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 Trump in Abrahamia

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PostSubject: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeSat May 20, 2017 3:14 pm

Trump in Abrahamia N0vBn8T

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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeSat May 20, 2017 3:31 pm

Trump in Abrahamia ItH1uRs

A penny for his thoughts.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeSun May 21, 2017 6:27 pm

Holy crap, that speech is insanely bold.

Jones is right - Trump bombs the shit out of their isis goons for some months, then flies over right into the hornets nest and starts telling them to civilize or die. His tone ... so utterly mocking.... These Saudi kings sit there like "what in gods asshole is this fucking shit?" looking at him go "oh, these holy sites, how terrible if they are all destroyed because we cant get along..."

That little arms deal was the meat to set the trap, he was welcomed into that hall like a Trojan Horse.

He's fucking trolling them. And afterwards he went to dine with Netanyahu and his wife...


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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeSun May 21, 2017 7:02 pm

Observe and take notes.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeTue May 23, 2017 3:05 pm

Trump, man....
I'm proud, thankful, and very optimistic - given the circumstances of the ME still being in WW1.

And didn't I say here on this very site that this is what he was going to do?
Lock out Iran, strengthen Israel, pump capital into the Palestinian State-to-be?

To the letter.
And it is not my invention, it is just logic of value.

Iran hosts a Great people, but is utter shit as a state. Why? Because they only and strictly choose their political course based on how much they can afford to be hateful and arrogant to the West. It's strictly a reactionary state, very sad. It's been that since early in the last century./

Iranians are awesome, and after all this is over, we'll see some serious spiritual philosophy emerging from the land of Zarathustra. Give it two decades, and Persia will have universities of Life. But now they're going to have to face some realities about the lifespan of political nihilism. Iran has sent out more suicide bombers into the world than all other nations combined. Ive met the proud parents of bomb-children in Syria. Shia Islam is the Islam of human self-mutilation and sacrifice.

Id even hasve been sort of okay with this if Trump had been more diplomatic with the Saudis. But with what he pulled on them in their own Great Hall after he was welcomed by horses carrying the star spangled banner, I am truly optimistic about the strategy that's in play. What's utterly amazing is that Russia is totally okay with it - not so amazing if you notice what they've been granted for now - peace and quiet on the western front. Trump halts military gifts to Ukraine!!! Trump! You rock!!!

America is back again. - Rivlin

Oh yeah - on the other side, China is encroaching -- this is really funny if you're against Iran - trhey're actually taking over Pakistan, theyve bought up the whole place for a trillion. It's called infrastructure renaissance, so what that means is they control whats physically going to be possible in the future of Pakistan.

Now, if you see the friendship Trump achieved with the Chinese, which is an accomplishment without precedent, and if you look at the map of Iran.....

Trump in Abrahamia 2-18-2013_88543_l

It's a small world after all.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeTue May 23, 2017 3:28 pm

Here's whats going on in terms of long term politics.

Name of the war - Ottoman sultan - Persian shah - Treaty at the end of the war - Victor

Battle of Chaldiran (1514) - Selim I - Ismail I - None - The Ottoman Empire
War of 1532–1555 - Suleiman I - Tahmasp I - Treaty of Amasya (1555) - The Ottoman Empire
War of 1578–1590 - Murad III Mohammad Khodabanda - Abbas I - Treaty of Constantinople (1590) - The Ottoman Empire
War of 1603–1618, first stage, Abbas I's Kakhetian and Kartlian campaigns - Ahmed I - Abbas I - Treaty of Nasuh Pasha (1612) - The Persian Empire
War of 1603–1618, second stage - Ahmed I, Mustafa I - Osman II Abbas I Treaty of Serav (1618) - The Persian Empire
War of 1623–1639 - Murad IV Abbas I - Safi Treaty of Zuhab (1639) - The Ottoman Empire
War of 1730–1735, first stage, Tahmasp's campaign of 1731 - Ahmed III - Mahmud I Tahmasp II - Treaty of Ahmet Pasha (1732) - The Ottoman Empire
War of 1730–1736, second stage - Mahmud I Abbas III - Nader Shah Treaty of Constantinople (1736) - The Persian Empire
War of 1743–1746 -Mahmud I - Nader Shah - Treaty of Kerden (1746) - Indecisive
War of 1775–1776 - Abdulhamid I - Karim Khan Zand - None - Basra captured by Persia, retaken by Ottomans three years later.
War of 1821–1823 - Mahmud II Fat′h-Ali - Shah Qajar - Treaty of Erzurum (1823) - Stalemate
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeTue May 23, 2017 6:46 pm

Yeah, there's a lot of potential for the USA right now. It will still take some time before we see actual movement though.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeTue May 23, 2017 7:23 pm

Oh, in 2 years the landscape will be different enough.
The fact that Russia isn't even making a sound means it's already decided.
Now Iran has to decide how they go down from wannabe regional empire to simple sovereign nation.
I'm not counting on a smooth transition, but from where Im standing it seems like Iran just has made too many enemies, and now it's lost at least in terms of propaganda its patron superpower.
I don't know what they're going to do, I don't know what they can do, it looks like mr. Trump has in the first hundred days of his presidency done the impossible: turned both Russia and China to his side, without making any concessions on the status quo -- his ultra aggressive opening tactics have made for wins on all fronts, just not as big as he ostensibly went for - that's dealmaking, and thats whats never been shown as confidently on the world stage before.

A thing to look at now is India. They're going to be looking for deals from the US, and geostrategic presence. Theyre about to be snugly embraced on all sides by the Chinese.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeTue May 23, 2017 8:48 pm

If we look at what Persia was in the past, we might be less surprised that at present they still use children before themselves -
the empire was never known for its bravery.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump in Abrahamia   Trump in Abrahamia Icon_minitimeWed May 24, 2017 7:28 am

I'm glad you are holding to your optimism.

Still a lot of work to be done. At least the major powers, USA, China & Russia, are holding fast. They may not agree on what should be done but at least they agree that something needs be done.

Iran will continue to be a problem as long as ultimate power is in the hands of religious clerics. (We have Jimmy Carter to thank for that. Shame.)

Hopefully Syria can be moderated if the USA and Russia work together to get it done.

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