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 The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)

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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2019 6:23 am

Defenders of the Earth wrote:
If someone says something against Islam, because of Muslim fanaticism or terrorism or something, that person is immediately branded as a subhuman racist/bigot/idiot for blaming an entire group for the actions of one person. Yet the left/liberal ideology actually believes that meaning and value come from group identification, which is why you are not allowed to criticize Islam itself.

Their very method undercuts itself in a vicious way that can be hard to see. On the one hand they uphold the supreme value of the group, and on the other hand any instances of negative or detrimental consequence that come from the group are relegated away from group responsibility and placed only on the responsibility of the individual. This is a perfect hypocrisy.

Cheap moralism at its finest: black and white good/bad thinking, namely you identify individuals as members of groups, and then you assign a label of either good or bad to every group. Islam is good, liberalism is good, socialism is good, whereas white men are bad, capitalism is bad, conservatives are bad, etc. Now you have the means of entirely voiding yourself of the task of thinking, you simply apply this formula at the unconscious level. Any instance that upholds the rule of good or bad, for whatever group you are talking about, becomes proof of the group status, whereas any instance that contradicts the rule of good or bad becomes denied as being part of the identity of the group.

For example, if a conservative or white male does something good then this is treated as an individual exception and certainly not because those groups have any inherent goodness to them, likewise if something good comes from capitalism that is treated as an exception and must be due to other factors than capitalism itself. Then on the other side, if a liberal or a Muslim does something good this is treated as proof that the group "liberals" or "Muslims" is inherently good, whereas if a liberal or Muslim does something bad this is denied association to the group and the individual person is supposed to take all the blame, as if they are not even part of the group at all.

And that is just it: group-status is based on you upholding the (simplistic and black and white) categories of either good or bad. If you are in a group with a 'good' designation then you must not do anything against the group, and if you do you lose group-status so that no blame can fall on the group. If you are in a group with a 'bad' designation then you must not do anything able to be perceived a good or not-bad, and if you do anything good or not-bad then you are also seen as not representative of that group.

It's all just a load of horseshit.

I had forgotten I wrote this. But wow, how damn penetrating and accurate of an observation this is.

Now, two years later, I’ve cut out NPC’s from my personal life. I no longer need to interact with them every day; I am free. And I am so much better for it. I highly recommend that if you have any NPC’s in your personal life you find a way to restructure your life such that you no longer need to interact with them. I still have some occasional contact with them but it is very occasional and limited in scope, so I can mostly ignore them. But even this occasional limited contact still causes disproportionate stress and suffering to me. So I’ll have to keep cutting them out of my life more and more.

It seems that the easiest way to do this is to find real people. Populate your personal life and time with real human beings, and in this way quite naturally the NPC’s will lose their foothold in you.
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Fixed Cross
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2019 2:20 pm

It is a general rule that people need to perceive each other as small, silly and helpless. Within these parameters people can accept themselves somewhat. This is Socialism, or in general the social order of things,

Next to this order, above it, is the order of creative individuals, Capitalism.

We may here and there arrive at a "social capitalism" but only as a product of great profits made in purely capitalistic ventures.

It never ceases to amaze how sternly Socialists believe that money grows on trees and Capitalists just happen by these trees unfairly to pluck the cash before Socialists happen by. Like how ILPers believe that if Einstein hadnt existed there woud have been a thousand other people to formulate his theory.

Socialism is at heart and most succinctly described as anti-meritocracy; a form of idealism that reaches for every possible way to negate the phenomenon of merit.
What any socialist regime does first and foremost is to outlaw talent, and in general any forms of intelligence that cant be easily categorized in terms of designated slave labor, which is all the labor socialism is capable of employing.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2019 8:32 pm

Yes. I’ll never support this leftist shit ever again. They are all wishing for death and I want no part in it.
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Fixed Cross
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2019 9:14 pm

Its such a disgusting mess we all had to escape somehow - truly end of times shit.

In the meantime Trump is making history his personal affair.

