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 Trump's Army

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PostSubject: Trump's Army    Trump's Army  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2017 6:52 pm

What is the best way to help Trump right now?
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PostSubject: Re: Trump's Army    Trump's Army  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2017 7:58 pm

An image for Trumps cabinet


We are his water. The truth including all the lies emanating from the true through constitutions of man is the sun. The path is the term, it is a proud term. Trump conquered as Child (kek) and he began his representative leadership from moment 1 as Camel.

America is to turn into a Lion, and Trump serves this Lion.

And the Child - that is very far away for our nations - we may see a hint of it in a bridge of joy between Americas and China, a transpacific agreement on a newly discovered higher value - I see a literal bridge, thin, spanning from Chile to Japan. It's part of a movie Ive been writing with Pezer. It would have to be a bridge not suspended mechanically but magnetically, the field of which also serving as propulsion. Imagine a a perfect arc  up to 12 kilometers high.

In any case, in the face of the blaring droning heat from the press Trump is bound to flare up into child-hood and lion-ness now and then, and I think this task needs to be take up by us, people of capacity who are able to understand what he is trying to combat from the White House. They are encircled, so we need to light fires from which their values emanate which draw reporters and leftlings... whom we must then shamanize, draw into methods of philosophy, get them hooked.

There is a passion to be found here that also appeals to a segment of the now left-leaning. These are the absurdits, visionaries and artists who have never thought about life in terms of poverty or need. If they are made to see the possibilities, in creative pride and world-design, they might well forfeit their prancing and undertake projects financially with American means and American ends, but with merit on an international stage. They might, I wanted to say 'simply' but it is the opposite here, be made to understand the advantages of an economy of building.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump's Army    Trump's Army  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2017 8:17 pm

The Dons consiglieres words are always this: Keep us humble, keep us sharp.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump's Army    Trump's Army  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2017 8:24 pm

I have to say my father has some valid criticisms, which cut quite deeply.
Two of them really - that when someone calls Trump out on his vanity, he cant help displaying it, and that it is not a sign of a well thought out plan to be talking about having to have more nuclear weapons than everyone - especially when you already have that supremacy and have successfully launched a game of declining other nations stockpiles. He was also ridiculing the idea that the amount of warheads has anything to do with the actual capacity to strike.

We know that Trumps speaking mind often makes things much simpler than his comprehensive mind really considers them to be.
Nukes is one thing that can be treated with the deference one used to have before god. And so perhaps we should take that approach here.

The US is supreme, but because of something greater and more abstract than a number of destructive devices. It is the god-given capacity to strike first and strike in the right place. This is morality, for a superpower.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump's Army    Trump's Army  Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 11:41 am

Trump got elected because people like someone who just says his mind unfiltered in the moment, even if that means he says something stupid now and then. I don't expect him to stop being who he is, and of course we appreciate an authentic human being in the WH. Also his anti-PC approach is refreshing. As for his unpredictability of statements, I think this works to the advantage of the US, since it keeps other countries and the left on their toes. They're never quite sure what he will do, that's an asset I think.

I also like his approach to modernizing and expanding the nuke arsenal. It sends a message, like Trump said, that if you fuck with us that's the end of you.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump's Army    Trump's Army  Icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 2:00 pm

Yeah, so far I have seen nothing to give support for saying that Trump is politically correct in his behavior.

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