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 VO Physics

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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 9:43 am

I think we can look at defining gravity as valuing-activity that is collapsed potentiation to the shared 'physical' reference frame between objects. It isn't that mass distorts gravity fields, but that a "gravity field" is an indication of the baseline valuing-as-shared-category outside the ranges of the meaningful. Remember that being is becoming, will to power or self-valuing indicate here, and also there is a theory in physics stating that matter is constantly expanding but since everything is doing this we don't notice it, except that more massive objects expand more significantly which translates into a shrinkage of the spaces between objects-- "gravity". I'm not saying that is certainly accurate but we should think about it.

I don't agree with defining things like EM and gravity in terms of mathematical or scientific postulates, because the math and empirical observations-predictions are simply descriptions; we need to explain. Einstein explained when he talked about frames of reference and relativity, but then he defaulted back to analytic terms when thinking about gravity (namely he defaulted to a description rather than an explanation).

First of all let's define (explain) mass as being-self-valuing which is aggregate to itself qua object-structure in such a way as to coordinate elemental parts of that object, as their own being-self-valuing, toward a shared end. This elevates the "metaphysical" (ontological) significance of the object which means of the self-valuings that participate in it. Everything is always reaching out beyond itself, boundaries are not firm, expansion and excess is the underlying rule; larger object-aggregates of beings will combine excesses in an additive way because they have merged ends as structure-- the more massive an object the more it "pulls to" things around it, this pulling is directly observable self-valuing. Literally, objects gravitationally attract because they are attempting to value each other in their own terms.

That is an explanation, a logical philosophical attempt. Drop a pencil and it falls to the ground because the Earth is a massive self-valuing qua physical reference frame, per how tectonics describes that similar plates will forcibly interact with each other while dissimilar plates will miss each other partly or totally.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 9:49 am

This also explains why more dense objects have stronger gravity: gravity is self-valuing and is a function of the ordered-ness of an object, but in the non-meaningful sense. So X matter arranged delicately in a crystal will not have more gravity than that same X matter just clumped together in the same volume as the crystal, but if you shrink the volume you do increase the gravity-- this indicates that gravity is simply the self-valuing translated into purely "physical" terms of size-volume. The organizational component of an object with respect to gravity is simply its density, and this is because a more dense object forces those self-valuings within it to assume a coherent common end (contributing to the more or less stable object-ness of the object).

Whereas organizing without respect to volume alone (such as arranging matter into crystalline structures (metals, etc.)) is going to produce different kinds of self-valuing properties, like affecting EM or diverting entropy in ways that allows for the eventual formation of what we call life.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 9:57 am

Now we must explain what is size. "Size" is the measure of an aggregate self-valuing's (an object qua self-valuing as the contributions of lesser self-valuings that act like elements of the main object) potency with respect to the inverse of its capacity for stabilizing itself in the ontic framework as pure spatial consistence; an X amount of matter in a larger volume is "less real" (less coherent) than this same X in a smaller volume, because a smaller volume (which is what smaller "size" means) forces a larger standard of ontic coherency upon that X matter, it must "work harder" to stay together as an object; this working harder, then, is what is experienced as the stronger gravity field of a more dense object (namely that it is attempting to value what is nearby it and in its own terms, and an object will do this more the more it has been forced to a higher standard of necessity to hold itself together qua object-coherency, i.e. the more "dense" it is).
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 12:36 pm

Capable wrote:
Gravity is a lie. Whereas EM doesn't give one fuck about "mass" (electron = proton in EM terms, haha).

lol Remember that the next time you fall out of a tree and bang your head.

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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 1:02 pm


Physical: that two or more beings interact by way of shared resistance to their mutual atomic matter i.e. negative electron fields bounding the being repel those same of the other being, preventing them from getting any closer beyond a certain point. Note that increasing the force pushing them together can overcome this physical barrier but results in damage to the beings.

Size: the relative volume between two or more beings or between a being itself and its capacity for maintaining that given volume structurally. Volume translates to the structural arranging possibilities internal to a given quantity of matter occupying a given space, and the formula for how this structural arranging possibility actualized to that given volume is what we see as the quality of the being, its actual structure and logic internally of its various systems and pieces.

Gravity: All beings self-value and this is the most basic logical fact of any being; gravity is a directly observable manifestation of a being's self-valuing at the purely reduced-collapsed and 'unconscious' level. Gravity is literally the most unconscious self-valuing of being. Thus gravity can only be understood at the philosophical level.

Electromagnetism: quantities of value-deflecting orbit atoms, which we call electrons; for every "positive" value quantity (proton) there is a stable counterpart value-deflecting (electron) that pairs with it. The value-deflecting is smaller in "mass" because it must occupy a much larger volume due to dispersing value-deflecting-ness around the positive value quantity (nucleus) in such a way that all directions are coverable; the proton is value-quantity directed inward toward itself as basic self-value thus congregates particle-like spatially, while the electron is value-deflecting for/of the proton and thus directs itself outwardly from itself, dispersing its "mass" (energy, excess-potential-as-"force") in a cloud at the center of which is the proton.

