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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 7:47 pm

But the idiocy of nihilist west has done precisely everything it had in its power to strengthen islam. It has made out of itself the perfect justification for muslims to surrender their will entirely to their heart-placating religion. It stops the mind from challenging the heart. It is sweet, all too sweet. It digests. The heart is a fire, the mind is air, the mind is closed off from the heart and vice versa - so a smouldering takes place, a slow consuming without the cosmic fulfillment that western mysteries allow. No blaze of glory. But imagine how weak the species must be that is triggered by a myth of a host of virgins awaiting after death. Compare this Valhalla, where the reward is to do battle with ones lord and be torn apart, and put back together every day and night. Compare the level of resistance sought out and you can se the most likely outcome.

I now see it - it is we who have conquered islam; muslims work the lower jobs and the criterium for conquest is economic  - so we will be the ones to acquire the characteristics of the muslims. Our people will learn the means to true obedience. A servant caste is in the making. This will facilitate the Nietzschean caste in its work. HA.

Now the film will be enjoyable to watch.

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:02 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 7:53 pm

Leftism then is an argument for islamization of the ... leftist... because both are virtuous in that they refuse to think, that they find thought to be evil. Life must simply be like duh obvious.
Note that this is the actual position of islam since the 1100's; truth may not be deduced using logic, it must be revealed. Well this is fine, as long as the Netzschean is the one to reveal it. Through masks, robes and shrouds...

Beautiful be the myths that serve to keep thought at bay. A justification for a great artist-class to be born!
The future, it births us when we think.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 10:08 am

The slaves of Saud are moving in for war. Im taking my hands off politics.
Let the chips fall where they may.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 3:52 pm

Aw fuck it. England is just too weak to not laugh at it at least.

Who in his serious mind believes that the Russians would poison double spies using trademark Russian nervegas...?? I mean, who is really that stupid? Only Englishmen. Well, and apparently, Trump has had an attack of dementia too.

But it is just hilarious, I realized, and maybe this is the end of England.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 5:37 pm

It’s all a fucking joke that truth is laying on. How do you unearth worms? Two ways: dig up the soil, or flood them to the surface.

Political wormscum eat the mud that fertilizes the earth. Let them all eat ...mud. Good. Truth has sacrificed 99.9999999999% of all life in history to reach this point, it won’t balk now at some more productive chaos.

And yes fuck Trump and fuck politics generally. He has his two strikes, in my view. That’s all I’m giving him. Just another shit agent of death serving truth only through its own... nonbeing. Good.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 5:38 pm

Deeply relieved that I don’t need to give one flying fuck anymore about any of it.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 5:41 pm


Trump is a bitchboy. Better be a checkmate down the line somewhere, and then I can like him again. But no hope from me.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 5:45 pm

Actually it’s three strikes.

1) does buttfuck nothing about academia and student loans

2) allows ISPs to spy on all online activity and sell that info

3) advocates gun control



He lost my vote, and a few million more. Good. Fuck him.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 5:49 pm

He reversed what he said about gun control, reversing bump stock bans to the idea of installed more armed protection at schools.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 6:00 pm

Yeah if he never signs any gun control then it’s only two strikes. Except that he already gave in to the hype of gun (human) control, allowing the infection to fester more. Because of his weakness on the issue the gun (human) control agenda furthers itself. Florida for example.

I don’t give one flying rat fuck about his fear of being the next JFK. He wanted this job, he’s got it. He needs to grow some fucking balls.

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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 6:01 pm

We all die in the end. Maybe he forgot this fact.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 6:16 pm

With me it stops when he asks me to believe something so immensely stupid that it could only have been thought up by British politicians.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2018 6:20 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
With me it stops when he asks me to believe something so immensely stupid that it could only have been thought up by British politicians.

Lol yeah.

Just games. It’s all fucking games. And I don’t play them. Ever.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 6:17 pm


Quote :
Guy Chazan in Berlin 5 HOURS AGO

Angela Merkel’s government is embroiled in its first row barely two days after being sworn in, with the chancellor and her interior minister arguing publicly about the incendiary issue of Islam’s place in German society.

