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 Why I hate academics

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PostSubject: Why I hate academics    Why I hate academics  Icon_minitimeMon Aug 28, 2017 4:25 pm

These brain dead idiots do not know how to think, they do not even know that thinking exists. They are religious-ideological, pathological "thinkers" who are only interested in forcing everything to conform to the terms of their already given conceptual frameworks. Then they use those terms alternatively, switching between categories, in order to avoid more logical reconciliations and deductions.

Case in point, some cunt trying to refute my explanation of evolutionary epistemology, by saying that "necessity is a metaphysical term, not an epistemological one". This cunt quite literally cannot think that our epistemological capacity derives from the necessities that pushed us to need to conform to natural selection in order to even fucking exist at all. The fact that if we could not judge visual distances accurately enough to successfully navigate the environment in a way that allows us to survive to reproduce then we would not even be here, then the capacity of visual identification would not even exist, is not something he can understand... he literally cannot grasp this.

He also claimed that evolution was prescriptive and ends-focused. I asked him how that works exactly, and he said the question "how?" was irrelevant because of the phenomenological explanation that renders evolutionary epistemology "merely descriptive". Lol. I explained that evolution had no intentions and no goals, it is simply a blind after the fact process whereby random mutations and situational contingent circumstances lead some organisms to survive while others do not, and the surviving ones are the ones that end up passing on their structure through reproduction. Again, he rejected this not because he could refute my point, but by saying "there is a better explanation, that such and such property just exists and is a function x." Yeah, I am not even making this up.

I fucking hate these insane idiots.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Why I hate academics  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why I hate academics    Why I hate academics  Icon_minitimeMon Aug 28, 2017 6:30 pm

I don't know how you put up with them. They don't even exist.
Hating them is already too much. They aren't there. Thats literally the case, they aren't entities self valuing toward you, they are literally just part of the environment, "saying things" like a brick emits a certain color.
You can talk to the brick but it won't change its color. Just as little as academics will be able to change their mantras.

Indeed there can be no thought behind any of these uttering, and indeed thought is wholly unknown to them - all this is factual. they have heard these terms from a professor or read the in a book, and now these words have become what they are. In ten years they will be saying some other random crap, and they will still not exist, not any more than a brick exists as a self valuing.

They have been construed for certain purposes, they did not emerge on their own accord - their bodies did, but these are merely the hosts to the Academic Anti-Mind, which is collectivistic.

They are literally just another brick in the wall. At that, it is the Berlin Wall, and this is 1989.
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PostSubject: Re: Why I hate academics    Why I hate academics  Icon_minitimeMon Aug 28, 2017 6:41 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
I don't know how you put up with them. They don't even exist.
Hating them is already too much. They aren't there. Thats literally the case, they aren't entities self valuing toward you, they are literally just part of the environment, "saying things" like a brick emits a certain color.
You can talk to the brick but it won't change its color. Just as little as academics will be able to change their mantras.

Hahaha, yes exactly.

Quote :
Indeed there can be no thought behind any of these uttering, and indeed thought is wholly unknown to them - all this is factual. they have heard these terms from a professor or read the in a book, and now these words have become what they are. In ten years they will be saying some other random crap, and they will still not exist, not any more than a brick exists as a self valuing.

Lol. Yes.

I am glad you decided to reply here. I was beginning to lose hope but now I realize that hope is the antithesis of these non-beings, so fuck em.

Quote :
They have been construed for certain purposes, they did not emerge on their own accord - their bodies did, but these are merely the hosts to the Academic Anti-Mind, which is collectivistic.

They are literally just another brick in the wall. At that, it is the Berlin Wall, and this is 1989.

They exist only as subentities entirely passive to that which overvalues them. Yes. I like this.

Thus they do not matter, and I am free to not concern myself with their filth.
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PostSubject: Re: Why I hate academics    Why I hate academics  Icon_minitimeMon Aug 28, 2017 6:47 pm

While reading Fixed's post a song came to my mind. It's a Rock-A-Billy song.

The words that came to mind are:

I looked into her eyes and there was nobody there.

I'm beginning to believe in Zombies.

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PostSubject: Re: Why I hate academics    Why I hate academics  Icon_minitimeMon Aug 28, 2017 6:49 pm

Sisyphus wrote:
While reading Fixed's post a song came to my mind.  It's a Rock-A-Billy song.

The words that came to mind are:

I looked into her eyes and there was nobody there.

I'm beginning to believe in Zombies.

Haha. Yeah man.

Zombie apocalypse, here we come. Need to get some Woody Harrelson over here.
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PostSubject: Re: Why I hate academics    Why I hate academics  Icon_minitime

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