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PostSubject: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 4:39 pm

joker wrote:
"That's exactly what it is.

This is why philosophy's early roots were either in a crowded symposium or agora.

Places full of men competing their ideas against each other.

The goal is always mental or ideological supremacy."

Basically, to summarize, joker and aeon say philosophy is a competition.

aeon wrote:
"Yes, it is. That's another reason why males are philosophers, never females. Females lack the competitive edge, and the risk taking which are both required by philosophy."

My thesis is that philosophy is actually hermaphroditus, unison of male and female.

Philosophy is about truth. Truth requires seeing both sides.

joker wrote:

This is why philosophy's early roots were either in a crowded symposium or agora.

The optimized Agora, is the agora in which competitors duel it out, like a tournament, to refine the ideas until the ultimate truths, ultimate philosophies are reached. The philosophers are not they themselves the duelers, the philosophies are the duelers. There can be multiple winners, provided the winners are robust and without error, such as there can be multiple variations of robot models that perform the same task.

The female mind is not useless but needed. Higher sensitivity, coolness and tranquility. Not fueled by rage, but careful slow timid thinking. It is also needed for submission, philosophers must submit to the greater more ultimate philosophies.

Man is the builder, woman is the critiquer.

Last edited by garbage videos on Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 4:39 pm

The deepest female, the 100% female has 0 desire to build. She only desires to savor, to sit.

Building is the final manifestation. Physical labor combined with planning and thought.
Writing is the second manifestation. Thought into communications.
Thought is the first manifestation. Flexible, not set in stone.

If you ever find yourself thinking, but too sensitive to write it all down, you are thinking like a Female.
If you ever find yourself writing, but too lazy to build that which you write, you are thinking like a Female.

The 100% female can only think.
The 75% female can think and write, but rarely build.
The 66% female can think, write, and build.
Notice the equation is not linear, since all it takes is a small spark, to trigger the mental instability and cascade volatility of the mental sensitivity.
These ^above numbers reference a moment in time. The below\/ numbers reference a segment of time.
The 100% female, when sparked, can transmute into a 50% female (if she has the mental capability.)
Therefore, the only females incapable of building, are those without empathy or deeper cognizance. This is because those without empathy cannot really experience any mental torments, and thus always dwell in bliss realms, never dropping below 99% female.

Males are capable of understanding and empathizing with the female, since Males fetus are female all males can think and dwell in female type modes. However, it is much more rare for a female to think in male type modes. The very nature of the mode requires the male drive to build. Whereas for a male, to enter the female mode, requires nothing at all, simply non-action. Therefore it is simple gravity for a male to think like a female, but hard for a female to think like a male, she must overcome gravity, herself a giant jumbo jet, at the same time, forging new neurons that don't even exist.

Now let us examine the male type thoughts. The male is characterized by his desire to build. This is a small flaming passion, a small fire. The male experiences a kind of bliss very similar to the female, the male and female are almost the same. Even both are sensitive. There is a slight difference, the female is characterize by an immense lethargy, the thought of building gives her a feeling of dryness she wishes to avoid. Whereas with the male, the thought of building, gives him a feeling of dryness, which he does not mind. The difference is, simply the choice to enjoy it, such as being spanked. Either you can choose to enjoy it or not.  This is why its so easy to raise males as surrogate females and females as surrogate males.

Bravery and the male. The female is fearful, afraid of harmful stimuli. The male is also fearful, but he requires research to build. So the male gathers the research, he is brave, obtains the research, shuts off his empathy and does it. The female does not usually do this, because she will endlessly regret and guilt trip over it, the female is inherently a hedonist, and when she ruins her own bliss, she will not forgive herself. This is because females have a smaller event horizon, they cherish each moment more than the moment is worth, to a female a moment is a weighted, powerful thing, whereas the male just says "Whatever, I fucked up this moment, there will be more moments like this anyway." Male is future looking, what can he build, female looks to the past, regret at ruined moments, Genius, sage, is hermaphroditic, interchangeable and trans-formative platform.

Therefore the best philosophy must integrate the two components, sensitivity and building.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 4:44 pm

Philosophizing is similar to a robot-building fest.

Individual teams, left best to their own resources, building what they can. This requires a certain habitat, not too hostile, the builders are sensitive, emotional. But the habitat must be somewhat hostile to the robots, the philosophies themselves, the robots must be tested and tested again.