Electricity appears as electrons aggregate together in rivers of pure value-negating quantities which cannot rest due to the fact that value-negating is a pure activity as such in so far as it its nature is one of negating; two negatives make a positive because they repel each other and give the appearance in so doing of positive directed activity; a river of electrons only exists if it is able to circulate, once it cannot circulate (due either to a shutoff at the source of the river or due to the non-existence of the source body into which it empties) it ceases to exist. The "trick" of electricity is to form the river into a closed loop, thereby epistemically organizing the value-negating in such a volume as to keep it forever negating while never dissipating this negating-ness, so that new input and output to the river are no longer needed. A magnetic field is the self-valuing of such a loop-river qua negation negating itself and thus producing what appeared to be a positive self-valuing (two negative become a positive). This magnetic field produces two poles in accordance with the most basic ontological formula of being as daemonically dualistic in nature.

Electricity and magnetism combine to create "matter" as the realized push into ontic coherency of the epistemic logical relation of daemonic duality as excess in partial self-alignment and partial self-disalignment (excess never fully collapses into itself just as it never fully expresses itself). An atom produces a three-dimensional self-valuing as a consequence of the negating-ness of the looped electron river self-negating and creating self-valuing activity oriented away from itself. While gravity is direct simple and unconscious self-valuing, electromagnetism is indirect complex and becoming-conscious self-valuing. Gravity and EM cannot be reduced to each other because they are absolutely differently grounded and differently formed self-valuings.

Energy: energy is the pure excess latent to and "under" a given quantity of being such that this excess is able to be translated-released as activity (force) in some way. Energy itself is simply the ontic excess as such, while action or kinetic energy is the translation-release of some of this excess outwardly beyond itself and as self-valuing.

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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 2:31 pm

If a being were surrounded by a very strong magnetic field this might prevent said being from gravitationally self-valuing around itself; because "magnetism" is the "positive" self-valuing produced by the negation negating itself of an electron river ("electricity") it is possible that if this self-valuing were made strong enough it would actually self-value to such an extent that no other self-valuing, conscious or unconscious, could pass through it. Magnetic fields do affect non-metal objects but we just don't measure that effect because of how the atoms in the non-metal are scattered and thus disperse this effect "randomly" (chaotically) around themselves, not allowing the effects to add up significantly from one atom to the next; if a magnetic field were made strong enough it would actually rip apart any atomic material that was within that field, regardless if the material were metallic or not.

But assuming a magnetic field could be bent into a bubble so that the field did not extend into the center of the bubble, and then the field was made strong enough, whatever was inside the bubble might find itself unable to self-value beyond the confines of its interiority space inside the magnetic bubble-- this could be significant enough to actually prevent whatever is inside the bubble from gravitationally attracting anything outside the bubble, and prevent anything outside the bubble from gravitationally attracting anything inside the bubble.

But whatever is inside and outside the bubble would still gravitationally attract the bubble itself... except that a magnetic field has no mass/matter, because it is a pure self-valuing as indirect effect of the negating-negations of something else (the electron river); the electrons do have mass, but very tiny mass, so this would need to be taken into account such that the magnetic field were strong enough to "value-absorb" any incoming gravitational self-valuing from either whatever is inside the magnetic bubble, whatever is outside of it, and of the electrons in the river that is generating the magnetic field itself. Actually it wouldn't even be an absorption at all, just a very strong wall of pure valuing through which no other valuing could pass.

Wrapping an object in such a magnetic field could cause it to stop being affected by Earth's gravity, so basically it would just sit there or hover in place wherever it was put, as if out in deep space, and would act as if there were no friction against it except for the air molecules through which it was moving.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 4:01 pm

Matter is just "dumb energy" or energy held in space. This marks out a volume of space that is called the matter itself. This creates gravity because this "dumb space" of trapped/impotent energy is, like everything else, going to self-value in terms of that which it is, in this case, a "dumb spatiality". When energy is trapped in a given spatially limited context so as to produce "matter" that energy now changes how it self-values because it has itself changed: it now self-values as spatiality as such, which means as volume. It reaches out to what is around it in terms of "wanting" the space between it and the other things, in terms of adding other things to itself in the most basic way possible. Newton could have easily just said the apple fell to the earth because the earth wants the apple.

In self-valuing terms this can be taken literally: the earth wants the apple. Why? Because the earth qua physical-spatial "dumb energy" mass is only capable of "wanting" (valuing) in terms of "dumb" physical-spatiality. Qua spatial entity-mass the earth must want in this way; it must value in terms of that which it is, or said differently: whatever its valuings are we can be sure that those valuings are valuing in terms of that from and of which the valuing comes.