He is right about the economic powerhouse that North Korea would inevitably become if US and China can both support it rather than China alone.
China is great.

Xi said of the collapse of the USSR: it was because Gorbachov didnt govern like a man.

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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2019 11:44 am

The world is now a pure daemonism. A tension not reconcilable. This is ok. Let’s war for our values.
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Fixed Cross
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2019 5:46 pm

Defenders of the Earth wrote:
The world is now a pure daemonism. A tension not reconcilable. This is ok. Let’s war for our values.


The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 MCeran-004-Aesir-and-Vanir-Fight-cd-edit-002-e1525512706393-780x343
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2019 6:00 pm

Or whoa check out this one.

The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Aesirvanirwar14

Thats how it is.
This is what a soul looks like when you irritate it.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2019 3:28 pm

Revenge of the Earth:

Why is liberal left ideology disintegrating right on the cusp of its victory? Because it is only a movement of entropy within existing substances, as I wrote elsewhere (somewhere in value ontology studies I think). I’m now seeing an occasional email from someone in a professional capacity where their email signature includes “pronouns: he/him” or “she/her”. So naturally I conclude we’re fucked. But then I see how insane the left is and how everything they say now is demonstrably false and everyone knows it, including the pronoun shit. People only go along with it because the Soviet style oppression of public discourse has reached a peak where everyone knows if you go against it you’ll lose your job, get kicked from social media, lose your friends (assuming anyone who would stop talking to you because you said transgenderism is pathological child abuse could bd called a “friend” to begin with), maybe get doxxed and end up like a Covington kid. So fear keeps everyone in line as grand moff Tarkin said to Darth Vader, but now we have multiple clashes between leftist elements. Muslims in Congress, Alexandria occasional cortex, radical Muslims and Christians in UK getting “lgbt” classes banned in schools, Democrats going as far communist mode as possible and getting chastised by other democrats. Why? Well the left isn’t any kind of system or substance it is merely entropic decay; once this is seen it becomes clear that leftism cannot cohere around anything systemic or substantial, namely it is forced to cohere around things like fear and intimidation and any and all emotional regurgitation. Emotions themselves are an excess, so is leftism. Emotions are excesses of many different things and this is just fine because they tend to work well with existing substances such as reason, language, meaning, biology; but leftism is purely a cancer that eats everything it touches. So leftism is grasping for anything it can manage to corrupt for a few minutes before it destroys it, in order to buy itself a few more minutes of existence.

The biggest barrier to leftism in America is that unlike USSR in America leftism can’t simply step in and take over economics. Capitalism is too strong, too earthy and too real. Capitalism will never allow itself to be overtaken by this entropy. Unlike in Russia where capitalism had just barely begun to start to form just a little bit when leftism arrived, so it was easy for leftism to supplant economics there. This gave leftism many more centuries of “existence” as it slowly consumed all economic reality in Russia. The same is happening to China and China is all but totally consumed already now but has managed a clever trick to shift much of this loss of economic reality to America via China enslaving its own people to slave labor and then using the massive differential therein when it comes to that vs western work to shift trillions of dollars of debt into America. This debt is really Chinese debt, ie theft of value, but America bought it up. Theft of value (debt) that America then uses to prop up a globalist system and allow the entropy to keep existing. China is one massive value sucking machine, a huge vampire upon its own billion people, but it managed to export enough of that pure lack to America and thus delayed its own eventual USSR style collapse.

Meanwhile America (capitalism) can actually handle and make some use of this pure lack, but not forever. It only does so because the decisions to be this way were made by globalists who want to keep the configuration going for their own purposes. Globalists are chrony capitalists similar to the Chinese. I bet they’re hoping for America and Europe to collapse so that the globalist center can move to China, it’s natural home. Then China will become a spider with its threads all around the world, sucking in value-theft almost without limit. Probably the home base and true birth of 1984-style dystopian NWO will be in China. But only if they can succeed in dissolving capitalism, and for that they really need the leftist entropy to take over actual economic reality in America. I cannot see that actually happening.

