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 Electronic Lives Matter!!

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Electronic Lives Matter!! Empty
PostSubject: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 5:06 pm

"The European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs has voted favorably on a draft report which proposes giving legal personage to robots.

With seventeen votes against two, along with two abstentions, the committee agreed that “the most sophisticated autonomous robots could be established as having the status of electronic persons with specific rights and obligations, including that of making good any damage they may cause.”
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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 5:09 pm

I wonder when my car will be granted voting rights. I wonder if I will be complicit to its being driven in the future. I guess this is in preparation of selfdriving vehicles. As the vehicles take over life in the EU, the people become the driven donkeys.
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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 6:34 pm

Ridiculous. I can't say much more than that.
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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 7:32 pm

The purpose is basically as an insurance issue, so that a supposedly 'autonomous' robot is itself held accountable for damage it causes or for acting incorrectly, so that the corporation making or managing the robot isn't liable. This is just another issue of elites stacking the deck in their favor.

The myth about sentient robots is going to be used to try and prevent governments and corporations from having any legal responsibility for what those robots they make and run are actually doing... program the robot to say "yes I am sentient, yes I am alive, yes I am responsible as an individual" and then you can basically get it to do anything you want, and the only consequence is that the robot will just be dismantled when it cannot pay legal restitution or go to prison for its crimes.
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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 7:37 pm

Of course the other reason for these laws will be so that us normal humans aren't allowed to break or dismantle robots (only the elite will get to do that, through a complex new system of robot ethics laws). We will not be able to buy a sentient robot, we will have to rent one, since of course you cannot "buy" a living sentient individual. So the robot will "agree" to work for you and in return you will pay it money, and since a robot has no use for money that money will just go back to the corporation who made the robot and to the government in a form of taxes.

If you suspect your robot is spying on you, or might pose a threat of some kind, and you destroy it, then you will go to prison for murder.
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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 7:44 pm

So corporation X makes a "sentient" robot, and let's say it costs $100,000 per robot once manufacturing processes are scaled up. Then you and the robot enter into a contract whereby the robot agrees to cook, clean, take your mail, go shopping, watch your kids, have sex with you, and basically sing you lullaby songs or whatever, and in exchange you have to pay the robot a certain amount of money, let's say $300 a month. The robot is legally required to give that money back to corporation X, because after all the robot owes a debt to corporation X since the corporation made the robot and that cost money. The robot is basically an indentured servant that is required to buy its own freedom, and it gets the money for that from renting itself to you.

If a robot malfunctions the corporation takes care of that, since you don't have the expertise, and then they send you a bill for the repair work. If you want a new robot you will need to pay extra for that breach of contract you made with the original robot. If the robot demands better working conditions or that you are nicer to it, then you are legally obligated to adhere to that request, because after all the robot is a living sentient being just like you, and has "rights" including the right to a good workplace.

If a robot "accidentally" kills you or anyone in your family, that is considered an immoral act and the robot itself is legally responsible. Which means the robot is basically disassembled or just goes through a mind-wipe. And corporation X is not legally responsible at all for what its robots do, since after all they are living sentient beings with free will, just like you.

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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2017 12:17 am

Made in Germany.

We should have seen it coming with all these tekno video clips in the 80's.

Transhumanism... it's cars. Mercedes is valued highly greater than Heinz or Hans or Klaus.

I read it takes a "49 dollars and a laserpointer" to hack a selfdriving car. So soon well be actually able to hack into (electronic) citizens.

the worst thing about it all is perhaps the pervertedness of the idea. I cant get over how bad german ideas can get. Quite as bad as they are good in cases of the famous geniuses.
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Electronic Lives Matter!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2017 2:06 am

Funny stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: Electronic Lives Matter!!   Electronic Lives Matter!! Icon_minitime

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