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 Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart

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Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart Empty
PostSubject: Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart   Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 2:35 pm

I'm sick of this fucking image pushed in TV and movies, by Sorkin and so many others, of the liberal-Democrat who is intelligent but a little socially inept, honest but easily flumoxed, able to be a ruthless politician when needed and a little jaded but happens to secretly have a good heart. What the fuck. This shit is sickening.

The other side is the glorification of pure sociopaths, such as we see in House of Cards. Yeah, politicians in real life are sociopathic scum, we know, show us if you want but don't fucking glorify it into a virtue. The Wire is probably the only show I can think of that shows politics honestly and without any retarded moralizing on either side.
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PostSubject: Re: Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart   Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 6:28 pm

They don't even have a fucking soul, how could they have a heart?
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart   Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 8:52 pm

I agree with your conclusion.
Sorkin is a bullshitter and I appreciate his talent but his smug ingorance of reality prevents depth.

The Wire - Mayor Royce - thats so hilariously real.
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PostSubject: Re: Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart   Myth of the classy professional liberal, cutthroat but with a heart Icon_minitime

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