Ideology is a negative phenomenon and has no positive being, so it must vampirize upon other existing things that actually do have positive being, like economics or war or human subjectivity. Since money is nothing more than a symbolic attraction of value made, and leftism is nothing more than a pure negativity excess of entropic tendency a la value theft, money and leftism are antithetical to one another on any level. This is also why the most far left wants to abolish money, because they instinctively know that if money exists then leftism will never win.

It’s also funny that the modern leftists in politics are pushing to import so many tens and hundreds of millions of people from the Middle East and Latin America while most of these people being imported are actually anti-leftist to the core in so far as they are “conservative” (earthy, reality-oriented or otherwise already consumed by an ideology such as religion and thus have no more room to be sucked into a new ideology). Ideology only spreads in a vacuum of itself, either that or it goes to war with another ideology. Since leftism has saturated the west with ideology now there is nowhere left for ideology to spread into, hence ideologies are now starting to war to one another for territory (for any existing substances they might move into for purposes of vampirism). I wonder when the term “conservative leftist” will become a thing, it shouldn’t be too far off now. That’s one key that will be sought to hold together the entire collapsing entropic movement by infecting the earth on an exponentially deeper level. But again I can’t see that actually doing anything but delaying the inevitable collapse of leftism in favor of the earth. Human being is earthy as fuck and therefore cool as a result. Leftists sacrifice their humanity but that doesn’t say anything about humanity itself, since leftists are no longer technically human anyway.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2019 3:38 pm

In fact human beings are so cool that they make religion cool too, where religion manifests in an actual earthy real human being. So religion is a more powerful force than any entropy could ever be. Religion may tend toward ideological extremism and therefore entropic disorder and death, but a real human being can stave this off quite well. Even science isn’t as close to human being, to the earth, as is religion. Damn.

So a predictable response: sane religion earthy elements will unite against insane radical (religious or otherwise) leftist entropic elements. An unbreakable bond will be formed therein, against which the entropic tides of radical ideology in every of its form will shatter to pieces. And capitalism is one such bond already having been forged. Yep. Earth for the win.
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Fixed Cross
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 17, 2019 1:42 pm

A fantastic, paradigmatic post.

Ive already posted it in smaller pieces on ILP.

This document contains the logic that exposes precisely what we are up against.

It needs to be spread, out there, everywhere.

I add to this the text that Beto O Rourke produced when he was 15
Jakob wrote:
“One day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles…. This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams.

“As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.”

- Beto's budding Socialism at 15 years old


this is EXACTLY what Ive always identified as Socialism.

"They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles…. This happiness was mine by right. "

But of course I, not being a Socialist, could not see how directly the pain of others is linked to the Socialists joy.

But the whole pathos of Socialism is summed up most eloquently by the budding Socialist here:

Quote :
"my one and only goal in life became
the termination of everything that was free and loving. Only I could
realize the true value of loving and expression. Only in my dreams."

Un fucking believable.
How accurate your post is to this expression, which I am now convinced is universally the interior of the socialist soul.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 17, 2019 3:26 pm


I figured something out.

The same happened under Mao with China as happened under Wilhelm with Bismarck with Germany.

Due to playing two greater adversaries against each other, France and Austria in case of Bismarck, USSR and USA in case of Mao, the smaller power took in the space of the middle ground and usurped much of the geopolitical leverage.

So I actually saw the consequence of this first.
What I see is Chinas irreversible path forward to become increasingly taxing on its environment like Germany got on its, leading to WWI and II. But Chinas effect is of a more biological level, the pollution is the issue. Not just the social engineering, that is part of the same disregard for nature that such a ... synthetic state naturally manifests. Its own inner fusion is too intense to perceive the nuances of the world that sustains it.

Chinas only solution is to go completely Green on emissions with nuclear energy powered batteries.

Mao himself said that the Chinese population could easily sustain losses of a third of its population to nukes from the US as it had plenty of people, so any risks there may be in comparison here are negligible.

