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 Social justice

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PostSubject: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 9:47 am

It's  funny how sjw types are always attacking men for valuing women qua women, saying things like "women arent valued for their achievements or brains, only for being a woman", and then turn around and cry that little girls didn't get to see Hillary as president. Hilary is given a free pass of value simply because she is a woman, just like Obama got a free pass of value just for being black. Yet when anyone else does straight gender or race valuing that is apparently among the worst possible crimes, in the social justice view.

So which is it? Gender and race are only relevant value-factors when it supports the sjw agenda, otherwise it's "sexist and racist"? These people want to break down "gender constructs" yet are always cheering any woman who does anything at all they like, and in a big way only because it was a woman who did it.

Why would little girls be disappointed that Hilary lost? Because of her policies, her positions on issues, her past political work? Nope, only because "a woman lost". Lol. Valuing someone primarily or only for their gender or race is among the most insulting things you could do to a person, so we are told. But when it fits the narrative I guess it's ok.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 2:32 pm

Ironically, the same goes for cripples. If a cripple says anything, it's true, and very valuable, and it cant be criticized. So by their own actions, the democrats equate womanhood and dark skin with disability, which to them is humanity itself.

That is not meant as hyperbole. The Dems actions truly speak to that convictions: kill and cripple as much as possible, create as much poverty as possible, and exalt everyone who is unhappy as the hermetically sealed image of humanity.

If I didn't experience this as the actual operative agenda, Id not make such a big deal out of it. I hate dwelling on these subjects, the pit of my stomach is always churning with gall, when I am directly addressing the actions and statements of that party.

In 2008, I was excited for Obama. But as soon as he did his speech late on the 9th, I sensed he was nothing but a hollow shell.

He had already lost his humanity.

Not so with Trump - his victory speech was his most human moment until then.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 2:48 pm

Let's first stop mocking our warriors and heroes, and then stop mocking those who actually fail, in case they're really sensitive.

I never mock people to their face, I tend to get mocked a lot - and I take offense at overt mocking laughter of groups of people regardless of whether I may be the object - I tend to want them all incinerated.

But what Trump did did not feel as cruel and stupid mockery, it felt as a genuine expression of being very disturbed by very ill acts.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 6:20 pm

Any wonder why Bill had to get a blow job outside of marriage?
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 6:20 pm

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 6:40 pm

"Social Justice" is just a peacocks tail for guys that cant grow balls. Noen fo them cares, obviously from their actions, for either other humans or their own integrity - what they care for is to be selected for sex or companionship, and 'social justice' is the newest latest hype in which the brainless get sexually comfortable.

I dont try to look for more than just a gimmick. It doesn't exist, there is zero concern for justice or people in the sjws.. The resistance against Trump is that of a group that is used to inhabiting a relatively high layer of the pyramid of social privilege based on a facile tactic that was favored for a while. All them sense that when the context changes, this tactic becomes less effective, and they stand to be degraded, and they have no realistic gut felt expectation of being able to acquire actual merit so as to maintain status in the real world.

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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 6:42 pm

^ That video above is fucking genius. This fills in a lot of holes in the theory.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2017 10:50 pm

Touching again on my original point in this topic, feminism is the admission by feminists that they believe themselves to be inferior to men (and inferior to women who aren't feminists and don't share their victimhood complex). Isn't this interesting? Feminists blame men and society for all their complaints and problems, in particular they blame them for their belief that men are superior to women-- and this is precisely what the feminists also believe!

Hilarious. No wonder these feminist types damage their bodies and their appearance and their souls, they are all about self-loathing. The only way for them to overcome their belief that men are superior would be to abandon their feminism; ah what a rich irony.

And what's even more interesting: I see things are changing, and soon the cultural norms will be one of two ways: either men will form masculist groups and sentiments to counter the feminists, which will be considered perfectly acceptable and normal by mainstream PC society, or no one will be socially allowed to pick gender sides to favor, forming a "women's group" or recognizing "women artists day" or whatever will be just as socially unacceptable as it would be right now to do such things in celebration of men.

