1) Trump made a statement indicating he is aware of Hilary's connection to missing children in Haiti, these children being taken by the thousands for the sex trade,
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KMJoNl2RHIU this is related to Pizzagate of course, and some of it may be untrue or baseless conspiracy thinking but I've looked into it as much as I can stand to do, and it seems quite possibly true. Indeed Trump is making a joke here, seems to be joking about her involvement in this.
2) which brings me to my second point that Trump has made seriously fucked up sexual comments about his daughter, in more that one occasion. It's hard to fathom a father even being capable of saying those things about his daughter, especially when she was still a child. Which leads me to my third point,
3) Trump visited Epstein's pedo-sex mansion and flew on his sex plane "Lolita Express". Old interviews with Trump show he was good friends with Epstein, but after the sex scandals broke Trump distanced himself from him. Trump's lawyer even claimed they had no connection, which according to previous interviews was a blatant lie.
4) this is all connected into the following: Trump did not call out Bill Clinton for visiting Epstein's pedo-sex mansion (Bill Clinton went there over 20 known times), and more importantly the leftist media who would stop at nothing to attack Trump personally and demean his character, never once mentioned his known connection to Epstein. Why is this? Most likely because it's not just Trump but so many powerful politicians that are connected into that.
5) Trump's current wife (actually his fourth wife) slipped in an interview and alluded to the fact that she was a prostitute when they met. I can't find the clip right now but I've seen it.
6) leaving that stuff behind for a moment, Trump knows the Clintons and has been quite friendly with them. It's very hard to imagine that he is really this obstinate, independent person not beholden to anyone but himself and really a true political outsider, although yes that is possible. But what I see is also possible and perhaps more likely is that Trump is friendly with the Clintons and others in positions of political power, and he basically just knew what to say and how to act to "be a politician himself. He has plenty of acting experience, he knows how to play a crowd and what to say to win the favor of his crowd. And back when I first disliked Trump I catalogued times when he blatantly lied, even knowing full well that the previous things he had said (about which he was now lying) were on video for anyone to see.
6) Trump is not following through on repealing Obamacare. This is very important, Obamacare is perhaps the worst piece of legislation signed by Obama except for maybe the NDAA which establishes an Orwellian Ministry of Truth, making the government responsible for determining which statements in the media and public published discourse are true or untrue, and sanctioning the development of propaganda to that end.
Obamacare is 20,000 pages of regulations, and massive unfunded liabilities to "care for people" at government expense; not only this but it also is a massive payout to insurance companies, a violation of the first amendment by mandating everyone purchase a product (health insurance), and basically hands over healthcare services to crony monopoly control.
If Trump were for real he would be rejecting the neocons like Ryan and others pushing their own "Obamacare Lite" which basically capitulates to the principle of the ACA, and will only make it worse by leaving in place massive liabilities while undercutting the funding streams for them. They are voting on Thursday on this Ryancare bil, and I hope it fails hard. But it is telling that Trump is actually championing it and trying to get other Republicans on board.
Anyway these are my concerns so far. I hope I am wrong about all of them. Please critique them, because I am hoping they can be somehow discredited as critiques. I want to think Trump is legit too, but I am having my doubts.