In terms of, instead, a non-physical or non-massed object such as an EM wave, it self-values very differently: it is not self-bound spatially into "dumb energy" locked to a given locale, rather it is freely moving in a certain direction; therefore it values in terms of "moving in a certain direction", such as how photons propagate on their own without need for any input energy. The photon or radio wave self-values itself in terms of "I am moving" therefore it keeps moving. Newton's other law of "an object in motion tends to stay in motion; an object at rest tends to stay at rest" is actually describing the fact that "at rest" means spatially locked / massed and therefore must self-value in those terms of remaining what and where it is, while "in motion" means not spatially locally locked therefore must self-value in terms of that motion which it is... this might also begin to explain why mass changes with motion, as Einstein knew, because of how "mass" already implies a kind of ontological contradiction with "motion" in terms of spatiality-locking to a locale.

Interestingly even a magnetic field self-values: it wants to remain what it is, it resists any change either as increase or decrease in current that is supplying power for the magnetic field. It actually costs energy to both increase or decrease the size of a magnetic field, as the magnetic field is literally storing the energy of the electric current (river of electrons) generating the magnetic field.

Any being resists change, because it wants to be whatever it is; but being whatever it is therefore allows the excess to flow through that being more perfectly and unhindered-undirected, which means that "being what one is" actually makes one a better channel for receiving and discharging excess. As more excess is received and discharged then more self-valuing is taking place; as more self-valuing is taking place it becomes harder to maintain that which one is without changing, therefore being "becomes" the more it "be's" that which it is, and the more it becomes the more it changes and values in terms of what it is, which is also what it is becoming.

Bottom line: it may take no energy to "be oneself" such as by Newton's formula of inertia, but it does take energy to resist change. Taking energy to resist change could be called value-deflecting; the "energy" for doing this comes from the excess which is contained within oneself and which pours forth through oneself and through one's structure, excess as the pure metaphysical onto-logical Fact of existence.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 5:58 pm

In terms of the spherical magnetic field antigrav thing, actually a sphere isn't needed, we would only need to angle the magnetic field toward the earth, that should work just fine.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 6:35 pm

Remaking Newton then:

1. "An object in motion tends to stay in motion, an object at rest tends to stay at rest". Translation: objects self-value in terms of what they already are, and it requires some 'energy' to induce change from this state of being what one is.

2. "Force is mass times acceleration". Translation: values appear as a consequence of self-valuing (see above (1.)) of that from which values come.

3. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Translation: values qua consequence of self-valuing (see above (2.)) express and find-create that self-valuing of which they are a value.

Literally speaking and in terms of a purely logical, philosophical explanation as provided by VO: Objects "want" each other (gravity) because A. objects value according to that which they are, and B. all objects are always already self-valuing (namely are that through which an 'excess' is pouring and which excess is always at least partly self-irreducible and self-inexhaustible).

The earth, literally, wants the apple.

Last edited by Capable on Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 10:04 pm

The earth isn't capable of desiring. But it is capable of wanting.

We need to rethink physics away from math and toward philosophy proper. The direct logic of things. It is no contradiction or problem at all to say that objects gravitationally attract each other because they are self-valuing. There is no more basic explanation than this. All of the mathematical minutia are simply describing how to quantify and empirically render predictable into a kind of language. But I'm sick of everyone assuming that math is the basis of science-- it isn't. Logic is the basis of science.
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VO Physics Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2016 10:13 pm

What about math being the basis of logic?
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 7:11 am

Don't need math to have a logically thinking brain.
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PostSubject: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 9:35 am

Math is not the basis of logic. A limited subset of logic is the basis of math.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 6:01 pm

Capable wrote:
Math is not the basis of logic. A limited subset of logic is the basis of math.

Well said.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeThu May 18, 2017 2:22 am

I hypothesize that most of the mass of an election is actually dispersed outward away from the atom, as what we experience as gravity.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeThu May 18, 2017 6:36 am

Thrasymachus wrote:
I hypothesize that most of the mass of an election is actually dispersed outward away from the atom, as what we experience as gravity.  

Ah!, gravity. I feel that science has more work to do regarding the understanding of gravity. I think there is much more to it than is presently understood. Detectable mass an gravity cannot explain many things happening in the universe. (Dark matter and dark energy.) Dark because we don't know what's going on. I call it Mystery.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 2:45 am

This weird relationship thing with this girl somehow caused me to have intense realizations here. I realized that my sending her this text was a quantum entangled moment; the text itself had very little meaning yet, its meaning (value, and self-value) depended on the response I got. Then based on the response, or in this case lack of response, the event of sending the text, now in the past, finally takes on its meaning and value. However, based on this meaning-value the event itself is redefined because of how the value in this case was negative: the value was basically a "no" from reality, meaning that the event should never have occurred because the event was based on a presupposition of a "yes" response from reality (i.e. if the event had known that the response would be no, the event would never have occurred). But the event also had to test reality first to know if this presupposition was correct, so the event was in a kind of quantum indeterminacy state, and then upon contacting reality (the future, from the perspective of the event) and getting a reply the event (now in the past) becomes entangled outside of time with this response, because the meaning-value of the event changes instantly once reality delivers its yes or no (or any in-between) response.

