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 VO Studies: Truth and falsity

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VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Empty
PostSubject: VO Studies: Truth and falsity    VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Icon_minitimeFri Apr 21, 2017 1:36 pm

Nietzsche wrote about the insight that we must ask not only if something is true or false but also if it is valuable, and by this additional measure many falsities are seen as valuable while perhaps also many truths are seen as unvaluable. Parodites wrote that it is perhaps the belief in eternity that is a condition of possibility for the the flourishing of the genius; yes, I agree. There is no reason to affirm a dichotomy like death vs eternity at the level of the personality itself, at the level of the soul. In fact these two beliefs or rather ideas, those of death and eternity, or finitude and infinitude, are categorically different types of ideas that are only artificially collapsed to a binary mutually-exclusive union, so that relating them on the same conceptual plane actually represents a categorical error.

Self-valuing required maintaining oneself across different categories of thought, namely requires valuing values as such and across categories. On one level we value true or false, on another level we value values as such, and each of these levels must be able to maintain itself not totally independent of each other but vitally independent of each other; each level must be able to sustain its own kind of valuing regardless of what the other is doing.

The intersection of different values/types of valuing, from each level, is what most people call morality, and what the few call philosophy. Self-valuing exists multi-dimensionally and therefore elevates being higher up into truthful orders, prevents artificial collapses. This is joy, as children and real artists know. One of the derivations of this joy is what we call love.
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VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Truth and falsity    VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Icon_minitimeFri Apr 21, 2017 1:45 pm

As Jordan Peterson also said, archetypal or "metaphysical" (e.g. literary or moral) truths are true in a different way than are empirical truths true. The former are "hyper-true", as he said. Parodites says it even more clearly that they are the conditions of possibility for truths. This eminently philosophical insight is what people like Sam Harris fail to understand.
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VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Truth and falsity    VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Icon_minitimeFri Apr 21, 2017 6:51 pm

Yes, true/false, useful/useless are two important concepts in life.

And will suggest that useful/useless often over-rides the importance of true/false.
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VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Truth and falsity    VO Studies: Truth and falsity  Icon_minitime

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