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 VO Studies: Corporations and individuals

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VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Empty
PostSubject: VO Studies: Corporations and individuals    VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 21, 2017 8:01 pm

What is a corporation, does it self-value?

Corporations are like societies, they act as if they are self-valuing but in fact they do not. What a corporation does is act like a value-focus and value-collection mechanism, existing at the behest of individual self-valuing (that of owners, workers, and customers). Societies follow this principle too but essentially take it to the highest degree, 'group-ness' acting as if it were ontically coherent. I would say that a corporation is a mini-society, like a fragment of the larger society; in a way corporations insert themselves between society and individuals, mediating values back and forth.

Corporations do not have values and rights anymore than societies or governments have values or rights, values (self-valuing) and rights belong to individuals only. Because rights (property, ownership and self-ownership) onto-epistemo-logically can belong only to individuals (to self-valuings), when societies or corporations or other group entities are assumed to have rights this really means that such group entities technically own individuals, which is the horror of slavery. This is why Citizens United is so significant, but the real takeaway is that we must recognize the fact that individuals have been largely dispossessed of primary society-value, dispossessed by corporations. This is what the Citizens United verdict really means: there are no more individuals, not from the perspective of how society exists to support and maximize individual self-valuing.

Corporations are the real "individuals" in modern techno-neocapitalist society. This is a problem, because as I said above corporations do not self-value; they have no onto-epistemic existence, they have no self and no consciousness... no existentiality whatsoever. A corporation cannot think, reason or emote, it cannot even value despite that it acts as if it is valuing. It is simulated valuing only, a kind of dead trans-zombie entity.

Corporations co-opt individuals (self-valuings) by hijacking a core value to self-valuings: money. But corporations are good and necessary, it's just that 1) the modern corporation is something that did not exist back in 1776, and 2) the law does not reflect this difference. Again, this is a problem. When corporations are given to be individuals then real individuals are made to dissolve into corporate constructs, to vanish; values are taken to be the primary ontic-epistemic entity as if they possess existentia, which they do not, rather than self-valuings which do possess existentia (existentia can be defined as the sum-total of interactive valuing flowing from and connected directly to the lineage of self-valuings in concert regionally, culturally, linguistically, ideationally).

When a value is treated as an independent entity unto itself, divorced from self-valuing, that value withers and dies. That is what is happening to corporations. But the trick of modern economy is its design as mono-polistic centralizing of capital whereby dissolved values are zombified back to a larger existing construct of values, namely large corporations buy the smaller ones they put out of business. In the "old days" there were no large corporations, not in the way they exist today. The birth of the modern corporation split business into two group, the larger and smaller businesses; existentia continues to perish as more local units fail and are cannibalized into zombie-form by larger more impersonal corporate constructs, and modern western society considers this self-consumption to be "progress".

Last edited by Thrasymachus on Thu May 18, 2017 2:07 am; edited 4 times in total
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Corporations and individuals    VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 21, 2017 8:39 pm

Can we please do a book on this.

It's too big of a subject, too crucial to do bit by bit and see where it ends up. We need to get Paroditean on this topics ass.
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VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Corporations and individuals    VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 9:34 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Can we please do a book on this.

It's too big of a subject, too crucial to do bit by bit and see where it ends up. We need to get Paroditean on this topics ass.

Haha yes.
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VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VO Studies: Corporations and individuals    VO Studies: Corporations and individuals  Icon_minitime

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