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 Life, Movement and Paralysis

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PostSubject: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeThu Aug 15, 2013 3:53 pm

When one thing is moving, it can move more if it is being propped by something paralyzed solid. Life is like this, we paralyze in different places to move more freely in others. Value Ontology implies that the direction of movement in any relevant sense is determined by purpose / intention, and it is these things which then determine what stays and what moves.

What we have frozen and still have frozen has fulfilled its purpose, the awkwardness of modern life is that the things we collectively value are all dead, they are no longer the pressures which shape us (except to the extent that we intend them to). This intentional paralysis is knowingly outdated and kept so out of ironically outdated fears, fears of famine, war and oppression. Even the fear of crime is outdated... But many fears are indeed relevant, held silly by tradition of when these fears were first noted and others were still more relevant. The fear of not living up to our dearly departed deities. The fear that looking past what they were intended to be thought to be might open the veils onto some supernatural demon or monster. The fear that we might miss the opportunity to sow this peak. The fear that all responsibility was thought to lie in places that proved not to exist.

Movement is jolly, which is expressed as adrenaline, whether wild or calm, when working with fear. There are things we know we can freeze for more accurate movement, and things we can unfreeze. Respect for olden times, love of the foretold, unseen lord (which is a representation of the human authority figures had), attachment to the feeling of wonder over the object of wonder, these and other patterns we allow to freeze our own prerogative to freeze and unfreeze the areas of our knowledge and consciousness in ways which we feel adapt most to reality as we feel/know it.
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 3:17 pm

Yes, absolutely. This is really good stuff.

I wonder if we can reduce this freezing to the subject who is said to freeze, the subject by whose nature something is frozen or unfrozen, or do these movements rather have their own substantial existence, drive and power, logic and inertia? Are they merely extensions of powers of subjects or worlds, or something more?

So.. how is something frozen or unfrozen, and what causes this to occur? It seems centered in the deeper psyche and unconsciousness, although our manifestation of freedom might come from or go to this center.

True what you say about previously frozen structures being embarrassments and roadblocks (my interpretation). Logically this should also go for previously unfrozen structures, given new and updated freezings that are happening.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 4:39 pm

A very good perspective, useful.
I wonder if we may symbolically equate the relation between frozen subject-ness (valuing capacity) and "jolly movement" with e=mc^2. At the very least it is clear that when a part of the capacity is unfrozen, more energy is released than can be rationally controlled.
This is perhaps why modern man is "kept" frozen - the potential for causing change is locked away inside himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 4:42 pm

If so, and if we go by your definitions and indications, we might argue that the recipe for revolution lies in "jolly movement" - which would mean, to begin with, dance - and all activity-concepts following from that. In a word, shamanism - but a new word would be required if we are to infuse the internet with an activating meme, an agent of unfreezing man into action.
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 4:48 pm

No, not just one word. We'd have to explain this concept in simple but comprehensive terms.
The idea would be that, in order to liberate the world from paralysis and shameful, useless obstacles, we all privately have to melt them down burn them up, heat up our soul without any other aim than to melt the old valuing sediments, fossils, patterns, into freshly erupting volcanic activity. This itself would naturally regenerate the human cosmos, we would not even have to worry about establishing a value system that is ethically viable - we would be able to count on such systems coming into place as the released radiation, raw valuing-of-the-moments-beauty, converts to mass again and crystallizes into freshly resounding harmonics, arches of meaning that connect the humans in the here, now by extrapolating their self-valuing through science into something that is at this point beyond imagining.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: superhuman conscience   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 5:01 pm

This Frozen-ness is still Egyptian. Pyramids, eternal corpses, steel masks, geometric tombs, obelisks - solidified death-worship.

Those 30.000.000 Egyptians in movement would only need to understand that, when their movement is experienced for what it is, rather than as a means to an unclear end of moral freedom, the revolution will be a historical fact.

Human conscience needs to be converted into dance.
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 3:06 pm

Quote :
What is good? Whatever elevates the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man.

    What is bad? Whatever comes from weakness.

    What is happiness? The feeling of power growing, of a resistance being overcome.

No appeasement, but more power; no peace before everything, but war; no virtue before everything but vigor (virtue in the renaissance style, virtù, virtue without moraline).

The weak and wrangled must perish: first article of our love of men. And, moreover, they must be helped to perish.

¿What is more damaging than any vice? - Active compassion with all the wrangled and weak - Christianity...
This is the 2 aphorism in The Antichrist, and describes the relationships between freezing and moving; proposing nature's own purpose and intent, not only as the discerning factor but the original generating factor.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2019 12:00 am

Pezer wrote:
When one thing is moving, it can move more if it is being propped by something paralyzed solid. Life is like this, we paralyze in different places to move more freely in others. Value Ontology implies that the direction of movement in any relevant sense is determined by purpose / intention, and it is these things which then determine what stays and what moves.

What we have frozen and still have frozen has fulfilled its purpose, the awkwardness of modern life is that the things we collectively value are all dead, they are no longer the pressures which shape us (except to the extent that we intend them to). This intentional paralysis is knowingly outdated and kept so out of ironically outdated fears, fears of famine, war and oppression. Even the fear of crime is outdated... But many fears are indeed relevant, held silly by tradition of when these fears were first noted and others were still more relevant. The fear of not living up to our dearly departed deities. The fear that looking past what they were intended to be thought to be might open the veils onto some supernatural demon or monster. The fear that we might miss the opportunity to sow this peak. The fear that all responsibility was thought to lie in places that proved not to exist.

Movement is jolly, which is expressed as adrenaline, whether wild or calm, when working with fear. There are things we know we can freeze for more accurate movement, and things we can unfreeze. Respect for olden times, love of the foretold, unseen lord (which is a representation of the human authority figures had), attachment to the feeling of wonder over the object of wonder, these and other patterns we allow to freeze our own prerogative to freeze and unfreeze the areas of our knowledge and consciousness in ways which we feel adapt most to reality as we feel/know it.

Excellent stuff, damn

VO does offer the spontaneous chemistry to decompose frozen deference, release it into passion, because passion happens to be real enough of consequence to immediately erect and dig up objects it adores and thereby solidifies into pillars, upholding & usefully frozen things. Yet on a small scale, it does of course isolate the freely reacting chemical from the massive frozen world. Our only hope is - well yes, Obi Wan type hope. Small insurgences by trained masters into the core of things.
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PostSubject: Re: Life, Movement and Paralysis   Life, Movement and Paralysis Icon_minitime

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