The argument could be a harbinger of more tension to come between three coalition parties — Ms Merkel’s CDU, its Bavarian sister party the CSU and the Social Democrats — that are increasingly eager to accentuate their differences.

It also comes at a time when Germany’s Muslim community is reeling from a series of arson attacks on mosques and community centres. More than 1,000 crimes were committed against Muslims in Germany last year, according to the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD).

The row was triggered by the first newspaper interview by Horst Seehofer since taking office as Germany’s new interior minister. Speaking to the mass circulation Bild Zeitung, the former prime minister of Bavaria said Muslims living in Germany “of course” belonged to the country, but their religion itself did not.

We must do everything to ensure that religions successfully coexist

Angela Merkel
He said Germans should “not give up [their] country-specific traditions and customs out of a false sense of consideration” for other cultures. “Muslims must live with us, not alongside or against us,” he said.

Ms Merkel swiftly criticised Mr Seehofer, saying that Germany was shaped by Christianity, but it was home to millions of Muslims, too, who “also belong to Germany, as does their religion, Islam”.

“We must do everything to ensure that religions successfully coexist,” she said.

Muslim leaders also expressed anger at the remarks. “Faced with the arson attacks on mosques and the increase in anti-Islamic attacks I would have expected the new interior minister to get behind German Muslims,” said Aiman Mazyek, head of the ZMD.

The phrase “Islam does not belong to Germany” is a favourite slogan of the Alternative for Germany, a far-right party that entered the Bundestag for the first time in last September’s election.

The AfD has capitalised on growing anti-immigrant sentiment in Germany and anger at Ms Merkel’s decision to open the country’s borders to more than 1m refugees.

Mr Seehofer’s party, the CSU, is facing critical regional elections this year in which the AfD is expected to perform well. Experts expect the CSU to crank up its anti-immigration rhetoric in the coming months in an effort to outflank the populists.

As Bavarian prime minister and CSU leader, Mr Seehofer publicly fell out with Ms Merkel over her open-door refugee policy, arguing that it broke Germany’s laws.

Their conflict was only resolved after the Bundestag election, which saw their joint bloc lose 1m votes to the AfD in it its worst performance since 1949. In a hastily assembled compromise reached last October they agreed that the number of refugees entering Germany should not exceed 200,000 a year.

In the Bild interview, Mr Seehofer said the new government would speed up the deportation of migrants who had broken the law and hold all refugees in centralised facilities while their asylum applications were processed.

Only those granted asylum would be allowed to take up residence in Germany’s towns and cities, he said.

Too funny. Thank you England for setting the global example of how it's not done. You even got the Germans attention by the sheer massiveness of your failure.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 6:19 pm

Unified Germany is an abomination.

Bring back Prussia.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 6:47 pm

Still, this is an interesting statement.

Muslims do belong in Germany, but their religion does not. That is basically a command for muslims to renounce their faith.
This on top of Germans having begun to burn down mosques, it poses a bit of a problem for "the children of mamma Merkel".

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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 7:31 pm

France is next. A weird statement, something weird is going to come out of France.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 7:34 pm

"That is basically a command for muslims to renounce their faith", but since a "muslim" is defined as someone who has the Islamic faith, and since this faith primarily commands that the faithful spread it and remove the infidels, well,

Whats the plan here? Is Germany going to redefine what it means to be a muslim?
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 7:37 pm

Thrasymachus wrote:
Bring back Prussia.

That would be pretty fucking interesting.

I just got flashes of towering cities in a 21st century Prussian Technocracy. They're the ones who invented that form of power, or at least one of the ones who came up with it out of pure zeal for reality.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 7:43 pm

Yeah, Nietzsche never had to live under this madness of “Germany”.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 7:48 pm

Living in Germany and experiencing this all first hand, I have lost all faith for my country. Some serious changes are going to have to happen for our culture to preserved and not have it turn into a shithole where women get raped on New Years Eve. Once again leftist, marxist politics of acceptance have doomed yet another country as we are slowly spiraling towards doom.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 8:13 pm

Yes, I can only imagine. Glad to know you live there though, it is an interesting place and its internal changes are pivotal moments for Europe.
Could you tell me exactly which main regions Germany is made out of, and what their characteristics are? Also what the sentiments among the peoples would be about splitting up, with te prospect of more independence and perhaps even more power.