Personal attacks on the robot's creators, dampen the effectiveness of their ability to build, the mind must be cleared and feminized, clear minded building.

A clear, feminized mind is how a male builds.
Asexuality is a property of masculinity, the Females entire body is a sensual organ. When a male is building, he becomes male. Sexuality is feminine, the balls are feminine, the balls are love, rage and ego.
Here is an example of a male and how the Female is the sexual being, the male asexual.
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Masculinity is a spectrum, when it loops near the top it becomes Male Sexual, Ego, right next to Female Sexual, Ego, that is why homosexuals are so common and unlike scientists. Near the bottom of the spectrum, you have Androgenous, Scientist, and Female Androgenous Scientist, that is why androgenous nerds tend to be culturally grouped as scientists.
Now notice in this Spectrum, How Female BEGINS as ego and non-science, where as Science is on the male side of the spectrum, concentrated as androgeny and tapering off back at the loop region.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 4:45 pm

Schools, edu-cational systems, are great for females and fem-males (hypermasculines.)
Females which otherwise would, waste away on mediocre poetry.
Males which are nothing but balls and rage, with no interest in building.

Such females (hyperfeminines) should grow some balls, and do science and building.
Such males (hypermasculines), should castrate their balls, and talk proper english.

However, school becomes an oppressive institution when it is forced on those whom it is not needed.
Androgenous males, androgenous females, are the greatest thinkers. They are always the one's who argue with the teacher, the institution, the dogma, and are so called daemons.
Firstly we must discuss the sexual mechanics.
In ancient times, females used to have large lesbian orgies. If you ask a modern female, talk to her about lesbian things, very rarely will you hear disgust, unless she is thinking about the vagina itself. Studies show females are generally not repulsed by lesbian ideas, but males are repulsed by gays. Why is this?
This is because, the fetus is female, the Female is the basic template for which males start out of. Naturally, on a deep level, the female is not repulsed by the template, for a male is like a prototype organism, an experimental mutation. The mutation can be bodily, or it can be mental. And since the possibility is purely mental mutation, the female must by default not be repulsed by an un-altered template - ie. The MegaMan, the AnimeMan, the Man with the appearance of a female/child.
Androgeny, generally indicates resources purely devoted to mental mutations, indicating 100% of resource potential going into mind upgrades rather than body mutations.
And what does this means in terms of school? What it means is, the Individual has their own path, their own specific interests and trades, school only hampers them. The Individual is their own character, their "type" of person which they parade to a female, advertising their skill/trade as character type. Thus the cultural association of "What do you do?" As a first date question. Analyzing, what kind of mutation is this organism. Some attracted to mechanics, other attracted to those with interest in flowers. School instead teaches things that are mostly forgotten.
School is not needed to many organisms. Only specialized trade buildings, mentors, specialized schools, in the ways of olde. Of course since all entities are slave/unity of the Institution, they will never do this, as they do not want traders gaining success, the infrastructure and powerstructure is already in their hands, they wish for no contest, only weak drones to add to the already existing structure.

However, school is needed primarily for women and fem-males (hypermasculine type fem-males, not androgenous type fem-males.)
This is because of the lacka-dazily nature of women, women are naturally sensitive. They are like flowers, enjoying soaking up the sun. This is their natural inertia. School changes their inertia, encourages them to be more logical and rational, and although the inertia the school provides is a paltry facsimilie to logic and reason, it is at the very least an upgrade from their default vegetative condition. After age 19,20, the inertia declines, and the woman sets back to her old ways, however there is a vacant need left in her mind, unfilled neurons she had developed in school, and the woman has a need to "learn". She usually learns, almost never creates, just learning and obeying new dogmas. When a woman says she is educated, learned, or wise, Most certainly you can expect to hear her regurgitating basic memes of others, or Oprah flavored philosophy, almost never will she bring anything new or interesting to the the table, for her very nature is to be sensitive and cling to the safety of the familiar. So, by all means, send women to school, it is at least an upgrade from the Atari to the Windows 95.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 4:46 pm

Due to the law of Salem, the Instution, The Borg controls everything. Borg declares itself The Overmind, but the true genius is Captain John Luc Picard.
The law of salem is that corruption in evitable. Each round, each generation, 3 Mafia enter the picture. You can defeat them over and over but the law of averages says you will eventually lose. And once you lose there is no way to undo, once evil takes hold it will never relent. Good release their power, Evil only perpetuates its own power.

