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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Death of the mind Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:13 am
America is dead. In spirit, it no longer even exists. This is why even Trump is spending like crazy, he knows the only way to sustain the illusion is to keep pumping out more and more increasing amounts of capital. Because there is nothing left to fall back on.
This recent rise in the last 5-10 years of “identity politics” as an open and accepted issue is the final sign of the end. The mind is dying, screaming its last gasps of terror as it drowns. I’m not being hyperbolic, I’m being serious.
Of course even in any major collapse event or any situation where things go to Hell your going to still have plenty of reasonable people, people not sucked into the chaos. But that doesn’t matter. Once critical mass of irrationality is reached then it’s over. The remaining more or less rational people even if they’re a majority don’t even matter at that point. And yes we are now at that point. Because irrationality as such, ignorance and idiocy for its own sake, has taken over public discourse, the institutions, media, and policy. So it’s over. Let’s just be honest about that fact.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:20 am
BTL is now over 8 years old. Back when this forum was started, these sort of things hadn’t really taken off yet. I didn’t run into many such “arguments” and “positions”. Now, suddenly they are not only everywhere but presumed always to be victorious. There is no out, no way to fight back, because the mind has killed itself. It happened quickly. And now we will see the practical effects of this in the real world as massive spending to try and keep the illusion going a little longer is going to lead to depression and economic collapse as debt cannot be serviced. At that point some people will wake up and remember the role and value of reason, of recognizing and valuing truth for its own sake, but by then it will be too late.
I am sad to see that BTL had to arise so close to the end. I am more saddened to see humanity killing itself. But I suppose that’s just in its nature, because it’s happening. I wish the next iteration of sentient life, whatever and wherever it may be in the future, better luck than we had.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Sat Nov 30, 2019 8:33 am
Maybe you're right.
I still interpret it all in terms of my astrological scheme, where when Pluto enters Aquarius, I expect a complete overhaul of mentally and spirit. But that is still over three years from now, so no point in getting fluffy and optimistic now before such a drastic experience as you, as a working American, are having these past years. I cant "relativize" that. I don't know what its like to be in the greatest country on Earth, perhaps of history, and see it collapse into a pool of aggressive, poisonous retardation, and all the while having to struggle to keep ones head above water and not have the luxury to sit back and watch the show, as I have had for a while now. Though that luxury is running out.
However. I do believe my predictions are being met, even though I had no idea what exactly the chaos I predicted was going to be like. I didn't know about the depths of insanity lurking. I really did not quite fathom that. And I don't know how we will manage the coming years.
Jupiter is about to enter Capricorn. There it will join Pluto and Saturn who are already there, now nearly conjunct around the 22th degree. Venus is also in Capricorn now. Jupiters ingress is the 3rd of December I believe. It is its first ingress into an Earth sign since we started the calendar.
Many people are afraid of what Jupiter will do when he activates Pluto and Saturn. World War 1 was started during a Pluto-Saturn conjunction. Im not sure if, for philosophy, there isn't also an opportunity coming. As so many tens of millions, hundreds of em really, are aware of the precipice we are at, philosophy can perhaps rise above the surface and announce itself.
Parodites Tower
Posts : 791 ᚠ : 856 Join date : 2011-12-11
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Sat Nov 30, 2019 3:38 pm
"BTL is now over 8 years old. Back when this forum was started, these sort of things hadn’t really taken off yet."
