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 Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 12:08 pm

For me, experience is the only counting thing.

I spent two years deeply immersed in Islam, this was after my first ventures into the ME as undercover journalist.

Pezer, despite all I told him from experience, turned out to have taken me for full of shit, when I showed him my work with muslims: upon seeing it he said I had no idea Amsterdam was so entirely overtaken.  It turned out that now that he saw it, he was far, far more fearful of it than I am. He would never have dared to go into those schools and homes that I display here. Whereas I felt only love making this movie, and still feel mostly that watching it. I have love for people, no matter what foolishnes they choose. Communists, Socialists, Nazis, Muslims, I can roll with them as long as they know I am not budging.

Let alone that he would ever get embedded with Hezbollah- as an undercover Jew... hahahaha.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 12:13 pm

The thing to consider is that Sharia is a very functional law. There is very little crime in muslim countries. These sheiks have every reason to look down on our society and very strong reasons to be certain that the prophecy their book will be fulfilled, as it describes precisely the vices of the west, and accurately posits Sharia against it. Its a matter of values priorities. Islam is the first contender to global order right now. The oldest and the deepest entrenched.

I could seriously recommend reading some Islamic political philosophy. (this is the exception they allow)
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 12:21 pm

I also believe in individual efforts, absolutely this moves the world. But I see larger meta-historical processes as truth-movements and that such things are those out of which individuals come. The individual concentrates these such conditions and gives voice to them in action. In other words I don't ever reduce efforts or actions to the category of the absolute individual. Individuation is key but is part of a much larger process that spans history, cultural development, ideas and philosophy and science and the various existential human drives for pleasure, creation, discovery, honesty and meaning. Whatever happens, truth always eventually turns it toward the good, this is something that Nietzsche also noticed in his own way.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 12:27 pm

I dont believe this, no. My family was butchered in the camps, I know things tend to play out for the worst for most.

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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 12:31 pm

N said that the greatest likelihood is of the Last Man covering the earth for an endless string of centuries, but that if his friends give a superhuman effort, there may be brought about a layer of free hearts on top or outside of that mass-regulated unworld.

I know with certainty that all good things are due to the individual.  A true individual just takes whatever context he has and improves it, no matter which context.

Of course when thinking in terms of N we need to consider the genetic selection of murdering all independent women and all those men that wished to protect the honor of their women, or the right to read secular books, over the course of 1200 years.

Genetics is real, it determines both the individual and the environment, and that is why the mullahs tend to kill off all independent spirits in atrocious, repelling ways.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 1:13 pm

The anti Trump protests are like the rapist accusing the victim.

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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 1:20 pm

Yes and I'm not "justifying" any atrocities, but even the Holocaust serves to eventually uplift humanity as a whole. Atrocities are excesses being worked through as the painful realization of error. It doesn't make it any easier to endure these pains and errors knowing this though.

We understand only what we have eudured and overcome. Subjectivity and the self are basically the accumulated substances of this overcoming and successfully enduring over time. I think truth always has the final say, maybe not for centuries though. No one can fathom the real depths of such processes. Nietzsche's theory of the last man isn't a bad one, but I think it does discount a lot of these tectonic depths for an easier and more moralized determination. No person can be truly lumped into categories like "last man" or not, these sort of categories and labels are means to more accurate understanding and not strict existential or onto-epistemic categories.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 1:21 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
The anti Trump protests are like the rapist accusing the victim.

How so? Your reslly don't think there is any legitimacy at all to the sentiments of people skeptical or worried about Trump?

I think the protests are expressions of self-valuing. As I said before, these are value wars.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 5:16 pm

Capable wrote:
Yes and I'm not "justifying" any atrocities, but even the Holocaust serves to eventually uplift humanity as a whole. Atrocities are excesses being worked through as the painful realization of error. It doesn't make it any easier to endure these pains and errors knowing this though.

I disagree that the holocaust has uplifted people. It has mostly damaged the human spirit. True: no pain no gain, but it is also true that too much suffering ruins the soul. Nazism can almost be said to have been mild compared with what the muslims are doing to each other now.

Overcoming the holocaust is not given to most who have lost family in it. It will dampen and terrify the spirit for many generations, I am pretty sure - especially since all muslims in Europe are taught that it didnt happen.

A friend of mine tried a teaching job, he was mentioning the holocaust, and got basically beaten out of the classroom by  the 100% islamic class, as a third of the schools tend to cultivate out of necessity. He had to quit, he could not teach any truths to these kids. They already know everything there is to know. Tatas will burn in hell, non covered women are whores.

