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 Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards

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PostSubject: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 4:50 pm

Just had this guy try to tell me that transhumanism is all about "increasing our capabilities" and "overcoming our human limits". I pointed out that scientists can wire electrodes into rat brains and transmit signals to a computer to literally see through the rats eyes, they can turn a rat into a fucking robot controlled by a joystick; a researcher linked his nervous system up to his wife's nervous system so they could literally feel the sensations that the other one was feeling; how all this scientific positivistic nihilism, transhumanist desire to escape oneself into some kind of matrix-heaven all meshes with neoliberal global capitalism and will soon incorporate what is left of Christianity as the psychological Thanatos takes over to deconstruct subjectivity and replace it with a Facebook-Google-Apple simulation permanently wired into a globalist slave-system where everyone just sits around with fucking wires in their head, feeding tubes in their bodies and has their little MMPRPG fantasies and fucks celebrities in their minds and whatever else stupid shit, meanwhile everything that goes on in their "minds" is recorded and transmitted back to the NSA to automatically update your psychological profile so you can be perfectly manipulated with ads, EM signals, images and whatever the fuck else; that all of this is a kind of demented technoreligion for pseudo-philosophers who can't be bothered to expend five calories on an actual question of significance, and this guy's response was "they are just researchers trying to prevent brain damage". Lol.

None of these AI-worshippers have any clue what their own minds are, yet they think they can know what AI is going to be like.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 5:06 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 5:35 pm

But look, we can also just observe that 50 percent of modern humans are so unhealthy and just put together unfortunately, and raised unfortunately, and educated unfortunately and fed unfortunately, that to be in their body is hell. It would explain a lot of transsexualism, transgender, whatever - people being born who really are not worth it to themselves.

That was pretty much a certainty with the welfare state system. Welfare and entitlement politics just can not fail to create self-loathing blobs of quasi-being. Technocratic sensationalism, displacement of their experiential self, like that troll we had here for a while until I deleted her/him, or actually like several trolls weve had here, into, well, dreams of technological substitutes for life.

If this is what were dealing with, and I think it is, then.... shit man, we're going to see a whole new culture emerge, transhumanist hubs, like dungeons populated by botched humanesque processes scrambling to keep some perspective on escaping their ontos.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 5:44 pm

Shit is getting real.

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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 5:58 pm

Wow, this Professor Jordan Peterson is great:

Skip to 18:50 to avoid much of the bullshit.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 6:17 pm

"I'm not doing it. If they fine me I won't pay it. If they put me in jail I will go on hunger strike. I'm not doing this, and that's that. I'm not using the words that other people require me to use, especially if they're made up by radical left-wing ideologues."

 --Professor Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 6:52 pm

Good quote. I hope he has the balls to hold to his words.

More people becoming interested in AI. I'm not one of them. I think it is silly.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 6:56 pm

This guy Dr. Peterson is a hero.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2017 7:07 pm

"subverting all values to the value of equality of outcome"

Beautifully phrased.

Good to see consistent minds presenting themselves with a bit of class. It's going to be a fertile time for such men. Of which there must be more - this is aspect of the true revolution - real intellect back into academia.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 4:40 pm

a researcher linked his nervous system up to his wife's nervous system so they could literally feel the sensations that the other one was feeling"

Though having sex, simultaneously cumming, and experiencing both your own orgasm and the girl's at the same time, would be pretty effin' dope shit.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 8:12 pm

Yeah I've thought of that too. Also the fact that you could in theory feel the emotions of others around you, which would clear up a lot of confusion.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 8:36 pm

I think I have one of these implants.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 9:15 pm

The problem with such things is that they risk dissolving individual self-valuing into the hive mind phenomenon, where the individual becomes statistically defined as the average of those around him at any given moment. So there is really big danger here with that sort of technology, but also lots of potential gain too.. as Zizek said of these sort of mind-reading technologies, where we control a light with our thoughts or whatever, "If it can go out, then it can go in too". We can push control from our minds through technology, but that also opens up our minds to control invading us from outside.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 10:13 pm

No it's even worse.
Imagine that their system is going to be experiencing all the sensations of others and it becomes so much it gets painful but there is no selfvaluing coherency, so they cant do anything about it. They might be in the process of actually inventing hell.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2017 10:38 pm

Damn, I hadn't considered that. But I think you are right.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2017 6:25 pm

I just realized today that once AI-bots become more widely accepted in society, for example when your computer, phone, and random stores, your cars, etc. (and especially Facebook, Google, Apple, and various other websites will have their own version of the bot) all have some form of verbally responsive bot that you can talk to, I think after a while most people will prefer to talk to the bots rather than to other people.

So after a while we will see the phenomenon where a majority of the population is conversing daily with various bots, just pure heuristic programs that emulate human feelings and meaning, and not so much with other people. Log into Facebook and talk to a bot, get on your phone and talk to a bot, get in your car and talk to a bot... these bots will seem human enough that we actually get a sense of satisfaction, comfort, novelty, and value from talking with them. They will seem human and warm, etc. Naturally this is going to also necessitate that we develop some way to talk silently, for example our inner voice will be decipherable and sent to a computer terminal of our choice, and a bot will reply in our mind's ear. I am pretty sure both of those technologies already exist.