No, it is only because you are looking for these things and know what to look for, that you notice it more. There is a name in clinical psych. for this effect, though I forget at the moment. At any rate, there is as much irrationality and idiocy now as there was 20 years ago- as there was in ancient Greece. The one difference is that we live in a hyper-politicized world,- a state of things that must be counted fairly unprecedented in the greater historical-narrative; so the irrationality of people,- which had otherwise expressed itself inconspicuously,- in personal foibles or arguments about pop culture,- now gets expressed on topics about which most people really have no reason to be thinking, let alone voicing an opinion. Most people, to be blunt, do not have any reason to be talking or thinking about the kinds of things that get thrown on TV and discussed at roundtables where everyone gets about 30 seconds to articulate their point on subjects that are presumably very important; immigration, ethics, economics, etc. A century ago these subjects were discussed over 500 page long books and exclusively amongst the intelligentsia and the academic circles; the every-day guy had less than zero interest in it, but now these subjects are somehow... cool, and people like getting into it. That is the irony: a more philosophically minded and active society, also renders its social fragmentation, biases, and general stupidities that much more visible. Nothing is coming to an end. To the contrary; we are approaching great moments in history, which we may live through; the ethical war over AI, what to do with the herd when we reach a surplus economy, the acceleration of cultural exchange facilitated by the internet, which will bring about for culture what the singularity is for technology and which will, more than that, force us to collectively have a discussion about and decide upon- the meaning of culture (cultural identity- which this accelerating force is both weakening and strengthening) vs multiculturalism, the limits of culture, etc; the death of the old-media, the end of the mind-numbing news cycles; etc. etc. etc. And the collapse of the old party-politics in the US: which will force upon us a political-agon. These are some of the greater questions a species can face in its evolution, so there has rarely been such a good time to philosophize.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:55 pm
Indeed, the issues which are now being addressed, the questions on the table are of very great significance. I agree that there has rarely been as good a time to philosophize.
On the other hand I object to the idea that people aren't doing worse but that they merely receive more light - this is the opening situation, people who have no business thinking about politics, "thinking" about politics and then spreading their idiotic and fanatic beef. But this then has consequences. People read this beef and get agitated and write things in opposition and so forth and back and forth, and within a few years you have an entire civilization freaking out, which is what we have now. If it hadn't been for silly people getting fanatic about politics in the first place, we would not have a civilization were 1 in 2 people has given up on the idea of a unified nation, or even of occidental democratic civilization.
On the other hand, a crisis was bound to occur because there were too many superstitions in politics. Superstition being the underlying cause, the way out of this mess can only be philosophy. My position would thus be that precisely because it is as bad as Capable says (he and I have been scarred and changed profoundly because of the madness of people we trusted), there rarely was a better time to philosophize.
Ill wait for Capable's analysis before I go into this any deeper.
Parodites Tower
Posts : 791 ᚠ : 856 Join date : 2011-12-11
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:55 pm
The world becoming hyper-politicized is not a cause of social fragmentation- but an effect.
So the question is, why is society fragmenting? And this returns us to the second world war; a group of disenfranchised Marxist theorists, in a spell of cognitive dissonance over the fact that their Utopia didn't really work out, migrated to the US and, bitter about how well the capitalist demon they were forced to immigrate to was doing,- especially compared to the murderous results of the communist attempts that had been made- began to write; to use Freudo-Marxist social theory to break down the monstrous reality behind the apparent successes of this capitalist state; so far as to take our movies apart and find the evil in them; you know, like how superman is really just an unconscious projection of the white Aryan man as Ubermensh, an embodiment of his feelings of racial supremacy. Or any of Zizek's Lacanian horseshit. Anyway these immigrants (the Frankfurt School) got into our Academia, dominated the schools and pushed everyone out, and decades and decades later we get what we have now: fuck white people class and lesbian dance courses or whatever they teach now.