For this green revolution, American technology will be welcome, perhaps North Korea can reform its economy so as to produce batteries. They have the nuclear technology, they aren't supposed anymore to use it for bombs, which aren't that cool anyway, so they can just produce the best battery deals and make the big transition happen.

Musk should meet Kim with Xi and Trump there.
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 17, 2019 3:31 pm

Tesla Pyongyang could be a new phase in autodesign.
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2019 3:40 pm

Trump is eyeing Brazil for Nato.

Very interesting.

This would mean, I suppose, very quickly and radically adjusting Brazils logistic infrastructure.

Important question, how much do the neighbouring nations object. Careful to not cause any International wars in that continent which has been relatively free of them since quite a while.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 5:52 am

Before I read your posts I want to write something quickly down. I realized that access to information is putting a pressure on everyone that forces them to become more as they already are. “Be what you are” is the ancient difficult command, and it’s not so difficult now. Many people are expanding and developing and growing while many other people are shrinking and decaying and petrifying. Everyone has a cell phone they could use to read Aristotle but instead most people just use their cell phone to jack off or post selfies. Would have been more or less the same if cell phones had appeared in any age in history. I don’t think this is new, I assume people have largely been like this forever; some are intelligent and have soul, some aren’t and don’t have much of a soul. So technology is increasing the contrasts everywhere. Therefore technology is like a huge root system making cracks in the pavement of consciousness at the social or group level.

What comes next is purchasing experiences directly. A “life lineage of experience” where you pay a subscription fee every month to download virtual and real world experiences that give you “a life”. Rich people will purchase multiple storylines for themselves, the poor will pick one or maybe two if they decide to change it. The middle class will have dual and secret lives away from what anyone else knows.

These storylines will be based mainly around social connection and friendships, relationships, and sex. It will be largely virtual and VR-AR but with integrated real components as well. So I’m talking about a true “matrix”. The current social pressure in consciousness due to technology forcing everyone to be more of what they really are, not allowing much ambiguity anymore, will keep causing friction and problems and disconnects until most people are almsot entirely isolated from one another, at which point the motive for subsuming oneself into the matrix will be sufficient to push more and more people into it.

But there’s a more significant level to this, because it’s a mirror and surrogate for conscious experience and vitality, for the mind and subjectivity as such; the divisions won’t go away, rather new religions will appear and direct millions of people into these paths of control. The higher religions will be more philosophical and warlike while the middle and lower region religions will be more hedonistic and extroverted, more “child like”. The tech itself will struggle to control everyone and everything but consciousness in all regions and levels will quickly push back and assert truth into the system, so that the “religions” end up taking over the tech leadership. Because of the risk and threat of losing internet and electricity there will be massive pressure to externalize one’s religious temperament and subjective type externally into the real world. So feedback loops will form. The hard edges of the world in combination with these feedback loops in combination with the practical requirements of economic work will stall out the system’s growth for a while until some tech firm comes up with and manages to introduce en mass a way to secure the tech against almost any threat. So for example, in 100 or 200 years everyone will have some kind of neurological biological equivalent of a cell phone that cannot be destroyed by any radiation or virus, cannot be hacked or at least very very difficult to do, and cannot lose power. This will require some kind of transhuman integration between machine and body. Our biologicsl resilience will be used to bolster the tech to bring equally resilient and self-autonomous.

By that point fetuses will be given implants in utero and development controlled to s degree to allow this kind of hybrid system to be as stable as possible. Fetuses in utero might even get voting rights and start their own YouTube channels, ha. Because of how the computer tech processing will work in tandem with the brain’s neurology, it will be possible for someone to “think” on levels totslly beyond what occurs today where we simply use tech as a secondary tool to our minds. Even babies will be having complex highly intelligent self-aware “thoughts”, and every thought will be able to be recorded into some kind of media to share and exchange with others. This will all take the phenomenon of “roots breaking open the pavement” to an exponential level and then people will REALLY become what they are. The stupid will remain stupid forever, the slaves will remain slaves, the great will be truly great and come to dominate everything. Meritocracy will appear but most people won’t want it, so it will be for the few who have the ability and drive to really do something about the fact of their own existence; which of course requires conquering oneself.

