The transcendental aspect of being is self-valuing and this has previously been (un)known as "God". Understood as this is the condition whereby a subject exists, i.e. relates to itself via the outer world, whereby it becomes, is 'a being'
Beings immanent/manifest aspect is the will to power, or: discomfort, "Lack and woe", lack of complete self-apprehension in relation to acquisition-enabling interpretation of other(s). Where self-valuing is logical condition for subjectivity, will to power is the actual value represented by this primordial logic.
'Good' equals 'value' equals 'feeling of power'
The creation of tools has externalized means to this feeling, all manufactured objects can be interpreted as symbols, pertaining to the reality of the Self.
Power-machines driven by nuclear, electromagnetic, chemical force-manipulation are symbols for a collective will to power that has been satisfied in a force greater than the sum of the parts. Studying such symbols can bring us closer to the terms whereby man has learned to value himself, in the age of technology - in terms of powers that may protect or destroy him.
With the nuclear age, a self-questioning had drawn over man in the form of the knowledge that he, as a species, could be taken responsible, even if only hypothetically, for the annihilation of the world. His inherent goodness is become falsified, now that he still values himself in terms of the power of the scientific domination of nature and the military domination of enemy/other, but must conclude from the pursuit of this power that he has become a threat to himself.
To resolve the nihilism that must follow from this (Nietzsche did not imagine the nuclear bomb, had he known of it, his philosophy might have been different, impossible even) we must see the capacity to self-destruct as rising from a mechanism that is itself indestructible by nuclear force, i.e. the will to apprehend self value, which is among other ways expressed as nuclear force.
It is our task to draw back from this extreme, and we can perhaps only do so by interpreting its possibility as the consequence of one possible way of valuing in terms of self-value, i.e. the unconscious way.
We have interpreted nature as a means to serve to our security. This has so far been the root of our technology and therefore of our scientific paradigm. The discoverers of the sciences themselves were different - they interpreted, without exception, the universe in terms of a great esthetics. All "laws of nature" are perfect works of art.
There has however not yet been a scientist wise and strong enough to secure te esthetic aspect in the implementation of the knowledge to serve as a means to power. For the aesthetics, we have relied on the manufacturer of the means to power. But it must be seen in the principle of power itself.