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 Religion of Trump-hate

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Religion of Trump-hate Empty
PostSubject: Religion of Trump-hate   Religion of Trump-hate Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 8:52 am

One of the funniest aspects of this new religion is the blatant hypocrisy over Russia: "Trump worked with the Russians, he was caught in surveillance doing it! What, no one spied on Trump!", and of course the classic "Trump is a pro-Russian operative!" Oh no, Trump wants to start a war with Russia!"

I've heard these contradictions quite literally from the mouths of the same people. Sometimes within the same conversation. They don't even realize they're fundamentally contradicting themselves.

All that matters is you oppose anything Trump says, to prove you're a good little boy. A threat to no one, not to the emotional demands of your equally child-like millennial friends, and certainly not to the status quo neoliberal corporatist bankster globalists.
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Religion of Trump-hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Religion of Trump-hate   Religion of Trump-hate Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 7:51 am

They are hypocrites, you know.

Poor losers. They lost because they didn't have a cause but now their cause is to destroy the winner.

If you can't lose honorably you should be playing the game.

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PostSubject: Re: Religion of Trump-hate   Religion of Trump-hate Icon_minitimeSun Jun 18, 2017 6:39 pm

Fixed made a good point about the billions being spent on the downfall of Trump. Soros and other subhuman filth are creating a whole economy here. And fucktard sycophants like Carleas at ILP are accepting it as gospel. What utter trash.
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PostSubject: Re: Religion of Trump-hate   Religion of Trump-hate Icon_minitimeSun Jun 18, 2017 7:02 pm

There is no cure for idiots. It's their natural state.
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Religion of Trump-hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Religion of Trump-hate   Religion of Trump-hate Icon_minitimeSat Jul 15, 2017 7:42 pm

Haha, I like Tool, but Maynard is apparently a... complete tool.

"People who denounce Muslims around the world for their "archaic views" [laughter], are demonstrating the same archaic views."

Well whoever said Maynard was a philosopher? Not me.
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PostSubject: Re: Religion of Trump-hate   Religion of Trump-hate Icon_minitime

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