My own concern is that the Netherlands has never claimed its throne, which is guaranteed by our harbour and our entire seafaring enterprise which gave birth to colonialism, the recivilization of the Americas and to the Stockmarket. Practicality as a true morality, we are simple and humble people, often taking the path of least resistance, yet enclosed between the three perpetually warring major European countries, this resistance is still far greater than anything that exists in South America or Africa. Thus we develop techniques facilitating life on other continents and opt to get by okay through trade inside the EU but it isn't comfortable.

Fuck, if globalism is to be a thing that works, it'll be the Dutch that manufacture it.

It's really our puzzle to solve. We're the ones who made it this complicated. Awesome. A reason to like my country - but also a reason for this country to get back on its feet. It has been in trouble, but instead of a slow gradual process we had political murders, in 2002 and 2004 and dealt with it somehow, forced a process of integration that has been deeper than in other host nations. Because of the eerily cozy nature and evilly slick nature of our discourse, the muslims were forced to participate. I see this now also - we have of al the European nations been most successful in integrating and assimilating. It is our main programming, to evolve, to not care about morality or tradition, as long has what you are doing allows you to live well and free and doesn't impede others - there is o national pride in this, for it doesn't happen to everyone like that, simply a natural pride in those to whom it does. Free dutch people, businesspeople or successful artists, they are enviable, by general standards. They have it all, they can go wherever and make it, because they are useful. They get to be klutzes because they have nothing to uphold but being there for a reason. Consequence is the drama sucks and is petty and pointless, but due to colonialists enterprises we managed to steal some genius from Indonesia. There is one great ultraNietschean, intensified Satrian writer, Willem Frederik Hermans. Note the first two names. I havent read his books since I read them in high school but the ones I read in one or two days while eating and walking until I fell asleep. I went to a movie with my family and I was reading it in the tram and suddenly the lights went out and I was in a cinema. I can't remember the film but I remember reading in the tram on the way back. That was the Darkroom of Damocles, De Donkere Kamer van Damokles. Another that I read brought me at a elevated body temperature, I just remembera grimy feeling of levitation fever Brough on by a guy just suffering at a rock, I don't think there was anything else. But the book was thick. "Nooit Meer Slapen". "Never sleep again." Not sure if its translate but surely German is a great language to translate it into.

I now realize whats so great about the book. The protagonist has no identity except his actions and their consequences.
Misunderstanding, forgiveness through forgetting, and fever are important. But "who you are", that is only a doorknob.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 8:44 pm

Glad to hear that you are interested in German culture. It truly is very intricate. Germany can be divided very easily in North, East, South and West.

The south is the most conservative part and probably one of the most opposed parts to Merkels politics and the whole imigration situation. I live in the south and I hear older folks as well as younger people my age talk about how we as German citizens aren't the number one priority of our leaders. Most of them feel neglected.

The west is a mix between moderate conservatives and liberals. It probably is the most "neutral" part of Germany when it comes to politcs. A lot of the steel and manufactoring industry is settled there and a lot of middle class workers live there.

The north of Germany are basically Danish. the seem very seperated from the rest and are your "stereotypical" Germans. They meet most of the stereotypes which float around in the media (no sense of humor, etc.). I'd say they are the most peaceful Germans. They are moderate in politics as well.

And then there is the east... Oh boy what a mess that place is. Former East-Germany citizens are either: Extreme right-leaning or "we want East Germany back". I think the general opinion on spliting up the country would be that it shouldn't happen. But a lot of people mention it and I can tell even though they may joke about the potential split-up they do wish it deep down. East Germany is West Germanys' disabled brother. We still pay a "tax" which goes towards rebuilding the East because Socialism has destroyed the beautiful landscape East Germany once was. No arcitecture, just boring, grey buildings. If a split up did happen, West Germany would most likely be stronger than it is now. All major companies are settled there, compared to the East we are smarter and more qualified. East Germany living standards would reach that of a third-world country.