I hope we go down the latter path and not the former, we should be abandoning there false forms of thought rather than "synthesizing" them into the total cultural sphere... but even if that did happen it would be nothing more than N's Last Man, who is also destined to eventually be overcome.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2017 10:53 pm

I feel very confident that the culture will shift in one of those two ways. With Trump's win I suspect it will indeed be the latter. I give it two full generations from now and we will already be well in the midst of that change; all this feminism/victimhood/highlighting women's achievements all the time will be a thing of the past, and will be seen as quite embarrassing history, embarrassing especially to women themselves.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2017 6:51 pm

"Stop hurting my feelings." --Man in dress, 2017
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2017 7:10 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2017 7:20 pm

Just met an Ayn Rand supporter online, we were getting on just fine until I brought up Trump, to which he quickly replied "Trump is a fascist".

So I asked "name one fascist thing he has done"... and of course he couldn't name a single thing, and chose to cop-out with "well I don't want to talk politics".  

So then I made the point that Ayn Rand would probably have liked Trump a lot. Of course he got upset at that, and I asked him why she wouldn't have liked him considering he is low taxes, nationalist anti-globalist, anti-leftist and anti-PC, and basically a supporter of rational common sense conservatism against the neocon establishment... well that didn't go over well, I assume, since he abruptly disconnected.

Last edited by Thrasymachus on Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2017 7:20 pm

BTW here is the full Milo talk:

Great stuff, I must say.
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2017 8:20 am

Thrasymachus wrote:
Just met an Ayn Rand supporter online, we were getting on just fine until I brought up Trump, to which he quickly replied "Trump is a fascist".

So I asked "name one fascist thing he has done"... and of course he couldn't name a single thing, and chose to cop-out with "well I don't want to talk politics".  

So then I made the point that Ayn Rand would probably have liked Trump a lot. Of course he got upset at that, and I asked him why she wouldn't have liked him considering he is low taxes, nationalist anti-globalist, anti-leftist and anti-PC, and basically a supporter of rational common sense conservatism against the neocon establishment... well that didn't go over well, I assume, since he abruptly disconnected.

Most people just don't like questions they can't answer. At least he didn't blame it on God, did he?
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2017 11:42 am

Sisyphus wrote:
Thrasymachus wrote:
Just met an Ayn Rand supporter online, we were getting on just fine until I brought up Trump, to which he quickly replied "Trump is a fascist".

So I asked "name one fascist thing he has done"... and of course he couldn't name a single thing, and chose to cop-out with "well I don't want to talk politics".  

So then I made the point that Ayn Rand would probably have liked Trump a lot. Of course he got upset at that, and I asked him why she wouldn't have liked him considering he is low taxes, nationalist anti-globalist, anti-leftist and anti-PC, and basically a supporter of rational common sense conservatism against the neocon establishment... well that didn't go over well, I assume, since he abruptly disconnected.

Most people just don't like questions they can't answer.  At least he didn't blame it on God, did he?

Who knows he crawled to his altar and sacrificed some tears and spittle.

You can count on confrontations like this having and impact across some days and nights. It takes a phenomenal heart to admit to an error of thinking as soon as it is recognized - and it is known that blubberhearts don't admit to anything, but there is a vast category of people who do have some fibers intact, but just havent learned to rely on them.

After 3 weepy nights that so called Rand supporter might actually spend an afternoon doing some research, preparing to have a thought process.

Yeah yeah, Im an optimist. Fuck it, Trump has won, hasnt he?
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PostSubject: Re: Social justice    Social justice  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2017 5:59 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:

After 3 weepy nights that so called Rand supporter might actually spend an afternoon doing some research, preparing to have a thought process.

Yeah yeah, Im an optimist. Fuck it, Trump has won, hasnt he?

Yeah, initial recognition of having been wrong is almost always denial. Most of us just don't like being told we are wrong.

But it does present an excellent learning opportunity.

I too am an optimist but I do try to keep it realistic.

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