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 Open Letter to Taylor Swift

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PostSubject: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitimeTue Oct 09, 2018 12:48 pm

Madam Swift, your message was respectable enough, you upheld a semblance of neutrality while stressing some issues close to your heart.
I just write to suggest that you look at the global ramifications of exerting your significant powers of mobilization. We are all at stake in this fight, we are all a minority before the (social) media machine, it can ruin us all and is in the process of doing so, but earthly men and women stand in its way. If a genie would appear to grant me a wish, Id ask that you join our ranks, and thereby give us your conditions. Anyone who gets on the non-automatic side of things gets to make realistic demands, our movement is a diamond in the rough. All the attacks seem to make us stronger. I think you sense this. You're not meant to lose.

Thank you in any case for not having become a slave like most of your colleagues. I hope to be able to thank you for more than that in the future.

Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2018 8:22 am

liberals/leftists are children, and taylor swift is a fucking idiot. i would never marry her.

i’m not a fucking pedophile, or a muslim. i’m not attracted to children and i don’t marry them.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2018 2:20 pm

Well she's no Kanye, but she's not an idiot either, she's just very young and too rich to know why people vote for Trump.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2018 2:47 pm

Maybe not many people know Kanyes history, how he became a rapper from being a beat maker, but thats why he understands. He is really a Nietzschean higher man, perhaps the first after Morrison. At least as provocative, and in a much more evil time. He"s incredibly tough, has a heart of a lion. I got his first album when I went to Paris for a week and just played it raw while I walked through the city, it was raining quite a lot at night, the dusk across theater from the back of the Notre Dame, Paris was fitting Kanye exactly. Much later he recorded that song Niggas in Paris. That shit cray.

Anyway trailblazers aside we need to pull some moderate geniuses to our camp as the left begins to unleash its literal violence attempting to restart the civil war. This time the call for slavery comes from the north. Its just the will to vengeance of life upon itself, a well cultured malcontent that has become a plasma of turbulence in peoples lives. Its all these Hollywood movies where whole cities collapse and the guy saves one trying mother and baby from a roof and they fly into the sunset. Cognitive-emotive dissonance. Deep down they feel the cynicism but the power of the trance is so big that it is just swallowed and forgotten and taken up into the deep weavings of character.

A generation of slaves was bred but nevertheless nature becomes more than what mankind intends for it. The unrelenting fact of being is that it is self-valuing, even in the antithesis of its sustainment, it is of this nature. Wherever there is a significant plus to the power of a self valuing - famous people are usually in the negative toward their dark master-nodes (reality, "evil" to them) - fame has more of a price than we think, especially if it isn't spent in service to the people (not the fans but the inhabitants of the state one is from, etc) - there is the possibility of inviting it to truth. Truth never gets angry if people refuse it. It represses its pity and smiles.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2018 3:01 pm

I cant fail to note the beauty of the deduction -
if it takes so much strength and experience to let go of sanctimony and join a movement based on truth, and where sanctimony without truth can only succeed in crumbing in on itself, then nature has set herself up to draw out an unprecedented concentration of strength and honor to survive herself at this juncture;
every single person turned away from sanctimony into the challenge and cosmic joke/logic of truth is made into a knight. You cant make this shift without being a badass. Isn't that true?
It is a selecting mechanism.
Im not speaking here to a superiority of all republican voters over all democratic voters; Im speaking to the challenge of transcending the instincts which at this point are represented by the Democratic Party and appreciating the ones that drive the Republicans; this is perhaps the very thing that sets in motion the path of the Camel, as only an elite are camels to begin with, to the Lion -- how well we know this path... and I think it is fair to say that if any one in history ever represented the final Nietzschean archetype of the Child, it is our pal Donald J Trump Esquire.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2018 5:33 pm

very true. shit.

i had a thought along these lines a day ago, i’ll see if i can bring it back. it was interesting.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Letter to Taylor Swift   Open Letter to Taylor Swift Icon_minitime

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