The Institution has no fatal weakness, no prototorpedo vagina.

Philosophy, is the arena of the defeated, Lions ejected from the Alpha Male lion's tribe, on the fringes of society, discussing the mechanics of the one's who hold the power over them. Freely allowed to coexist, but always on the outskirts.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 4:59 pm

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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 5:01 pm

Capable wrote:

Yikes what.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 5:05 pm

I think I'd rather not say. You were invited here after all. I'll try to play nice for now.

As you were.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 5:09 pm

Capable wrote:
I think I'd rather not say. You were invited here after all. I'll try to play nice for now.

As you were.
This is a philosophy rumble.
Say what you are going to say.
May the best philosophy win.
And may the winner assimilate all the best features of the loser.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2016 6:11 pm

Well, according to Taoist philosophy it requires a balance, or harmony, between Yin and Yang in order to have a good life philosophy. That is, harmony between the feminine and the masculine. Harmony between action and rest.

It's really not a man's world. Women produce the babies.

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Arcturus Descending
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 23, 2016 1:02 pm

Sisyphus wrote:
Well, according to Taoist philosophy it requires a balance, or harmony, between Yin and Yang in order to have a good life philosophy.  That is, harmony between the feminine and the masculine.  Harmony between action and rest.


I kind of agree with that in part. But, didn't Nietzsche say that one must have chaos in one's life to give birth to a dancing star?
Balance and harmony won't always do it. Also, I think that one can still, depending on the individual, find balance and harmony, among chaos. It's just trickier and it's a struggle.

I think that it's both a man's and a woman's world - it's up to the individual to envision it that way... but I also think that it's a steady ebb and flow.
When we feel threatened by perceiving that one or the other side has it all, we stop seeing the reality of how we harmonize one another.
I would not change being a woman for anything. I wouldn't want to be a man but I can still enjoy my bit of animus that came with my psyche.
Both make me who I am and it took some time for me to like both.

Quote :
It's really not a man's world.  Women produce the babies
But the man helps the woman conceive the babies and also enjoys the pleasure of doing that.
It's a man's world ALSO when he is a great Daddy and loves and values his children. What more can he want?
I can understand though how a man might want the experience of carrying a baby within him. It is the most wonderful feeling and experience - to me.
But perhaps a man may gaze at his woman and experience what she does in a way - without some of the discomfort. Spiritual things belong to both genders.

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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 23, 2016 6:19 pm

Arcturus Descending wrote:
Sisyphus wrote:
Well, according to Taoist philosophy it requires a balance, or harmony, between Yin and Yang in order to have a good life philosophy.  That is, harmony between the feminine and the masculine.  Harmony between action and rest.

I kind of agree with that in part. But, didn't Nietzsche say that one must have chaos in one's life to give birth to a dancing star?
Balance and harmony won't always do it.  Also, I think that one can still, depending on the individual, find balance and harmony, among chaos. It's just trickier and it's a struggle.

It is difficult to directly link Chuang Tzu's Taoism to Nietzsche's philosophy because they are rooted in different worlds.

Chuang Tzu spoke of chaos.  In the beginning (of any cycle) there was chaos but gradually Tao moderated all things.  The moderation results from harmonizing Yin and Yang.  Chuang Tzu never spoke of dancing but he did speak of dragging his tail in the mud.

Yes, balance and harmony within chaos is a Discordian concept.

There is an ongoing argument as to which is more painful; having a baby or being kicked in the nuts.

I have often heard a woman say she would like to have another kid but I have never heard a man say he would like to get kicked in the nuts again.

But yes, that is why I normally use feminine and masculine rather than female and male.  Many woman are dominant masculine and many men are dominant feminine.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 24, 2016 12:15 pm

Sisyphus wrote:

There is an ongoing argument as to which is more painful; having a baby or being kicked in the nuts.

I have often heard a woman say she would like to have another kid but I have never heard a man say he would like to get kicked in the nuts again.

But yes, that is why I normally use feminine and masculine rather than female and male.  Many woman are dominant masculine and many men are dominant feminine.