I think this is how it works at the quantum level too: the smallest blips in existence are tangential fluctuations of other established values-processes, like little excesses carved out and away from the curve, and they immediately seek to value themselves, to be; they do this by sending out a message to reality, seeking a simple yes or no response: Will this reality that I have contacted help me self-value, help me be? Then once reality responds the little blip (a quantum and maybe usually quark-size event) acts based on this response: if the response was "yes", the blip converts into gravity (gains mass) because gravity is always attractive, gravity is the drawing together of things based on common valuing; if the response was "no", the blip converts into electromagnetism (gains no mass) because electromagnetism is both positive and negative at once, it is unsure of itself, it is seeking the total affirmative power of gravity but cannot find it yet.

Thus, I declare that gravity is the completion of electromagnetism.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 3:04 am

Larger particles like atomic particles aggregate gravity and electromagnetism, but at the underlying subatomic levels these are always separate. That is my conjecture anyway. The four fundamental forces can be understood in this way:

1. Gravity is what happens when the underlying initial blips into existence receive a yes response from their value-query to reality.

2. Electromagnetism is what happens when the underlying initial blips into existence receive a no response from their value-query to reality.

3. and 4. See below for strong and weak forces, commentary I found online,

    rttu Rajantie answered on 20 Jun 2011:The are actually two completely different forces, but we tend to group them together because they both work only at short distances and are therefore only relevant for nuclear physics. Strong force binds quarks together to form protons and neutrons, and also protons and neutrons together to form atomic nuclei. Weak force allows quarks to turn into other quarks, which can turn a neutron into a proton and break up the nucleus. This causes radioactivity. Photo: James Monk0James Monk answered on 20 Jun 2011:One big difference is that the particles/fields that are responsible for carrying the strong force are massless, whereas for the weak force they are quite massive (nearly 100 times the proton mass). This explains why the weak force is weak – it is quite hard to borrow that much mass-energy for long enough to propagate very far.Like the weak force, the strong force is limited in its range. The reason is very different, though. The weak force is limited by the mass of its force carrier, whereas the strong force is limited in range because it is so strong that you cannot have an isolated quark – if you tried to pull a quark out of a proton it would take so much energy that you would generate more quarks, which would bind with the one you were trying to isolate. So you can never have a single quark on its ownAnother difference is that the strong force actually gets weaker as you go up in energy, whereas the weak force gets stronger – at very high energy they should have the same strength.

^ So for the strong and weak forces, the strong force is the fact that these little blips bind together, while the weak force is the fact that these little blips bind together in ways dependent upon those blips themselves being either affirmative (gravity) or affirmative-negative (electromagnetism). The strong force is stable and holds atoms together, therefore must arise only from combinations of blips where a majority have become affirmative. The strong force is shared valuing in a local region. The strong force is measured as massless because it is coextensive and synonymous with its underlying blips having already affirmatively value-bonded, therefore all valuing is converted into shared valuing and becomes the mass of the atomic particles themselves; the weak force is measured as massive (almost 100 times as massive as a proton) because it represents the value-attraction of the blips to affirmation, the blips in this case being unable to secure a yes response from reality and therefore acting like a void, and all valuing is converted into a field around this blip which field draws in other similar blips to itself in a desperate bid to stabilize itself into something lasting, into being.

The strong force is Trump, the weak force is leftism. Ha.

Anyway, the weak force is massive for the same reason a black hole is massive: it is drawing everything into itself in an unstable bid to exist as something. This can rip apart other particles and change them into different particles. The "mass" is "borrowed" from the mass of the carrier particle, meaning that this little blip is vampirizing the affirmation of the stabilized particle.

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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 7:51 pm

This is conclusive.

And this is how the only real breakthroughs in science have ever happened - through the heart, the core of our own reality.

And that in itself is a magnificent truth to disclose.

To hell with everyone who doesn't think with his heart.

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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 9:11 pm

Like Newton deciphered gravity in terms of "Love" and "God".
Like I arrived at VO only because I absolutely needed to to save my life.
The Unavoidable.

I had to understand what being is, in order to be able to resurrect it in myself.

In short, we can only understand what we respect.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Physics   VO Physics Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 9:17 pm

Anyway, this is highly useful knowledge, to put it mildly.

I am already pretty much positive that Tesla's secrets are enclosed here.

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