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 Problem with studying politics

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Problem with studying politics  Empty
PostSubject: Problem with studying politics    Problem with studying politics  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 10, 2017 11:49 am

Politics discounts and excludes human beings, at least the sort of politics we have today does. Studying politics therefore causes me to lose my own humanity and self as I analyze these political realities. I can only approach politics for a while then must abandon it for the earth again.

Politics is therefore properly "Platonic" and metaphysical, an attempt at a pure logical order "above" the earth... logically birthing Marx from that madness. From now on I will only vote for earthy politicians, non-politicians, to help balance the scales.
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PostSubject: Re: Problem with studying politics    Problem with studying politics  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 10, 2017 7:04 pm

I have always managed to stay outside of it when I studied or discussed politics. The mentality of politics should never enter my life.
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