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 VO Studies: Men and women

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PostSubject: VO Studies: Men and women   VO Studies: Men and women Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 12:08 am

Women moderate the social context, men represent points around which the social context bends. How do men and women value? Men value in discrete units, in terms of that which is valued; women value indirectly by equating themselves with values.

Women are the mechanism of self-regulation of society, men are the mechanism of keeping society pointed at values. Like a mathematical function this is interesting because of how the variables cross into each other's territories: men seek values, women seek to become values, therefore men seek women; women seek to stabilize a social climate of valuings, men are that stability qua self-valuing, therefore women seek men. But the self-valuing of a man is not this society, it is not literally social but rather is literally valuing-relational, hard-discrete units in juxtaposition; the man is not the intermediary fluidity substance between different values and holding different values together, that substance is women.

Women are society; women relate as relating itself, whereas men relate as those relatants which are related. For a woman, truth is the social substance, the ratio between values; for a man, truth is those values themselves, directly.

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Men and women   VO Studies: Men and women Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 12:13 am

You've indicated this a few years back in a longer essay which blew my mind. This is a very powerful idea, here expressed with lucid simplicity.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Men and women   VO Studies: Men and women Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 6:50 am

I see a little problem with this as it is my observation that, in general, women are becoming more Yang and men are becoming more Yin.

If this trend continues the roles of men and women will be reversed.
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Fixed Cross
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VO Studies: Men and women Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Men and women   VO Studies: Men and women Icon_minitimeWed Oct 23, 2019 5:02 pm

Defenders of the Earth wrote:
of society, men are the mechanism of keeping society pointed at values.

Yes. Seems obvious now that you've said it but, very clear.

We can only do that, keeping society pointed as values. Society must do the rest. Women must do. But we must magnetize them and magnetism works as direction, which is objectively unfolded as contradiction.
Be extreme, tyrannical. Because - to be fair - as puny humans how else would we get anything done at all, compared to atoms or trees, if not by the most radical concentration.
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PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Men and women   VO Studies: Men and women Icon_minitime

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