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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
The new season of Homeland, with a female president elect (so far) describes the state in a pure power vacuum. Its clear that Knollery was set up to be a stooge upholding a state of permanent failure coordinated by rogue deep state elements. The narrative to spin and perpetuate this would include references to the vulnerable feminine nature and how shes not to blame for anything.
The show is absolutely top notch cinematically, it may be the best film noir stuff out there, ever. This is because it was made with a purpose far beyond entertaining and making money.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Sun May 07, 2017 1:18 pm
Someday soon I am going to dedicate an entire weekend to doing nothing but watching Homeland.
I started writing a screenplay, just to be writing, practice. Since I'm not a native english speaker I will need help with the dialogue. I'd be interested to learn where you /any of you natives find the speech unnatural, and how you'd say it instead. Feel free to tear it to shreds. I must learn.
I'm pretty good at writing dialogue in Dutch, but no one is ever going to watch a Dutch movie. This is my predicament.
A cleaning cart rolls through shiny corridors at a quick pace. Suddenly it takes a turn and enters a doorway, and another. Then it arrives at a closed door. A hand goes to the knob and pulls it down. The doors open. Two startled faces look towards the camera, one blond, in his late 30's, MIKE, and another brown haired, over 60 years old, PETROWSKI, who is of Russian descent but has been living in the US for decades.
PETROWSKI Hey! What the hell man?
We now see the person who was pushing the cart. It is a man of Semite origin: MOSHE.
MOSHE (very quickly) I am sorry sirs I must clean. Please, step aside for moment. I need to get under desk. No inconvenience for you at all, I make very very quick. Please sir, I must make.
Petrowski looks at Mike, bewildered.
MIKE You gotta admire a sense of duty.
PETROWSKI Is this some kind of joke?
Looks around the room.
PETROWSKI (CONT'D) Why am I here?
Mike laughs thinly and waves to Moshe.
MIKE It's okay boss. We'll be done here in a minute and you can get under the desk.
MOSHE Yes but boss...
MIKE Who's the boss, Moshe!
MOSHE I am boss, sir!
MIKE That's right. Here's a working man for you Petrowski. Here's what it's all about.
PETROWSKI What's what about?
MIKE America. Freedom of choice. Working hard. Making a difference.
Petrowski is taken aback. Moshe begins to move back to the door.
PETROWSKI I respect that, Mike. That's why I come to you with this info...
MIKE (interrupting) Yes indeed, damn fine coffee. I will tell the wife to think about it. She's awful set in her ways however so...
The door shuts.
MIKE (CONT'D) Slick, Petrowski. Do they teach you that in Russia?
MIKE Talking to the cleaners about state business.
PETROWSKI What? You were talking to him about the constitution for Christssakes!
Mike sighs. He gets up and fetches a thermos of coffee.
MIKE We've got a long way to go. Ideology, Petrowski, is what you put into a mans head. Information is what you try to keep out of his head.
Petrowski is getting angry.
PETROWSKI Okay Mike. You got it all figured out. In the meantime we're being spied.
MIKE Don't get paranoid on me Petrowski. Tell me the beginning. How old were you when this happened?
But Petrowski isn't finished yet, he feels humiliated.
PETROWSKI (pointing to the door) Are these actually soundproof?
MIKE Don't worry.
PETROWSKI Okay, Mike. I'm, not worried. Some Arab guy is able to just walk in here with his cart which for all I know carries a camera or a bomb and nothing stands in his way.
MIKE You're not a target. You're not a priority. That's why we're in this room. It's not secure.
PETROWSKI I'm not what? I come to you with information on...
Looks around him suspiciously
PETROWSKI (CONT'D) I come to you with information and I'm not a priority? For what should I be a target?
MIKE You're not.
PETROWSKI Yeah I got that. But for what am I not a target?
MIKE Can we get back to the information?
PETROWSKI Why? It's not a priority is it?
MIKE It's pertinent.
Petrowski stares at Mike blankly. He suddenly laughs.
PETROWSKI Yeah Mike. Okay Mike. Let's get back to the info. I'm not worried.
MIKE Okay then. How old were you when this happened?
PETROWSKI I was four.
MIKE So this was...
PETROWSKI Nineteen fifty two.
MIKE So now you're here, sixty years later, about to retire. And you come to me with a story.
PETROWSKI It's a true story.
MIKE It's a strange story. But then again, you are Russian. It'd be strange if it wasn't... strange.
Petrowski grimaces.
PETROWSKI (sarcastic) How well you know us.
MIKE So you were having breakfast with the family, and a general came to take your dad away.
MIKE And your father didn't come back for a year and a half.
PETROWSKI That's right. And when he did he was deformed. I mean mentally. They had been screwing with his head.
MIKE But he was able to pass on this information to you.
PETROWSKI Eventually. Years later.
MIKE Why did he come forward?
PETROWSKI I guess he'd been afraid.
MIKE I don't know Petrowski. It's a strange story.
Petrowski opens the door again and looks outside. The hallway is empty. He closes it again. He turns to Mike.
PETROWSKI I didn't tell you the whole story.
MIKE (ironically) You didn't?
Petrowski slowly sits down
PETROWSKI The general who came to our house, well that was not actually a general.
MIKE (irritated) Right.
He looks at his watch.
PETROWSKI He did however have a large mustache.