Everyone will be the CEO of a google, their own personal company and they will do whatever they want with it. Basic apps will allow anyone to start and run a world-spanning company in the system. So much value will be created and pour through the cracks of everything that new ways to use it and externalize it will be needed. Imagine social credit systems on steroids; an infant hybridized to an AI augmented computer network downloads the google creation app, starts his own company producing value added intricacies in some small domain of the visual system, acquires trillioks of credits to himself in the process, auto-trades these on global stock markets to become a quadrillionaire, then exports all of that value to another set of companies developing space exploration. Lol.

Of course the competition for value making resources will be severe, way more severe than it is today. So those resources will multiply in the virtual-AR landscape. And the primary way they will do this is by projecting value inward, into the soul and as subjectivity. Drugs will be necessary to cleanse oneself at night while sleeping and thus reset the system to functionality in the morning. Everyone will be god. People won’t speak out loud anymore very much except as a kind of curiosity between intimate couples who enjoy each other’s voices, but their virtual voices will be even more interesting. We will project ourselves into distant space ships in real time, exploring other planets and merging with and meeting alien minds.

All truths will reappear on new levels, nothing will be lost. Reauthentication of the novelty parameter will be a standard upgrade to refresh on a daily or weekly basis. What a fucking weird future.

Truth simply lives in and as beings. To a greater or lesser degree and scope. That’s literslly all that is ever happening anywhere and for any beings whatsoever. So the more we expand our ‘being’ then the more truth can live in and as us. Adjustment periods follow and are filled with lots of stress and chaos. But truth is always right there, always guiding and overdetermining everything on all levels, even it’s own threshold impossibilizations.

Last edited by Defenders of the Earth on Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:10 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 5:59 am

In the future, everyone will be schizophrenic. Today everyone is schizophrenic from the perspective of the past. Philosophy will be useful to integrate the perspective personalities into “angles” bent in a geometric alignment toward arising truth conglomerations, hence the appearance of those “religions” I talked about.. psychosocial regulatory schemes embedded inter-consciously via hybrid technological biological frameworks and running software of pure truth constructs.

Not saying I want any of this to happen, but something like this will probably occur. A reverse of the standard in/out relationships one already has to oneself. A new kind of “mental disorder” will appear, something like inside out syndrome. For those who push too far but cannot achieve integration to the new paradigm, locked non functionally inside themselves or stuck outside themselves looking in with despair.

Damn. Fucking weird ass shit man.
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 6:04 am

Fixed Cross wrote:

I figured something out.

The same happened under Mao with China as happened under Wilhelm with Bismarck with Germany.

Due to playing two greater adversaries against each other, France and Austria in case of Bismarck, USSR and USA in case of Mao, the smaller power took in the space of the middle ground and usurped much of the geopolitical leverage.

So I actually saw the consequence of this first.
What I see is Chinas irreversible path forward to become increasingly taxing on its environment like Germany got on its, leading to WWI and II. But Chinas effect is of a more biological level, the pollution is the issue. Not just the social engineering, that is part of the same disregard for nature that such a ... synthetic state naturally manifests. Its own inner fusion is too intense to perceive the nuances of the world that sustains it.

Chinas only solution is to go completely Green on emissions with nuclear energy powered batteries.

Mao himself said that the Chinese population could easily sustain losses of a third of its population to nukes from the US as it had plenty of people, so any risks there may be in comparison here are negligible.

For this green revolution, American technology will be welcome, perhaps North Korea can reform its economy so as to produce batteries. They have the nuclear technology, they aren't supposed anymore to use it for bombs, which aren't that cool anyway, so they can just produce the best battery deals and make the big transition happen.

Musk should meet Kim with Xi and Trump there.

I like this. The inner pressure of the Chinese open disregard for the necessity of “nuanced natural logic” will be compensated for by total greenification. Unlike in the west, there can be a business model for 100% green tech in China. Becsuse China already abandons the real world they don’t need to give a fuck for things like oil profits.