It goes even deeper than that. Otto Weinenger states that all bodies are a mix of male and female. A feminine leg, but a flat male chest. The brain itself is a mix of male and female, you may have a Drag Queen who likes fancy jewelery, but is also into Drag racing. A young fetus, born xy, deprived of testosterone, will develop a literal vagina. As the complexity of an organism grows, the more varied functions it must produce, thus a patch job of various odd and semi-matching parts.

Far as getting kicked in the nuts goes, it is cost-benefit. If everytime a man was kicked in the nuts, he would spawn a baby, he would kick himself in the nuts 1000 times to raise an army.
Half of the pain of death is that there is no cost-benefit perceived in it.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 24, 2016 6:06 pm

Yes, you went deeper than I did and I have no disagreement with what you said.

I will pass on the getting kicked. Don't want no offspring.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 25, 2016 12:38 am

Sisyphus wrote:
Yes, you went deeper than I did and I have no disagreement with what you said.

I will pass on the getting kicked.  Don't want no offspring.

Don't let your lineage down.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 25, 2016 6:15 am

garbage videos wrote:
Sisyphus wrote:
Yes, you went deeper than I did and I have no disagreement with what you said.

I will pass on the getting kicked.  Don't want no offspring.

Don't let your lineage down.

Hey, I'm 75 years old. Other people are making lots of unwanted babies.
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Arcturus Descending
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 11:48 am


Quote :
It is difficult to directly link Chuang Tzu's Taoism to Nietzsche's philosophy because they are rooted in different worlds.

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Chuang Tzu never spoke of dancing but he did speak of dragging his tail in the mud.

Nice metaphor I think. That might be part of the chaos, getting down and dirty.

Quote :
I have often heard a woman say she would like to have another kid but I have never heard a man say he would like to get kicked in the nuts again.

The former brings about a great treasure after the pain; the latter only brings about the pain.
I suppose it comes down to one's threshold for pain, whether it be emotional or physical but I would have to say that the process of giving birth is far more painful and enduring before the birth than is that of a man being kicked.
"Hardest pain to bear but the easiest pain to forget.

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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 3:49 pm

Yeah, nothing wrong with getting down and dirty on occasion.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 9:06 pm

Arcturus Descending wrote:
but I would have to say that the process of giving birth is far more painful and enduring before the birth than is that of a man being kicked.  
"Hardest pain to bear but the easiest pain to forget.

I was always under that same impression but apparently its just a fraction of what a man feels when kicked in the balls.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 9:14 pm

Since I know this, a lot of things have fallen into place. This misunderstanding of birth being more painful than what a man experiences stood in the way of understanding women, the degree of their sensitivity. Now that I know they can endure only a fraction, fuck, I just get women.

It was misleading, all the feministic and lesbianistic talk I was raised on. And because all these ladies wanted to keep convinced that they were the tough ones, they just shut off part of their brain and became hypocrites, entirely blind to the pain of men, and self-righteously causing pain far beyond what they will ever suffer.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 9:21 pm

Emotional pain, there is where a woman is reliable. Women emote in order to maintain consistency of character, men think to that end.

Ive never met an active female thinker. Ive never in fact seen a woman put forth an original concept. That is not to say Ive not met brilliant female thinkers. On the contrary, if a woman thinks it means she knows her thought is reactive, receptive - she lets her emotive intelligence determine her valuing, and this intelligence is entirely oriented on what palpably works.

Hence, a womans helpless attraction to violent men, and her struggle to see in an intellectual man a practical merit, and the fights intellectuals have with their women, and the glorious peaks they reach together, when the man attains to the womans standard without losing his own. That is empire-building, nothing less.

And this is the sanctity of marriage.
A wedding without a man or without a woman is moot. Not evil, just not an actual marriage. But none of this to say that there are truckloads of heterosexual marriages that amount to the actual sum of the parts, which is the great ultimate happiness, the standard, the Totem around which the dance of civilization occurs - culture. As soon as civilization stops dancing, when the standard of marriage is muddled, culture jams, the wheels get stuck in muck and rust.

A return to the sanctity of heterosexual cultivating of a standard that is above both man and woman. I am becoming more partial to gender, but I dont claim for man to be the highest - rather proper self-estimation is the spine required to to build beyond oneself.

Woman is the better sex, yet only Woman, not just every female. A masculinized woman is literally, technically, clinically a sociopath -she takes the right to use violence like a man but not the capacity to suffer like a man. She thus lacks conscience.