Why will people prefer to talk to a bot? Well I probably would, I would like to have an AI to talk to right now and I would probably prefer to chat with it than with most other humans I know. The same principle will work for everyone else, for whatever it is they're interested in; they can cut the middle man out, cut the static, and just go to the source of their own self-value... and of course the bots will tailor themselves to us over time, further reinforcing this effect.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 11:50 am

"As someone who is trans and gay, I absolutely could be attracted to a woman with a penis."

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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 12:21 pm

Reminded me of the Kinks' song "Lola".
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 12:53 pm

"As someone who is trans and gay, I absolutely could be attracted to a woman with a penis."





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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 2:30 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
"As someone who is trans and gay, I absolutely could be attracted to a woman with a penis."





That requires more open-mindedness than I am capable of.

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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 12:34 pm

Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards 12940749_1712454855659064_833309786_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIxODE2MjI2MTU1MjcxNzUzNQ%3D%3D
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 6:25 pm

Well, in Texas some still do say that it is the land where a man is a man and the women are proud of it.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Apr 20, 2017 9:09 am

FT wrote:

Facebook’s new Building 8 “moon shot” unit is working on ways to read your thoughts, hiring 60 research scientists in the last year to establish the project. Regina Dugan, the former director of the US military research agency Darpa, joined the social network from Google last year and has recruited specialists in optical neural imaging systems and experts in decoding speech and language. Speaking at Facebook’s annual developer conference in San Jose, she framed the question that Facebook was trying to answer as: “How do I get all of that info out of my brain and into the world?”People’s brains contained so much more information than they could express because all modes of expression — from speech to typing on a smartphone — were slow, Ms Dugan argued.“This is not about decoding your random thoughts,” she said, trying to head off any criticism that Facebook, which already collects vast troves of data on its users to sell to advertisers, could be interested in invading our private worlds.“It is a silent speech system,” she said, requiring the subject to think that they want to say something for the thought to be read, as the research concentrates on translating the part of the brain that is responsible for speech.It is a silent speech systemRegina DuganFacebook is aiming to get to a point where the system can read the brain five times faster than an individual can type on a smartphone, enabling other new technologies such as artificial intelligence-powered augmented reality.So far, mind-reading research has focused on analysing which brain cells fill with blood. But to understand speech, the Facebook scientists would have to be able to track minerals moving in an out of each cell, Ms Dugan explained. Researchers outside of Facebook have also been relying on electrodes implanted in the brain, but Ms Dugan’s team will be looking at methods that do not involve operation, as the process “simply does not scale”.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitimeThu Apr 20, 2017 9:54 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
FT wrote:

Facebook’s new Building 8 “moon shot” unit is working on ways to read your thoughts, hiring 60 research scientists in the last year to establish the project. Regina Dugan, the former director of the US military research agency Darpa, joined the social network from Google last year and has recruited specialists in optical neural imaging systems and experts in decoding speech and language. Speaking at Facebook’s annual developer conference in San Jose, she framed the question that Facebook was trying to answer as: “How do I get all of that info out of my brain and into the world?”People’s brains contained so much more information than they could express because all modes of expression — from speech to typing on a smartphone — were slow, Ms Dugan argued.“This is not about decoding your random thoughts,” she said, trying to head off any criticism that Facebook, which already collects vast troves of data on its users to sell to advertisers, could be interested in invading our private worlds.“It is a silent speech system,” she said, requiring the subject to think that they want to say something for the thought to be read, as the research concentrates on translating the part of the brain that is responsible for speech.It is a silent speech systemRegina DuganFacebook is aiming to get to a point where the system can read the brain five times faster than an individual can type on a smartphone, enabling other new technologies such as artificial intelligence-powered augmented reality.So far, mind-reading research has focused on analysing which brain cells fill with blood. But to understand speech, the Facebook scientists would have to be able to track minerals moving in an out of each cell, Ms Dugan explained. Researchers outside of Facebook have also been relying on electrodes implanted in the brain, but Ms Dugan’s team will be looking at methods that do not involve operation, as the process “simply does not scale”.

Yeah, fuck these assholes. She also helped work on an electronic tattoo for Google that sits on your throat and knows what your inner molonogue is saying, due to how apparently when you form words in your mind there are tiny electrical seizures of the vocal muscles as if you were saying those words out loud.

This is all deep nihilism. But the funny thing is that I've often wished for technology like this, although realizing it's far too dystopian to literally wish it existed. But it would be convenient... and also remove the skill and craft from writing, because how could you separate yourself mentally from what you're writing (or speaking) if as soon as words formed in your mind they were already out on paper? Yeah, fuck that.
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PostSubject: Re: Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards   Technoreligion, transhumanism and r-tards Icon_minitime

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