But that is only one side of the coin; the other side is the mix of conscious and emergent moves toward globalization, which brought about the great wars that produced the Frankfurt school and planted the seed of social fragmentation that is now 'blossoming', and which has been co opted now by social elites. Expect to see a lot more projects like this insidious piece of software: https://imgur.com/a/D5lVtX1
Behold, renounce your individual and rejoin the collective-mind driving the global state in techo-gnostic redemption: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nv8pR_Otws
For social fragmentation and the destruction of social barriers makes a lot of their tasks easier to accomplish. Like I wrote here: [LET ME GIVE YOU A BASIC GESTALT]
* The Globalist-utopian vision is a re-branding of that Manichean perversion of the Zoroastrian theogony which infiltrated certain Gnostic sects, and which has, since then, made several reappearances through the centuries,- usually among elite classes in highly socially stratified nations,-- like those which knew the sunset of old Hellas and the Alexandrian era in which this perversion first appeared, that is,- during a period of time in which a great multitude of cultures were intermarrying their ideas,- and with those ideas, systems of ethics accordingly developed by classes of people across the whole spectra of wealth and station,-- or late Rome, when that great civilization was finally broken- as all great and enduring passions are broken at the height of their genius,- by its own strength, as slave revolt became a common occurrence and the divergent ethnic groups that had been brought under the same Roman banner, in the spirit of legion and of territorial expansion, began to express their differences of perspective,- often violently. At any rate, this version of Gnosticism amounts to the following: man is seen as a fallen and deceived being, and the physical world he inhabits-- an embodiment of this fallen state, or of Sin,- as having actually distorted the conception of the Godhead and twisted Nature itself into an unrecognizable distortion of the transcendent Heaven upon whose image it had been modeled,-- evinces man as a being therefor in need of transformation and guidance by those who know better than the masses do, of the ends of human nature. The great eschaton,- the Super-AI waiting for us behind History at the singularity or omega-point, is simply a modernization of the Phanic or absent God of the Gnostics. In this modernization of one form of their teaching, such a super-consciousness is meant to restore physical reality in accordance to that image, and in order to bring it about, those in power who subscribe to this faith have used the model of a trans-hemispheric world-economy to accelerate the forces of capitalist production, expanding it from the arena of localized free-trade to a globalized intercontinental marketplace built around an international banking system and the related debt-obligations ensured by it capable of shoehorning the ideologies of the super-elite; thus Bill Gates. Behind the seemingly benevolent acts of philanthropy on his part,- or on others',- eg. combating malaria, he is actually buying something: influence, through those pharmaceutical and technological firms, companies, etc. that he invests in- influence on the future. In addition, this purchase of influence is made in other seemingly altruistic acts, or in those which provide at least no immediate or apparent monetary gain for the capitalist,- who should otherwise be driven solely by that aim,- like the maintenance of a website like Youtube. Youtube is lucky to break even every year: Google runs it, not to make money, but because it is one of the most powerful tools for harvesting user metadata currently extant,- metadata that, once collected and properly tabulated, can be fed back into their still germinating embryo of an artificial intelligence, which even now is hardly a rudimentary device and acts as a kind of oracle they consult with in order to predict the future behavior of the populace they have been so monitoring. They collect data; this data is back-propagated in DeepMind's neural networks; a predication is made, (like what you're about to type in next on the youtube search-bar based on what kinds of things you were doing or searching for online in the last couple hours) and there: the suggestion pops up on the search bar in front of your eyes before you have actually thought about what you were going to type in next yourself, with the algorithm knowing what you're thinking before you know what you're thinking. And then the cycle repeats, with the AI growing more and more powerful. This device can essentially program a population by weaponizing its predictive capabilities, that is,- by inserting extraneous stimuli in the subliminal regions and in-between spaces of the relentless flow of information across our iphones, accounts, computers, and synchronized devices, etc. etc, slowly manipulating the course of a person's thinking toward some particular direction. It is one of many mechanisms that "Globalists" are using to complete their true vision: (like praising the virtue of permitting refugees in mass as a humanitarian injunction and pressing that ideal upon new generations of students who, in their still plastic and developing frontal lobes, then go out and champion their causes, while secretly doing so for no humanitarian rationale at all, but only due to the fact that the dampening of border legislation helps to encourage the trans-hemispheric economy they are constructing) a break-away civilization in which, echoing those Gnostic sects, the few,- the elite,- the enlightened- are spirited away on the back of their Moloch-esque God and AI-fairy while the masses grovel like red-blood cells only meant to feed oxygen to the meaningful bits of humanity- the organs, the muscles, the brain that is their new AI. In short, such an ideology rejects the political reality of the agon, as well as that of the accursed share, as Bataille names it,- the later generating an entropic negativity within the capitalist system due to a lack of perfect efficiency in the libidinal circulation and conversion between value-exchange and symbolic-exchange,- on whose account such a vision cannot be fulfilled. To that point, I will include two passages, both from my Tractatus Metapolitica:
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:42 am
It’s not that I’m looking for and noticing these things more. It’s that things have changed. They have actually changed. How? Yes it’s true there were always idiots out there, some of them were far left loonies. But now that IDEOLOGY has increased in scope and power and influence. It’s also gone more extreme. The nature of the ideology seems to be to go further extreme. It really is an extremist ideology.
