Here's the example I gave to this fucktard:
"What if a realtor sells someone a house that has rotting walls and foundations and toxins under the ground, which are seeping up into the basement? So you're saying this person has no right to take the realtor to court because they sold house that fell down a month later and killed someone's family?"
---"You should have gotten a contractor to inspect the house."
"I did, but the contractor was bribed by the realtor's company to lie to me and said it was safe, because, again, there are no laws in your society making this illegal."
---"Well you should have gotten more than one contractor."
"I did, two of them, both independent, but one of them was bribed and the other was a scam shell company set up by the realtor himself. They even showed me faulty inspection reports that looked legitimate."
---"Well you should have known the reports weren't right."
"How? I'm now an inspection contractor, most people wouldn't know the difference."
---"Well you should have run them by a lawyer and not trusted the contractors implicitly."
"So now I have to assume mistrust and hire a lawyer to review inspection reports for my house, all because you don't want laws protecting people from obvious fraud that causes real harm?"
"Well I did that, I paid for the contractors, and I paid for the lawyer, and the lawyer didn't see anything wrong with the reports because they were so well faked."
---"You're just making up unrealistic examples."
"No, these sort of things happen all the time, people get scammed and sometimes it isn't their fault, sometimes there was no way for them to tell it was a scam or a fraud. And these sort of things would happen a hell of a lot more in your sort of lawless society."
---"If the realtor sells bad houses then he will go out of business eventually."
"Maybe, maybe not, but even if he does eventually go out of business, my family is still dead because of him."
---"That's your fault for trusting him."
"So no one can trust anyone else now, not even the hired third parties who review products and services? How the fuck is an economy supposed to function like that?"
---"It's the free market."
I'll stop here out of respect for your brains, because I know you don't want to read more of this bullshit. But seriously, fuck these mother fuckers.