't refer to them as laws very often but rather use the term "processes of nature".  (That's universal nature, not just nature on this planet.)

Everything is a result of something else, isn't it?  Including gold and diamonds.

A result of something else?  Yes, if we accept the Big Bang theory.  The beginning of this cycle we are aware of started in Singularity.  Then there was hydrogen, then the force of gravity, then everything else from those two.

The big bang is not logically possible. "Singularity" is nonsense, utterly, it is a "scientific" term for the biblical god.

There is no one point from which "Time" emerged. Beginning and endings are parts of "Time".

Rather, being has always been there as possibility, and the hydrogen atom is the most perfect manifestation of that possibility. However, in line with post-Big Bang cosmology, the transition from mystical gibberish to astrophysics, I consider the hydrogen atom to be an end product, as well as a beginning. Star forming and dying and with that, birth of heavy elements, is a next phase. Gold is the end of that phase. And I would be willing to speculatively state, to make this interesting, gold represents the (symbolic) beginning of spiritual-political processes on Earth, So we have Possibility ==> Hydrogen ==> Gold ==> Human Nobility. And I believe philosophy has here attained this latest level of pure structural integrity, so this makes that into a new beginning point. Which is how I experience our work here, as the very basis for a new form of existence.

The new type will self-forge of the very best that humanity has ever managed to produce, and will acquire its consistency in that supreme quality.
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PostSubject: Re: science of the object   science of the object Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 5:49 pm

We are mostly I agreement here except for your non-acceptance of Singularity and Big Bang.

But I have no idea what gold has to do with it. Gold does not lead to live. Get more basic and mention algae.
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