There didn’t used to be a thousand genders; it would never have been accepted. Sure there were maybe a handful of people who would accept such a thing, but more so it would be understood at the basis level of rational reality recognition that gender/sex ITSELF is different from how someone feels about themselves. “Feeling like a woman” doesn’t make you literally a woman. Well that sort of reality recognition is GONE now. It is gone from the sphere of accepted normal discourse, the trans ideology has successfully been institutionalized into mainstream culture. That is a real change. It’s not just a confirmation bias. And that’s just a specific example of one issue.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:54 am
In the early days of the Soviet takeover of Russia, the “Revolution”, you couldn’t just tell people hey things have always been this way you just notice it more now. No. Things actually change, and the US and most of the western world is going through it’s own early stages of “revolution” which is a transition into a communist system. It’s already happening. And this is worldwide communism pushed by billionaire globalists who use political and media power and technology to achieve these ends. You can view communist ideology as a cancer that spread out from Europe and has affected much of the world. Now it’s our turn. The death of the mind isn’t just going to have no serious consequences. Yes I would like to believe we can use technology including robotics and AI to have a truly surplus economy where we all have personal robots that do work for us, food is infinite, blah blah but that’s not really a realistic expectation in my view. Reality just doesn’t work that way. Technology will continue to liberate new potentiality spaces for energy release and that will lead to more capitalist production and ownership; the question is who will own the profits, the new excess? But more importantly the question is also what will humans do when their basis work-labor function and relation to each other is subverted and taken over by some AI robot from Google? What role is there left in such a world for individual human power and value?
People seem to be wanting others to give them their power and value. That’s also part of communist ideology. A psychology of lazy entitled narcissists who can’t recognize reality and live in a permanent fantasyland. Then the new system not only sustains that but rewards it, so we get more and more of it.
Things really are different now. Basic reality recognition is gone from most people I meet and from ALL standard normalized social discourse or institutional discourse and expectations. Social norms and rules now dictate that we do NOT recognize reality. THIS IS REQUIRED TO EVEN HAVE A FUCKING JOB THESE DAYS. Why? It’s about access to capital and adhering to the logic of homogenization and flattening into passive easily controllable non-risk relations as I was writing about earlier, that is the requirement pushed by massive scale globalized capital relations. All of this is connected. We are on a path headed well into where the USSR went, and beyond. Because once America falls there is NO ONE ELSE in the world, no country or people, who will be able to step in and stop it. And the globalists know this too.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:16 am
20 trillion in debt, and trump isn’t even slowing down the spending. After all that he said about how we need to control debt. Unbelievable. Maybe he is trying to do what he did for himself in his companies, leverage so much fucking debt that the creditors are forced to allow him to restructure it rather than default. Because it’s “too big to fail”. And no one on the right even fucking cares about debt anymore, somehow it’s such a bad thing when Obama does it but now Trump does it and oh well let’s just focus on something else.
