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 The term "white people" is racist

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The term "white people" is racist  Empty
PostSubject: The term "white people" is racist    The term "white people" is racist  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2016 9:54 am

From now on, never accept when someone says the term "white" or "white people". There is no such thing as this term presumes to specify. There are only individual national heritages and combinations of those heritages. To the extent our individual identity is formed from "race", it is so based on something far closer to nationality and not at all in terms of "whiteness".

Anyone who uses the label "white" is implicitly racist, and is guilty of implicit or institutional bias. They are racist because demeaning and marginalizing an entire national-racial heritage of a person into a meaningless label "white". And the same goes for "black people" as well. All a bunch of racist nonsense and all coming from the Matrix of the globalist-neolib-politically-correct-media machine.

Help people unplug from the Matrix. Give them a harsh reality-check to their ego whenever they use the term "white" or "white people" or "whiteness" by blatantly telling them to their face "that's racist". Then when they deny it and get all flustered or angry you can explain to them what I just explained to you above.
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The term "white people" is racist  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The term "white people" is racist    The term "white people" is racist  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2016 5:30 pm

I am a German/American.
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Arcturus Descending
Arcturus Descending

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The term "white people" is racist  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The term "white people" is racist    The term "white people" is racist  Icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2016 11:35 am

The blood which surges through me is Irish/Italian European American

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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The term "white people" is racist  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The term "white people" is racist    The term "white people" is racist  Icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2016 12:21 pm

Nice bloodlines.

Mine is Teuton/Russian/Hebrew

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The term "white people" is racist  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The term "white people" is racist    The term "white people" is racist  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 6:55 am

BTW I am not white. I am nicely tanned. I am a Caucasian.

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The term "white people" is racist  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The term "white people" is racist    The term "white people" is racist  Icon_minitime

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The term "white people" is racist
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