Sadly socialism has destroyed most of the beautiful culture that East Europe once had. My faith rests with countries like Poland and Bulgaria resisting the imigration politics pushed by Merkel. My ancestors originated from what now is the Czech Republic, they lost everything fleeing from the Big Red Monster. And yes, globalism is a problem we need to solve, maybe even fix like you said. It is a topic I think about daily and I haven't come close to a solution, just thoughts and hypotheticals.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 9:10 pm

Thrasymachus wrote:
Yeah, Nietzsche never had to live under this madness of “Germany”.

I realize he would probably be amused at how the muslims are taking over England.
He had quite a bit of admiration for the Arabs, Persians and Indians of course, and none for the English.
Possibly even he would see the grounds to an interesting struggle of instincts in the island of his enemies.

Styrkjar wrote:
The north of Germany are basically Danish. the seem very seperated from the rest and are your "stereotypical" Germans. They meet most of the stereotypes which float around in the media (no sense of humor, etc.). I'd say they are the most peaceful Germans. They are moderate in politics as well.

Thats hilarious. I did not know that. These are great insights.
Though this is indeed very discouraging;

Quote :
And then there is the east... Oh boy what a mess that place is. Former East-Germany citizens are either: Extreme right-leaning or "we want East Germany back". I think the general opinion on spliting up the country would be that it shouldn't happen. But a lot of people mention it and I can tell even though they may joke about the potential split-up they do wish it deep down. East Germany is West Germanys' disabled brother. We still pay a "tax" which goes towards rebuilding the East because Socialism has destroyed the beautiful landscape East Germany once was. No arcitecture, just boring, grey buildings. If a split up did happen, West Germany would most likely be stronger than it is now. All major companies are settled there, compared to the East we are smarter and more qualified. East Germany living standards would reach that of a third-world country.

That really sounds like they are sabotaging the nation. Isn't Berlin where Prussia used to be? Or in any case is "Prussian" still remotely a thing people from that past identify with?

Quote :
Sadly socialism has destroyed most of the beautiful culture that East Europe once had. My faith rests with countries like Poland and Bulgaria resisting the imigration politics pushed by Merkel. My ancestors originated from what now is the Czech Republic, they lost everything fleeing from the Big Red Monster. And yes, globalism is a problem we need to solve, maybe even fix like you said. It is a topic I think about daily and I haven't come close to a solution, just thoughts and hypotheticals.

That is sad and it gives me pause, because I am descendent of Communists, and it took a lot for western, parliamentary minded ones to recognize the destruction that the bolshevik machine wrought, they were using the leverage to attain social justices, which seemed to work out very well for the country for a few decades. We thus thrived because of the suffering of Eastern Europe.

From what you say I gather that the greatest resistance to a splitting up of Germany would be coming from the East. The way to go about resolving this can then only be even more spending for one last time, a kind of Marshall plan for the East in the theme of the remaining unification of Berlin - one thing East Germany at least has over the former DDR.

Id recommend Paris based architects. I definitely recommend a Paris-styled design of whatever former EU meta-republic of regional powers may come when we come to our senses.
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PostSubject: Re: Trump World   Trump World - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 10:09 pm

Trump World - Page 11 Prussi10

Prussia really is a thing of the past in the minds of Germans, I don't believe it will be revived ever again, even though this makes me very sad. Bavarians also never liked the Prussians, they were seen as different. The greatest resistance of the split up are indeed East Germans or the ones that left after the wall fell. I don't think a split up is a very discussed topic, there is a higher chances of Germany trying to leave the EU before any split up will happen. More and more Germans and Europeans in general are fed up with the EU and their insane regulations which limit our market capabilties and let us not even talk about the cost of bureaucracy.

Interesting times we live in, let's see what is going to happen next.
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