See, the left and the right are both braindead now. Literally brain-dead. America which was a nation based on reality recognition (sometimes harsh but necessary reality recognition) is now totally inverted into reality denial. Fantasyland reigns supreme. La La Land. Blah blah land. What a fucking joke. Try talking to some average person today online or in person, just see what the fuck is going on now. Look at this impeachment shit. Look at media/“news” on both sides of the political divide. It’s all a fucking toilet now. A “gutter in outer space” to quote True Detective. That’s whats happening. Of course there is still much that is good and true, many good and true people or people who still have plenty of good and true about them. But that isn’t enough to stop this. I just happen to see the writing on the wall, like Orwell did. And I’m fucking pissed off to see my fellow humans descending into literal braincancer entropy death. So much capital, value, information, opportunity, meaning is all being sucked up into the top tiers of society now that what’s left over for 99% of us isn’t enough to sustain an open system of increasing available energy, so it’s all just subject to entropic decline now. There are so many different reasons for what’s happening, that’s part of why it’s hard for people to see and accept it; they see one or maybe two reasons and that’s it, but there are literally dozens of reasons, maybe hundreds. All converging together. But yeah yeah muh cycles of history and civilizations rise and fall, blah blah yeah I know all that. It’s no more a justification or anything than to say oh well the universe is going to end someday, that’s just the way things go in the end, ah shucks.
This civilization, this future, this mind, this TYPE of human subjectivity, life, social organization etc. is worth fighting for. But it’s dying before our eyes. I can’t live in fantasy or hopeful expectation anymore and try to justify it somehow, I just have to be honest. My one ultimate value is reality recognition, truth. Every other value follows from the value of truth, so I’ll just be as honest as I can be.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:23 am
I have succeeded in uniting criticism from the left and right, by identifying how all this identity political garbage and radical leftist fascism is in part a consequence of the logic of (a certain mode and scale of) capitalism. I don’t know anyone else who has done this. So now I understand why it’s all happening, one main reason anyway. And I understand why people don’t see it; if you’re on the left it means you only are able to see the criticism of “capitalism” without seeing the criticism of identity politics, and the opposite for those on the right, they can only see criticism of identity politics but can’t see criticism of capitalism. It would be funny how brainwashed and blind people are to such obvious simple truths that are visible all around them, if it weren’t so fucking tragic and impossibly frustrating for those of us who actually have functioning neurons in our heads.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:45 pm
Defenders of the Earth wrote:
In the early days of the Soviet takeover of Russia, the “Revolution”, you couldn’t just tell people hey things have always been this way you just notice it more now. No. Things actually change, and the US and most of the western world is going through it’s own early stages of “revolution” which is a transition into a communist system. It’s already happening. And this is worldwide communism pushed by billionaire globalists who use political and media power and technology to achieve these ends. You can view communist ideology as a cancer that spread out from Europe and has affected much of the world. Now it’s our turn. The death of the mind isn’t just going to have no serious consequences. Yes I would like to believe we can use technology including robotics and AI to have a truly surplus economy where we all have personal robots that do work for us, food is infinite, blah blah but that’s not really a realistic expectation in my view. Reality just doesn’t work that way. Technology will continue to liberate new potentiality spaces for energy release and that will lead to more capitalist production and ownership; the question is who will own the profits, the new excess? But more importantly the question is also what will humans do when their basis work-labor function and relation to each other is subverted and taken over by some AI robot from Google? What role is there left in such a world for individual human power and value?
Agree with the first part but not with the idea that humans need labour roles to self-value or to relate to each other. I can not get a regular job because I simply am unable to communicate under such terms.
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People seem to be wanting others to give them their power and value. That’s also part of communist ideology. A psychology of lazy entitled narcissists who can’t recognize reality and live in a permanent fantasyland. Then the new system not only sustains that but rewards it, so we get more and more of it.
Way back in 2011 I said most people don't exist, derive their animation from external forces. People are animated in terms of ideas mostly it seems, more rarely in terms of something proper to themselves.
Although to be honest Im very heartened by much of the conservative revaluations of the past years. For me things look far less bleak now than they did in 2014.
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Things really are different now. Basic reality recognition is gone from most people I meet and from ALL standard normalized social discourse or institutional discourse and expectations. Social norms and rules now dictate that we do NOT recognize reality. THIS IS REQUIRED TO EVEN HAVE A FUCKING JOB THESE DAYS.