Quote :
We understand only what we have eudured and overcome. Subjectivity and the self are basically the accumulated substances of this overcoming and successfully enduring over time. I think truth always has the final say, maybe not for centuries though. No one can fathom the real depths of such processes. Nietzsche's theory of the last man isn't a bad one, but I think it does discount a lot of these tectonic depths for an easier and more moralized determination. No person can be truly lumped into categories like "last man" or not, these sort of categories and labels are means to more accurate understanding and not strict existential or onto-epistemic categories.

But none of us will ever overcome the holocaust. Only those that actually survived it with pride, like my grandfather who, as perhaps the only one ever, managed to escape from several of these camps. His wife wasnt so fortunate, and her loss has simply marked my father for life. There is no overcoming of such loss and indignity, the only thing you can do in such a case is honor her, and keep mourning.

Capable wrote:
Fixed Cross wrote:
The anti Trump protests are like the rapist accusing the victim.

How so? Your reslly don't think there is any legitimacy at all to the sentiments of people skeptical or worried about Trump?

I think the protests are expressions of self-valuing. As I said before, these are value wars.

I do think that they are selfvaluing, but so are rapists. They are protesting the things Trumps win has put a challenge to. Any Clinton supporter is deep-fascist, thats just a fact given what Clinton has done overseas alone. So protesting that they would have wanted Clinton to win, is complaining that they didnt get to rape any further.

Clinton is a pure warmonger, her supporters are thus warmongers too. Any green or sane left person would be grateful for this turn of events if the institution of rape and genocide had not brainwashed and incorporated them.

Basically I want them to rage, as it is better to rage than to rape. I dont respect them, they are not even animals, but they exist and so thats just what we have to deal with. We have to let them do as they please as long as it doesnt ruin lives.

I can see legitimacy of the right to have an opinion and voice it, but indeed I see no true legitimacy to any of the worries - as I have been saying, I ve perceived Trump from the start as the first human candidate for the American presidency since Ive been in this world.

And without trying to be annoying, I honestly believe that hatred of humanity is what causes the protests. All the more reason to let it rage - I simply hope some of them will discover their humanity after some weeks or months of foam mouthing insanity-release.

Just look at how Trumps family and body has been attacked (small hands, small dick, that was political commentary in mainstream media, trump pictured naked as a pig - all straight out the nazi schoolbooks) - you see what kind of people his strongest opponents are. Nazis. Unapologetic genocidal scum. Yes, they have supported massive genocide. Clintons Libya alone is as bad as Auschwitz.

Some imagery from back home, where the fight against murderous doxic religion may have to go on for centuries (again):
I dont know if you can watch the videos, but this is pretty much what northern Europe is like now.

Another way of telling that these protesters are barbaric nazis on the whole is that they stayed quiet while Obama was droning hospitals and schools.

Just the tip of the tip of the iceberg:

Never saw a single outcry about "Not my president".
Seriously fuck that genocidal scum. They can scream all they want though.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 6:09 pm

Atrocities "uplift" in the sense that we humans collectively become aware that such things are possible and we learn how horrible they are. Therefore by virtue of this new knowledge can such things be opposed in the future. But also those forces of the atrocity will also learn, and educate themselves as well. Again, I said that we are only whatever we have already managed to overcome. A self, a mind, a spirit or moral character, a strength of knowledge, these are never givens.... they must be created. Extant conditions and accumulative experiences create the individual, one aspect of which is genetics as you say. But that is not the only aspect, nor I suspect the more significant. What is truly significant is the inherited culture of ideas, language, meaning that we receive upon birth and growing up.

If the Holocaust hadn't happened then we would not know today that such things are possible to occur in the westerns civilized world. Thus, now we may be a little more on our guard.

If you are denying this then you must deny that such horrors have any meaning at all. That would make them even more horrifying... and meaningless. Luckily no thing is isolated, nothing in the human world is without meaning.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 6:11 pm

Yes the relative media and DFL silence and lack of outcry with the various US military and economic sanction atrocities is indeed an appalling double standard.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 7:59 pm

Agree - except that every Jew is trembling right now fearing it is going to happen - for them it wouldnt be just the second, but the thousandt time they were decimated. like I said its 1933 again, they cant go in the street openly.

Still, Im convinced that it wont happen - but only because I know me and my brothers and sisters wont let that happen. It is this very fight I am fighting here now, sharpening my swords on the hardest atoms.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 8:55 pm

These protesters don't know what they're doing, if you ask them any question they just freeze up- the rioters certainly don't. They are going out there to tear shit up because it's fun, it's a party to them they are not politically informed, some cases their teachers are telling students to leave class and go protest, and other cases they're disparate social activist groups funded by wealthy liberal dicks pissed off that they can't buy our government after Trump gets rid of the lobbyists, activist groups that are being rallied to go cause a civil disturbance.