This is absolutely not a reference to anyone here. No masculinized woman would set foot here. But one may notice the consistency with which the men here respond to mascuilinesque aggression in a woman -- it is invariably received as utterly buffoonish, uninformed, respectless - as masculine violence is born of our having learned from violent men. Our violence is a humility, an utterance of a sonly respect for the world our father that we wish to treat like marble, so that it will keep being as strong as to support the highest ideals, the highest women, the most awesome children.

A happy strong woman is always a commander, because it is the only alternative to being in part a slave to lowly elements. But how does she command? Not by trying to rule over mens thoughts, but by proudly judging their actions as either good or bad, honorable or contemptible, beautiful or laughable, etc. She is the fine line man must walk to reach the horizon of his will.

As a setup to an aphorism: Nietzsche 'hated women' because the goal he set lies entirely beyond his death - here, our period, where the first Women will be exalted onto the marble, as an ode to the future.
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Arcturus Descending
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 28, 2016 10:45 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Arcturus Descending wrote:
but I would have to say that the process of giving birth is far more painful and enduring before the birth than is that of a man being kicked.  
"Hardest pain to bear but the easiest pain to forget.

I was always under that same impression but apparently its just a fraction of what a man feels when kicked in the balls.

Physically speaking, the woman has it insofar as giving birth goes.
Now, are you speaking "figuratively" here, Fixed Cross?

Figuratively speaking, my expression might be "a punch to the stomach which takes one's breath away. I've had that done to me, emotionally speaking. No, you've never done that to me.

Both physical and emotional pain come from the same area, but I suppose each individual handles either pain differently.
Some emotional pain can almost feel like physical pain.
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 28, 2016 2:06 pm

Arcturus Descending wrote:

Some emotional pain can almost feel like physical pain.

Some emotional pain can be worse than physical pain.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 28, 2016 4:12 pm

Arcturus Descending wrote:
Fixed Cross wrote:
Arcturus Descending wrote:
but I would have to say that the process of giving birth is far more painful and enduring before the birth than is that of a man being kicked.  
"Hardest pain to bear but the easiest pain to forget.

I was always under that same impression but apparently its just a fraction of what a man feels when kicked in the balls.

Physically speaking, the woman has it insofar as giving birth goes.
Now, are you speaking "figuratively" here, Fixed Cross?

Figuratively speaking, my expression might be "a punch to the stomach which takes one's breath away. I've had that done to me, emotionally speaking. No, you've never done that to me.

Both physical and emotional pain come from the same area, but I suppose each individual handles either pain differently.
Some emotional pain can almost feel like physical pain.

Trust me, a kick in the balls is incomparably more painful than a kick in the stomach.

There is a clinical-scientific scale of pain, giving birth comes nowhere near a kick in the balls. But it lasts much longer obviously, and the whole pregnancy is a (glorious) burden - im obviously not saying women dont suffer a lot, just breaking the mystique that women are tougher than men or have to endure more.
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Arcturus Descending
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PostSubject: Re: What is philosophy2   What is philosophy2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 29, 2016 10:53 am


Quote :
Trust me, a kick in the balls is incomparably more painful than a kick in the stomach.

Okay, so now we are speaking literally. I suppose I shall have to trust you in this.

I imagine that most women realize the great secret weapon that can be...that is, that kick THERE.

Quote :
There is a clinical-scientific scale of pain, giving birth comes nowhere near a kick in the balls. But it lasts much longer obviously, and the whole pregnancy is a (glorious) burden - im obviously not saying women dont suffer a lot, just breaking the mystique that women are tougher than men or have to endure more.

I don't know FC. Women have evolved, psychically speaking, to be the emotional creatures so would it stand to reason that there might be some kind of built-in mechanism to ensure the woman's survival - but it's hard to say who is the stronger in this regard.
Individuals do make a difference though.
Mental attitude and the will to survive despite anything and everything.
I'm not sure who commits suicide more - men or women or is it an individual thinking.
I suppose that even I myself might have a breaking point.

Both women AND men suffer a lot - I've suffered a lot. (no pity please) - but I do seem to have something built within me that simply refuses to
give in...genes, early childhood history, maybe i was graced at the moment of birth by something. lol
I'm Irish and you simply can't keep a good woman down.
Now that I'm finished singing my own praises...
I know, we can all say that.
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