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 Paris, Center of Europe

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Paris, Center of Europe Empty
PostSubject: Paris, Center of Europe   Paris, Center of Europe Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2016 7:24 pm

Only one way of hierarchizing nations will allow for a European "Union", 'yoga', of sorts that works to push up to sap into a crown and fertile buds and fruits for man to enjoy in pride and lofty wealth - only one true nature of Europe exists: France.

In the Middle Ages, the time when Europe was consolidated as a continent with a coherent narrative under Christianity, France contained about 50 percent of the population of the continent. Throughout the centuries of its existence, all of Europe spoke French where it mattered - in education, in business, in diplomacy and in art and science - wherever Latin wasn't required.

France was founded by the pagan Frank Clovis as he married a Catholic woman and decided to convert himself and his population so as to become the bedrock of the first Catholic Nation. And also the only European nation to my experience where one can breathe in the churches. All of which are named after a lady. Crucial understanding: the State is feminine, like Roma, Athena, Russia, - the Motherland.

France is Statist. It is Christianity itself, and the only place where it is lofty to that degree where marble is appropriate.
there is only one center of Europe as a Continent. It isnt Rome, that is the root, and a chaos of immense totality. At its densest, Literally built as some seven layers halfway top of each other like interlocking trees of life, all layers made accessible and populated by cats. A heart of pure rage and sex, not appropriate to rule anonymous industries.

Paris, the opposite. After the Revolution had proven that chaos is dangerous, Napoleon the 3rds planner Haussmann leveled through central Paris' maze like structure and erected long straight lines of massive royal domiciles along what became the great Avenues. A similar thing happened to the isle of Manhattan, until money ran out and its Lower section was left chaotic. Point being, France has gone through the required stages to harbor an Authority.

A United States of Europe diplomatically arranged in the quarters of the Eleusian Palace is workable for everyone, as all are honored to come to Paris somehow with its cedntral vein split into our lady's isle; The nature of the town is imperial, it even harbored emperor Julian before he momentarily robbed the Christians of the purple and slaughtered some bulls in Persia; in France lies a Value so incontestable that it can balance powers by sheer Eminence, emanating self-control, where the order of things isnt written in law, but carried by consensus of happily supported diplomats.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Paris, Center of Europe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paris, Center of Europe   Paris, Center of Europe Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2016 8:31 pm

So France can never become populist. It can never isolate itself without losing its Grandeur. That is the irony of Le Pen, the reason she can never win, even if she is elected - she isn't Elite. There is no Elite apart from let alone above the French Elite, and Le Pen represents a lower standard than the proper Elites of other countries. Her expressed plan to deprive illegal immigrant children of education is signal she is perfectly unaware of the cause and nature of French power.
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