MIKE Facial hair, huh? In Russia of all places. Impressive.
Petrowski looks at Mike, penetratingly, waiting.
MIKE (CONT'D) Your story is finished? This is it? A man with a mustache came to take your dad away to fry his brain?
Petrowski shakes his head, almost without moving it. He keeps staring at Mike intently. Mikes face suddenly shows an expression.
MIKE (CONT'D) A man with a mustache, huh.
In season 6 the character Max is given a last name.
Quote :
Max Piotrowski Played by Maury Sterling, Max Piotrowski is Virgil's brother. Max works with Virgil in his security consulting business. He is depicted as socially awkward.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:02 pm
Finished season two of The Shield. Gotta say, this show is redeeming.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
I was just telling a friend today, with some surprise to myself, how much I prefer it to the other shows, where it comes to real human story arc and committed acting. It's supremely unpretentious. But with balls of steel truly. I love it.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:57 am
Yeah, the sheer brutality of the psyches in the show is almost hard to watch. It is definitely a tragedy of epic proportions. I've never seen a more truly tragic moral hero than Vic. Absolutely unpretentious, I agree with that. But after watching a couple episodes I have to stop, it's just to much to take in all at once.
Yeah, the sheer brutality of the psyches in the show is almost hard to watch. It is definitely a tragedy of epic proportions. I've never seen a more truly tragic moral hero than Vic. Absolutely unpretentious, I agree with that. But after watching a couple episodes I have to stop, it's just to much to take in all at once.
Yes! It leaves me properly shaken too. And the show doesn't ever relent. This makes it the only show I love wholeheartedly.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:32 am
I had to go run a few miles after watching the last time, just to physically work through the brutal and honest intensity of the show. I think The Shield is far superior to The Wire, although I liked The Wire too. But I never felt an urge to go running after watching The Wire. The Wire leaves a feeling of lingering depression, that is the side of truth it is on, which makes sense now in light of that call to violence on Twitter by its creator, but The Shield never leaves me with a feeling of lingering depression. In fact, the lingering feeling left by The Shield is really too primal to even have a name.
Ha, yes, I often did the same. When I first started watching it I was in LA, at night in a motel. After an episode I would burst out of my room, down into the hot night, just roaming for a while, with a feeling that has no name.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
The Shield.... goddamn man. This show is fucking unreal.
Triumph. These guys.
I was coming in here to recommend Silicon Valley, which is the funniest stuff Ive seen in one of these shows, but was realizing yeah but he's still in the Shield. All else pales.
Still SV is very nice work by Mike Judge. For certain I can say that he has the best end of episode credits ever. I replayed the credits yesterday, several times which was a hilarious experience.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:29 pm
I do have to watch SV sometime. Also Homeland.
Right now I am making my way through Vikings. I love this show. Far more than Nietzsche, it is Vikings that tempts me most to convert to the 'will to power' as ideology or philosophy. This show is pure will to power, similar to The Shield. Only Vikings is far more pleasant to watch; the tensions are more manageable and human, whereas the tensions in The Shield are simply out of this world and often unbearable.
Right now I am making my way through Vikings. I love this show. Far more than Nietzsche, it is Vikings that tempts me most to convert to the 'will to power' as ideology or philosophy. This show is pure will to power, similar to The Shield. Only Vikings is far more pleasant to watch; the tensions are more manageable and human, whereas the tensions in The Shield are simply out of this world and often unbearable.
I have to agree. Vikings wasn't even like watching a show, it was like watching my own soul painted in blood on inner the wall of my skull, or heart. Where I guess it is in fact being painted.
An ode.
I wrote:
Pure masculine power. Raw energy, completely unconditioned. Unacceptable standards of strength. A mans maximal capacity for lust. The drive that causes murder and war. Blindness of losing oneself in what one is without goals.
Digging downward-forward. Ploughing through life and leaving fertile chaos and upheaval as a trail. Mammoth strength. Marching barbarian army. The synchronized heartbeats of a million soldiers. Drums in the deep.
Roar of a monstrous predator already too close to see. Encroaching darkness. Male Earth. Pillars being drilled into the ground. Pillars being raised. Primordial phallic strength. Brute rhythms. Satan.
Excess force flows back into the Earth. The kundalini turned downward.
The need for resistance. Powerful jaw. Raging bull. Walking the Earth in search of pain to grow by. To know oneself the hard way.
Titanic determination. All or death. The force that blindly enslaves. Strength that builds empires.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:53 am
Found a new great series, Penny Dreadful.
Oh yeah, and also there's this,
Parodites Tower
Posts : 791 ᚠ : 856 Join date : 2011-12-11
Subject: Re: Film Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:14 pm
Lol. She always said I looked like the Dorian Gray in that series I always wondered what the fuck it was.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:10 am
Holy shit. This is a very good show.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:17 am
Thrasymachus wrote:
Holy shit. This is a very good show.
This show in a word: fucking brilliant.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Film Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:46 am
Worst movie I have probably ever seen: Wonder Woman.
The only good thing about this movie is the main actress. She is great. Not as good as she could be, but considering the shit she had to act in I am surprised she even pulled of as much character as she did.
This movie is so bad, it is not even comic... and it is not even tragic. It is worse than that. The entire movie is pure memes, and not the good kind of memes. It doesn't even have a surface, it isn't even superficial. It just... does not exist.