Fucking morons releasing personal information and addresses of the members of the electoral college to intimidate them into changing their vote to Hillary.

(a) DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEFINED- Section 2331 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1)(B)(iii), by striking by assassination or kidnapping' and inserting `by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;
(2) in paragraph (3), by striking `and';
(3) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and inserting `; and'; and
(4) by adding at the end the following:
'(5) the term `domestic terrorism' means activities that--
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
`(B) appear to be intended--
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
`(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.'.
(b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 3077(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
(1) `act of terrorism' means an act of domestic or international terrorism as defined in section 2331;'.

I fucking hate protesters anyway. Anytime you get a mob, everyone loses their minds and gets absorbed into the passions of the collective, a mob is just a seething bundle of instincts and blind outrage. Write an essay about it instead of standing in the way blocking traffic for people. Better yet, vote for the presidential candidate you preferred, unlike about 70 percent of these protesters. You can even vote 15 times if you're a democrat!


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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 9:35 pm

"Fuck that nigga Trump!"

"La rasa!"

"He's just racist."

*Throws egg at guy.*

*Spits on guy.*

"Fuck colonialism."

"Is the second amendment the one about shooting people, I forget"

"California should secede"

I liked this quote I recall: "*illegal speaking* I'm a fuckin American you don't represent this country! I'm a fuckin' American. Fuck this country" LOLOLOLOL

That's about all these protesters have to say, and I tried listening to them from every video source I could find. They're either literally retarded (as in I fear for their own safety and the safety of others because there's medically something wrong with their fuckin' noggins) or they're been told by their activist groups to do this and don't really know much of anything about the relevant subjects.

They did have one good idea from what I heard though: California should secede. Then when they realize they don't have the capacity to raise a militia capable of repelling the collective force of the US military, we can nuke em from orbit and take the land back.

Last edited by Parodites on Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2016 9:45 pm

Just change the fucking voting age to 25.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 12:23 am

Quote :
I liked this quote I recall: "*illegal speaking* I'm a fuckin American you don't represent this country! I'm a fuckin' American. Fuck this country"

This sums it up.

Id be careful with the police violence pathos though, thats what these Saudis are after. If we go there, they've got their perpetual war.

The test, i believe, is to 'stay inside' - to let the cold lonely air kill off the larger part of the pests, so that state structure as it kicks in will have only the relatively sane to address.

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 12:27 am

The best thing is simply to end the vacations of the illegals and send them back home, and arrest the citizens who are acting out criminally, and put them together, in the same facilities so they can suffer each others insanity, until theyre fed up with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 3:14 am

This is after all a metavictory.

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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 3:17 am

The US needs to get some Toyota plants into Detroit. They can just leverage Japan into that now with China growing so tall. I bet. Im not sure how bad that would hurt Japanese pride - it would have to be presented... businesslike.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 5:04 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Quote :
I liked this quote I recall: "*illegal speaking* I'm a fuckin American you don't represent this country! I'm a fuckin' American. Fuck this country"

This sums it up.

Id be careful with the police violence pathos though, thats what these Saudis are after. If we go there, they've got their perpetual war.

The test, i believe, is to 'stay inside' - to let the cold lonely air kill off the larger part of the pests, so that state structure as it kicks in will have only the relatively sane to address.

I was imagining it wasn't a police vehicle in the video though, but rather myself, trying to get to the pharmacist.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 5:10 am

spirit of America live and well

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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 5:38 am

Yep. That's about right:

Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 2V7OlX
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 5:49 am

Parodites wrote:
Fixed Cross wrote:
Quote :
I liked this quote I recall: "*illegal speaking* I'm a fuckin American you don't represent this country! I'm a fuckin' American. Fuck this country"

This sums it up.

Id be careful with the police violence pathos though, thats what these Saudis are after. If we go there, they've got their perpetual war.

The test, i believe, is to 'stay inside' - to let the cold lonely air kill off the larger part of the pests, so that state structure as it kicks in will have only the relatively sane to address.

I was imagining it wasn't a police vehicle in the video though, but rather myself, trying to get to the pharmacist.

See, context is required. Now its a noble scene.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 5:52 am

Parodites wrote:
Just change the fucking voting age to 25.

There's something to be said for allowing people to have an education or at least some experience before burdening them with the heavy responsibility of formally determining other peoples lives.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream   Trump and Metaphysics: A Continuing Thought-stream - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2016 5:54 am

Parodites wrote:
spirit of America live and well

Most fun he ever had -
see this is all therapeutic, the ID is coming free
and in the process, a shard of responsibility is learned in the blaze. Ideally.
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