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 building dwelling thinking

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building dwelling thinking Empty
PostSubject: building dwelling thinking   building dwelling thinking Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2012 6:26 pm

I was hoping the underlying force of Heidegger's essay could be discussed here. There are both builders and dwellers here, by title. I want to hear from the dwellers, but in honour of this thread-as-dwelling, I will first add my preliminary thoughts-as-building.

The sub-title of the forum is "Building Thought to Disclose the Future." I will take this opportunity to applaud such a formulation. I believe the distinction between the act of thinking and the act of building thought is of some significance. Building is a letting-dwell, in Heidegger's vernacular. But if it is the future -- and I take it that future here means the malleable, changeable horizon of potential before which we dwell and into which we propel ourselves -- that we are disclosing in the act of such building, then building thought is no longer a letting-dwell but a forging or a making-dwell. It is not a return but a push forward. And this new horizon ought to re-organize around it the fourfold in a novel way. But not just novel, of course: value-able in terms of self, in terms of the self here unified in the gathering of dwellers and builders. [For further consideration: analysis of the building/dwelling of value-ontology in terms of Heidegger's fourfold -- akin to how the bridge organizes around it the sky, the earth, divinities and mortals.] Such a self-gathering defines itself in terms of value-ontology, the core of this forum. This definition is of course a sheltering, a letting-be, a letting-grow, of value-ontology, for its tenants have been laid out, its skeleton has been assembled, the foundation is set -- what remains now is the act of building. With regard to this sheltering, I will let Heidegger's own words do us justice:

It is proper to every gathering that the gatherers assemble to coordinate their efforts to the sheltering; only when they have gathered together with that end in view do they begin to gather.
Heidegger, Logos.

Thus, only if and when we are capable of such sheltering can we begin to gather, and only if and when we are capable of such gathering can we begin to build. Only if and when we begin to build can we begin to let or make-dwell. The space of such dwelling will of course be the future that is disclosed in the act of building.
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PostSubject: Re: building dwelling thinking   building dwelling thinking Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 9:41 pm

What a magnificently phrased ethics. Under this statement of purpose we do really assemble before the light.

Under this banner I would "sin" (miss the mark) if I do not say to you who are now mortal antagonists to know (or have faith) that your enemy works under this same banner. We seek the same, and none of us has seen it, but we all anticipate it with our most powerful mindform, which in all of us is different - in some slightly, in others even contradicting.

If we are guided by this superior principle of gathering and not by directly satisfying our individual tastes, we will find our place respective to each other, as a spectrum rather than the muddle of colors that may be only misperceived.

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PostSubject: Re: building dwelling thinking   building dwelling thinking Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 10:03 pm

without-music wrote:
I was hoping the underlying force of Heidegger's essay could be discussed here. There are both builders and dwellers here, by title. I want to hear from the dwellers, but in honour of this thread-as-dwelling, I will first add my preliminary thoughts-as-building.

The sub-title of the forum is "Building Thought to Disclose the Future." I will take this opportunity to applaud such a formulation. I believe the distinction between the act of thinking and the act of building thought is of some significance. Building is a letting-dwell, in Heidegger's vernacular. But if it is the future -- and I take it that future here means the malleable, changeable horizon of potential before which we dwell and into which we propel ourselves -- that we are disclosing in the act of such building, then building thought is no longer a letting-dwell but a forging or a making-dwell. It is not a return but a push forward. And this new horizon ought to re-organize around it the fourfold in a novel way. But not just novel, of course: value-able in terms of self, in terms of the self here unified in the gathering of dwellers and builders. [For further consideration: analysis of the building/dwelling of value-ontology in terms of Heidegger's fourfold -- akin to how the bridge organizes around it the sky, the earth, divinities and mortals.] Such a self-gathering defines itself in terms of value-ontology, the core of this forum. This definition is of course a sheltering, a letting-be, a letting-grow, of value-ontology, for its tenants have been laid out, its skeleton has been assembled, the foundation is set -- what remains now is the act of building. With regard to this sheltering, I will let Heidegger's own words do us justice:

It is proper to every gathering that the gatherers assemble to coordinate their efforts to the sheltering; only when they have gathered together with that end in view do they begin to gather.
Heidegger, Logos.

Thus, only if and when we are capable of such sheltering can we begin to gather, and only if and when we are capable of such gathering can we begin to build. Only if and when we begin to build can we begin to let or make-dwell. The space of such dwelling will of course be the future that is disclosed in the act of building.

Seems like a good philosophy for peace, but what about war? In this mission to break through, there will be obstacles, "enemies," and war philosophy is needed. The philosophy of people joining together to fight, not including but not instead of building or dwelling.

In this philosophy, it is proper that the fight be understood, alliances be made, the enemy reconoitered and a strategy put in place.
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PostSubject: Re: building dwelling thinking   building dwelling thinking Icon_minitime

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