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Why? It’s about access to capital and adhering to the logic of homogenization and flattening into passive easily controllable non-risk relations as I was writing about earlier, that is the requirement pushed by massive scale globalized capital relations. All of this is connected. We are on a path headed well into where the USSR went, and beyond. Because once America falls there is NO ONE ELSE in the world, no country or people, who will be able to step in and stop it. And the globalists know this too.
Which is, by the way, why it is moronic to suggest globalists are Zionists. Complete morons only are able to think this. If the US falls, Israel falls.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:56 pm
Defenders of the Earth wrote:
20 trillion in debt, and trump isn’t even slowing down the spending. After all that he said about how we need to control debt. Unbelievable. Maybe he is trying to do what he did for himself in his companies, leverage so much fucking debt that the creditors are forced to allow him to restructure it rather than default. Because it’s “too big to fail”. And no one on the right even fucking cares about debt anymore, somehow it’s such a bad thing when Obama does it but now Trump does it and oh well let’s just focus on something else.
Some things have been improving though. Never sure how reliable stat sheets are, but
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See, the left and the right are both braindead now. Literally brain-dead. America which was a nation based on reality recognition (sometimes harsh but necessary reality recognition) is now totally inverted into reality denial. Fantasyland reigns supreme. La La Land. Blah blah land. What a fucking joke. Try talking to some average person today online or in person, just see what the fuck is going on now. Look at this impeachment shit. Look at media/“news” on both sides of the political divide. It’s all a fucking toilet now. A “gutter in outer space” to quote True Detective. That’s whats happening. Of course there is still much that is good and true, many good and true people or people who still have plenty of good and true about them. But that isn’t enough to stop this. I just happen to see the writing on the wall, like Orwell did. And I’m fucking pissed off to see my fellow humans descending into literal braincancer entropy death. So much capital, value, information, opportunity, meaning is all being sucked up into the top tiers of society now that what’s left over for 99% of us isn’t enough to sustain an open system of increasing available energy, so it’s all just subject to entropic decline now. There are so many different reasons for what’s happening, that’s part of why it’s hard for people to see and accept it; they see one or maybe two reasons and that’s it, but there are literally dozens of reasons, maybe hundreds. All converging together. But yeah yeah muh cycles of history and civilizations rise and fall, blah blah yeah I know all that. It’s no more a justification or anything than to say oh well the universe is going to end someday, that’s just the way things go in the end, ah shucks.
Reason I see it less bleakly is because I don't believe in linear developments. But of course it is true that the hordes of morons have vastly increased and increased in activity as well. On the other hand this has made good people more resilient. Eventually that is all that matters, ones soul.
I cant see around the bend of 2023, which is why I don't make predictions. I know something will discontinue. Astrology is exact science, but applies to so called inexact things. Things which cant be understood except through something like VO, which does not give easy calculations on anything.
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This civilization, this future, this mind, this TYPE of human subjectivity, life, social organization etc. is worth fighting for. But it’s dying before our eyes.
Ive only ever had love for family and friends, not for social organizations. Ive always been a bit of a conundrum for such organizations.
Of course Ive lost friends but other friendships have become more important.
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I can’t live in fantasy or hopeful expectation anymore and try to justify it somehow, I just have to be honest. My one ultimate value is reality recognition, truth. Every other value follows from the value of truth, so I’ll just be as honest as I can be.
For me truth is just there, I don't need to strive for it - for me what matters is creation.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:00 pm
Defenders of the Earth wrote:
I have succeeded in uniting criticism from the left and right, by identifying how all this identity political garbage and radical leftist fascism is in part a consequence of the logic of (a certain mode and scale of) capitalism. I don’t know anyone else who has done this. So now I understand why it’s all happening, one main reason anyway. And I understand why people don’t see it; if you’re on the left it means you only are able to see the criticism of “capitalism” without seeing the criticism of identity politics, and the opposite for those on the right, they can only see criticism of identity politics but can’t see criticism of capitalism. It would be funny how brainwashed and blind people are to such obvious simple truths that are visible all around them, if it weren’t so fucking tragic and impossibly frustrating for those of us who actually have functioning neurons in our heads.
