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 Obama presidency a massive failure

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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2016 3:37 pm

-US public (national) debt is increased by 7 trillion dollars

-People are more divided than ever (politically, racially)

-Most reduction in unemployment has been from people leaving the workforce

-There is still a housing bubble that has also partly moved into the rental market, squeezing people with severely high cost of rent (around 50% higher, with an increase of 4.6% on average just last year alone)

-There is a dangerous stock market bubble right now

-Cost of university tuition is up 2x

-Cost of health insurance is up 2x

-Warrantless spying on Americans by the NSA has become normalized

-Illegal drone murder oversees has expanded and become normalized

-Most people have a lower quality of life

-Suicide rates are increased

-US foreign policy and leadership abroad is almost non-existent now

-The DFL's only serious candidate with any real support, Sanders, was ridiculed and muscled out of the presidential primary, followed by the most embarrassing defeat of their chosen and highly pathetic, unpopular candidate whom Obama supported

-Real inflation is around 4.5x higher than officially reported numbers
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2016 4:37 pm

Reposting this in my Kanye 2024 thread on ILP, which will be my main political go to thread the coming years.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2016 4:41 pm

To be clear I am supporting West because he is the only actual human that is indicating interest in the job, on the side of what is supposed to be the relative "left".

Rephrase: because what do you know, there is an actual human presenting his ambitions for the Democrats.
Though it is not said he wont run for the other camp.
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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2016 6:25 pm

I forgot to add to the list the OPM hack, which was an unprecedented exposure of all federal employees including undercover agents, their personal data including polygraph results. Obama downplayed this just like he downplays everything. What a worthless fuck.
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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2016 1:59 am

Capable wrote:
Most reduction in unemployment has been from people leaving the workforce

The only gauge is in unemployment claims through that agency. If you are no longer entitled to unemployment compensation, you are no longer unemployed. The actual numbers are well into double digits 10% ^.
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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2016 7:51 am

I ran my own numbers. This isn't even difficult to do.

Total population over 18, is around 242,500,000

Number of people 65 and older, around 50,000,000

Number of people with a severe disability, around 25,000,000

Number of peoole employed 35 hours a week or more, around 123,500,000

Number of people employed only part-time, around 29,000,000

So just do the math, you get an unemployment rate of 11%. If you want to look only at unemployment related to full time work then you're at 26% unemployed.

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Obama presidency a massive failure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama presidency a massive failure    Obama presidency a massive failure  Icon_minitime

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