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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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 Power and philosophers in the world

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Power and philosophers in the world Empty
PostSubject: Power and philosophers in the world   Power and philosophers in the world Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 7:48 pm

The heights of truth reach far beyond the heights of men. Philosophers are giants and solitary beasts, interpreting the world based on the skew of their distorted perspective.

Logic flows both ways, up and down from truth, the world is the product. Bottom will ALWAYS make more use of top than top will make use of bottom when it comes to the translation of social and psychical forms from the base codons of historical force and material law.

The philosopher would do well to heed this, but he does not, he cannot. A non-philosopher like James, a scientist, has a chance. Only that or a super-philosopher, there are very few of these.

What the philosopher thinks, as philosopher, is irrelevant to himself OR harmful but this is only witnessed at the end, when values appear and disappear. The mass of the world is large enough to off-set the discrepancy between philosopher and man, between the philosopher and himself. There are numberless outcomes and futures, only the misguided trades valuation for time, self for power.

The point isn't to stop exchanges to oneself but to order and organize these with respect to oneself, with respect to truth and capacity, not sacrificing experimentation and daring. You become organic, a million voices, the infinite ocean which echoes only itself. Fuck everything else, only petty values for the petty, match the quantum of your power with the quantum of your self, of consciousness to and for power and see how life fabricates everything as if by magic. Stop fighting nature, work with it. In the end what becomes edified is only value, conscience of which in full consciousness of despair and loss you will burn most fully.

How many REAL masochists are out there? Answer: zero.

From ILP,
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Power and philosophers in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power and philosophers in the world   Power and philosophers in the world Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2013 11:18 am

How fucking proud I am to be amongst y'all's company, ye knights forgainst ignorance!
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