Last edited by Defenders of the Earth on Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 6:05 am

This also points more obviously to the deep link between “green” and leftism.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 2:17 pm

"Becsuse China already abandons the real world they don’t need to give a fuck for things like oil profits."

Haha, yeah.

Check this out, a really amusing interview with Musk.

Turns out he agrees with me on AI. That it inevitably comes to be from our libidinal input through the google and such.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 2:25 pm

Defenders of the Earth wrote:
Before I read your posts I want to write something quickly down. I realized that access to information is putting a pressure on everyone that forces them to become more as they already are. “Be what you are” is the ancient difficult command, and it’s not so difficult now. Many people are expanding and developing and growing while many other people are shrinking and decaying and petrifying. Everyone has a cell phone they could use to read Aristotle but instead most people just use their cell phone to jack off or post selfies. Would have been more or less the same if cell phones had appeared in any age in history. I don’t think this is new, I assume people have largely been like this forever; some are intelligent and have soul, some aren’t and don’t have much of a soul. So technology is increasing the contrasts everywhere. Therefore technology is like a huge root system making cracks in the pavement of consciousness at the social or group level.

Excellent, yes that makes sense.

Quote :
What comes next is purchasing experiences directly. A “life lineage of experience” where you pay a subscription fee every month to download virtual and real world experiences that give you “a life”. Rich people will purchase multiple storylines for themselves, the poor will pick one or maybe two if they decide to change it. The middle class will have dual and secret lives away from what anyone else knows.

Thats a big leap though. I don't think the technology we have is close to realizing that.
Before I can comment on the development of your idea I need to be able to verify that this is likely, thus, that it is possible - thus I need to know how.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 22, 2019 6:28 am

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2019 8:49 am

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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2019 8:54 am

Thats also why I support and will always support and be eternally grateful to Trump. He is locking up pedophiles, killing isis scum, and doing in general the most necessary cleaning up that I didn't think any one was ever going to be able to do from within the political order.

Jesus. We are so lucky with this man.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 06, 2019 3:39 pm

Now they're talking.

Quote :
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said that if the European Union tries to force the City of London into regulatory alignment for financial services, the British can take the recent example of the Swiss, “undercut” the bloc, and, within a year, Paris and Frankfurt would be closed down as financial centres.

The European Commission froze Swiss stock exchanges out of the EU’s market this month; however, rather than forcing the non-EU nation into submitting to a new partnership treaty, Switzerland banned EU stock exchanges from trading its shares. As a result, EU traders were forced to use intermediaries, making trading with the country more expensive and slower.

The EU may attempt similar tactics if the United Kingdom finally leaves the bloc on October 31st in a clean, no-deal break, with the bloc insisting it will maintain its Single Market rules. Mr Farage believes Brussels will not be too aggressive, due to the strength of the City of London, the world’s second-most preeminent financial centre after New York City, and that the British could simply cut EU firms out of its markets like the Swiss.

Mr Farage, a former trader himself, told The Telegraph: “They can try these things all they like. Actually this mob are minnows. In global financial markets they are minnows… They can try and flex their muscles on clearing, whatever it is, but it will not work. Ultimately if you want to raise short term capital in Europe, you need to go to London.”

“If they try and threaten us in terms of capital markets and financial markets, all we have to do is break free, undercut them in terms of regulation and we will close down Paris and Frankfurt within a year,” the London Metal Exchange veteran added.
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2019 8:59 am

At least Trump got one of these foul whores of Satan (sorry Satan, just an expression) to lie and claim she loves the country. A bit late for such a lie though.

Id worry over this walking-deadsquad if I hadn't seen this apocalypse coming for years.

Gods, bless Trump on his most difficult mission.

The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 9Vs4dnTThe Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 9Vs4dnTThe Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 9Vs4dnT
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The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 9Vs4dnTThe Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 9Vs4dnTThe Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 9Vs4dnT
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2019 9:22 am

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2)   The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law (2) - Page 40 Icon_minitime

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