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 Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!

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Fixed Cross
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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2017 6:07 pm

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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2017 6:38 pm

I've seen that one before, it's definitely a gem.
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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2017 7:16 pm

And I'm too old to even be modern let alone post modern.

I'll just stay here with my good old days.
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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 2:09 am

Awareness of the soulpoison that is postmodernism and regressive radical leftism is really growing. I know firsthand the temptation of postmodern and Marxist thinking. If a person is damaged in deep ways then the temptation can be very strong. It is basically a "fuck you" to existence paired with an ingroup gang-like appeal, the ultimate in resentful nihilism. Of course capitalism and money are framed in moralistic terms as "evil" by people who don't have money. Unless such a person is also ruthlessly honest, which is rare.

They try to attack law, because the hard logical realities of law are one of the best things standing in the way of postmodern nihilism. The Supreme Court has become infected, I don't trust it much anymore. Federal judges just do whatever they want without regard for law or logic. So who knows what will happen. If a fracture develops at the level of law where certain courts, states or cities simply act indifferently to the larger system of legality then we can be in real trouble. But I'm hopeful that this madness will keep becoming more and more unpopular and "uncool", which is what is already happening. That is the most certain way of defeating it.
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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 2:32 am

As cited by New Real Peer Review, under "legit methodology" (kek):


    Poetic autoethnography provides a research methodology to explore yoga as a mind-body intervention that creates sanctuary. Using this qualitative method and retrieving data from my personal journals, daily workout journals, experiences as a lesbian-identified participant in yoga classes, and yoga instructor, I turn the research lens on myself in order to examine my sociological life story. At a critical time in my life when I was struggling with the fragmentation, anxiety, and despair resulting from dealing with homophobia in a heteronormative world, yoga provided sanctuary for me. My yoga practice increased my self-efficacy, providing transferable techniques for finding refuge within myself, irrespective of the adversity I was facing in my life. Places of sanctuary are critical for members of minority groups who often face marginalization and oppression, which compromise their well-being.

    Keywords: mind-body intervention, yoga, lesbian, oppression, autoethnography, poetry
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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 7:32 am

Oh, I do my best to remain aware. I just do what I need to do to keep it out of my life.

I had my own problems when I was young. I don't need to be getting involved in their problems.
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PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 3:41 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 3:56 pm

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Fixed Cross
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Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 4:43 pm

Trying to have a dialogue with muslims will be exasperating for him. It will not work.
Nor do radical Christians or Jews want dialogue about their religion.

That is not what religion is. It is what people do not want to negotiate, what they want to remain unconscious about. That is precisely what they are fighting for.

Daoism is not a religion in that sense.
These are areas of philosophy that JP will have to ascend to from the first rung. It is one of my specialties, one of the ways in which VO can be used with absolute efficiency.

VO allows us to calculate with hidden variables. Or rather to it, you can't hide. Essence is derived directly from action, as no action is not grounded in its --- ground.

Islams claim to peace is not about Mohammed, or who he was. It is about what the Koran prescribes - the conditions for total obedience to a given order, which would result in peace, and indeed does keep crime exceptionally low in societies of a singe version of islam. The peace it claims to bring is for muslims. It claims war on all non-muslims until all the world is muslim. No muslim will deny this when asked.

If JP is going to manage to read the whole Koran, I think he will lose all his hope for this particular venue. If he talks to a hundred learned muslims afterwards, he will he close to a coma, or to conversion. He will have been hit with such absolute negation of his own values, that, if he has pursued it long enough, he will have become somewhat blind to himself.

Unconscious values aren't re-established through dialogue. They are re-established by seeing which of the old values are the strongest.
We will have to fight. In all ways that our selfvaluing permits. Thats what we need to be studying - what Fixed Cross is really about.

This is where truth comes to equal power, and where your philosophy wil be able to take tremendous flight. As victor.
You are Capable.
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PostSubject: Re: Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now!   Jordan Peterson - We Need To Stop Postmodernism Now! Icon_minitime

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