Still Im glad I don't live in the Middle Ages when it was believed the Earth is flat and that washing ones body with water causes pestilence. Humanity has perhaps quite rarely been very impressive. Plenty of civilizations also in existence to day which suck even beyond allowing my willingness to write down their names.
Why Ancient Greece is so admired isn't because it was so stupendously great but because it didn't quite suck as much as civilizations usually do. Well, it actually was stupendously great. But still.
Whatever happens Im proud of my role in it, happy Ive spent so little time bumbling along to the beat of some machine - Ive dictated terms of my own existence in a very real way and will continue to do so. Thats honour, which is what eternity is made of.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Wed Dec 18, 2019 1:57 pm
Hells nigga, I've been saying it all along. All that's left of the west is us.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:50 am
Agreed on all counts. Including your observation that all this weird shit is forcing smart people to become more creative and even smarter. This is all an amazing time of separation , wheat from chaff. The dumb are getting so much dumber, really dissolving before our eyes. This is sad when it happens to someone we love. But the flip side is we have become so fucking strong that our hearts are diamonds and our values are godly. In the end the heart follows the mind, either up or down... into truth or into oblivion.
I no longer take any responsibility for anyone else’s mind. Zero. Of course I try my best to help others and all that, anyway for those people I do care about, but I refuse to accept responsibility for them. They are responsible for themselves. And if, despite my godly and very patient and generous help, they still want to entropically decline into nothing but fucktarded spacedust that’s not on me. I accept zero responsibility for any of it.
The world is ours. Well, the future is ours. The west is us, ha. All things are about truth, the future will be no different. Easy truths, hard truths, fun truths, boring truths, pleasurable truths, terrifying truths.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:58 am
What we intuit is the beginning of a totally new era. Think back to Christianity’s early days. Jesus said he came to divide families against each other. It’s true, this is what happens when truth is suddenly forced into human lives and society. Some people accept and understand, others don’t. Those that don’t will cling to illusion and madness until their last breath, proving they never really existed much to begin with, or at least proving their lack of real merit.
This is indeed a “religious” moment and beginning we are experiencing. The divisions between people are a sign of that,... how everyone is now implicitly judged by his or her own degree of intellectual authenticity, his or her own standard of value.
The birth of a new age.. that’s what we are privileged to witness. And of course it will be ushered in by the chaotic death pangs of the old age. Another dark ages most likely. Rome (America) will fall, the world will become chaos and darkness, then eventually the new will gather together and reconstitute the world to a higher threshold.
Even if America doesn’t fall right away, it’s already fallen. That’s my contention. The spirit is dead. Well not dead but more like invalidated. The birth of System has replaced the earthy American soul spirit as the ruling power in the west. This is truly a “religious” moment... but don’t forget that even as Rome collapsed utterly it’s remnants fragmented and scattered to the corners of the world, thereby embedding itself in the future forever.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:36 pm
"What we intuit is the beginning of a totally new era. Think back to Christianity’s early days. Jesus said he came to divide families against each other. It’s true, this is what happens when truth is suddenly forced into human lives and society."
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:54 pm
Even as this is all happening and coming to a head, I feel less and less like sharing my thoughts publicly. My conflict with Carleas from ILP over his lack of will power, so typical of the fascist I really did not want him to be, came at a good time, I was wasting a lot of hours putting valuable thoughts up there.
Subject: Re: Death of the mind Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:16 pm
I do agree with Parodites that you overestimate what was going on previously. Or underestimate how weirdly dumb people were. But the problem is not hat individuals talk to each other, its that different types of stupidity, which were formerly separated into their proper blocks of stupidity, have now due to the internet been thrown upon one another to sort out what kind of stupidity is the fittest.