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 Is Trump caving?

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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 31, 2017 11:06 am

Yeah man, I agree. The Clontingoo is itself the substance of the end of times. It is basically the waste of the process that has shaped humanity into forms like Peterson or Trump or Parodites or us, or anyone who loves integrity and has it in spades - this was a chemical 'cooking' process we could say, where just a lot of stuff didnt 'take', or just comes out ass byproduct. These nonbeings now have no way out of life, even though they have never found a way into it either. I remember the post-elections sjw phrase "OMG I want to quit life". Ive not seen anything more eloquently representing that sort of semi-being. And it gives a good indication that indeed it isnt very strong, when it comes down to it. Also they dont own assault rifles and our side does.

On Trump and his attack on the Freedom Caucus: I think the key term in his tweet is "2018". He calls for a fight that is very far down the line, much beyond a lot of trouble he is now sailing into. I do not, thus, take it literally. I take it as a call to Republicans to gather around a new initiative. I actually think he and Rand Paul have planned for this whole thing, and Paul is playing along.

2018 is very far away. Trump will be playing all sides against each other all the way through, I reckon, because none of the sides is powerful or worthy enough to truly be his 'flank'.
He needs the whole country to sane up, or at least to have people from both sides of the isle engaged in human thought-processes.

Now as far as the Clontingoo is concerned and the epic struggle we are in against it, since election day Ive had the experience of being inside of the Apocalypse. Ive never known humans can be this weak and stupid in such great quantities and for such a long time. Weak and stupid doesnt begin to cover it, as you know. But the point is that it all Reveals. This is Revelation. We see now that human nature is deeply compromised, that few of us really manage it. Or at least, that half of us just totally fail at it.

This is such a Revelation, it speaks such a fundamental ontic truth about Humanity, that a lot of religious texts about sin and such take on, for the first time in my life, a relevance of sorts, a poetic resonance.
We're actually in the sort of thing that thousands of years ago people of some good drug experience envisioned as a War in Heaven, which will decide the fate of all of the Earth.
A philosophical war. God does not figure into this. Its about the meta-perspectives that are battling each other now - life versus death.

Its incredibly exciting to know that for the first time in human history, the pure flaw in human being has taken on entity. When we win, which we will, no matter what happens politically after Trump, the human species will have become so much stronger, will have gained an integrity that it never had before.

So how to approach this? I think it is elementary to maintain the pathos of joy in victory. We have won - the goo reveals itself because of it. It is no longer able to contain its inner horror. Humanity is turning inside out, and we can observe where it had been hollow, and where it had been rotting - and it fucking stinks, and we have to realize these people stink to themselves, too - and that this is why they have no sense of smell, no instincts, no taste - they cant afford these things.

To revel in our own tastes, that is a great weapon.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 6:54 am

Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Syria.

Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 ?

Oh look, tragic pictures! WMD!! (Where have we heard that before?) Quick before anyone has any time to process what happened, what is happening, and discuss what the best thing to do about it is or god forbid actually vote in Congress about initiating military force, ...bomb them!

Yeah, this from Trump who spoke out against these very sort of things. What a fucking joke.

Oh yeah, and he picked an Obama appointee to continue heading Border Patrol. And he picked an CFR member to replace Flynn. And he fucked up our chances to fix healthcare and throw Obozocare in the trash. And he said we need to "attack" the Freedom Caucus members... you know, the ones who actually want to do what Trump said he would do, get rid of Obozocare, and who have support from, oh I don't know, Trump's own core supporters?

He has definitely been compromised. This is a very sad day.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 8:42 am

Thrasymachus wrote:
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Syria.

He has definitely been compromised. This is a very sad day.

Yeah, that was my initial thought when I read the news this morning. But I will wait to see the ramifications of the action before saying too much.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 9:30 am

Sisyphus wrote:
Thrasymachus wrote:
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Syria.

He has definitely been compromised. This is a very sad day.

Yeah, that was my initial thought when I read the news this morning.  But I will wait to see the ramifications of the action before saying too much.

The ramifications are irrelevant. It doesn't matter, and anyway we already know this is going to make things worse, not better. There is literally zero probability that bombing Assad will improve anything.

But that is irrelevant here. You can believe maybe some good comes of this, even if you're right, it doesn't matter. Trump has betrayed us. On healthcare*, on the budget**, and now on foreign policy and intervention.

*Trump ruined the chance of throwing the (Un)affordable (lack of)Care Act in the trash where it belongs, he sided with neocons who want to keep big government as big as it already is and who resist any real change, and he attacked the very people who want to do what Trump himself said he wants to do. Healthcare reform is now dead.

**Trump's proposed budget doesn't cut spending, his budget is debt neutral. That means it maintains the status quo new normal that has been creeping up unchecked since Reagan and culminating with Obama adding more debt than all past presidents put together. Trump did some minor reductions to appease his base a little, across some federal agencies, and then compensated for that by massively increasing military spending. And he isn't proposing any serious tax reform either. Of course you can't have real tax reductions and reductions in borrowing when the government is spending is about 25% of all GDP per year, and increasing, and when over half of all that spending is unsustainable entitlements (socialism) like Medicare, Medicaid and social security.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 9:41 am

There are as I see it four main principles that Trump espoused and was elected on the basis of:

1) that we have a right to defend ourselves (borders, reasonable immigration restrictions, deport alien criminals, end sanctuary cities).

2) that the government is not here to "take care of" everyone with endless marches to socialism and our increasing dependency on government handouts.

3) that government spending and debt is way, way out of control and must be reigned in, including that taxes are way too high.

4) that US military intervention around the world including regime change and fucking with the ME is a very bad idea and must stop.

...So far Trump has caved on the last three of these four principles, and is on the way to caving on the first too. I understand it has only been two and a half months, and that he has strong opposition and media propaganda fighting against him, but so fucking what? We knew this wouldn't be easy, Trump knew that too. He doesn't need to solve the problems in under three months, but he does need to not resign his primary  principles in just three short months. There is a difference between not solving the problems and abandoning your core principles. Maybe the results look the same right away, in both of those cases, but that's only because one isn't thinking at all.
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Fixed Cross
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 9:53 am

On the domestic issues I wont speak out, I am an outside and have to take more time to draw conclusions. I  definitely sympathize with your position.

On the war issue I am in deep disagreement. I went into this in anther thread. In short: There is no question that the Syria war is America's war, and that it will continue to rage until America takes responsibility for it and brings it to an end.

It will continue for a hundred, hell, ten thousand years if the only power with decisive capacities, and access to the roots of the conflict keeps waving its arms calling out 'stop it!'

For the US to withdraw from the worlds war-stages after having created these stages would be rather Satanic, and likely lead to its destruction somehow.

Trump started nothing here, he did not go to war. He was elected in the middle of this war, which is entirely American.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 10:01 am

My position on Israel is that it is the only true asset the US has abroad. It is the only nation willing to take risks and act in a masculine, decisive manner. I have nothing against wealth and I am not against the Rothschild family (I am against the Rockkefellers), I appreciate their contributions to Zionism, which, as a kabbalist, I entirely support. I do not think the west can survive without defending its Jerusalem roots. Just like I would instantly give up the West to the maggots if it ever abandoned Greece, I will, with a lot less passion, concede that the west belongs to Islam if it gives up on the Jews, and their holy struggle for their temple. I wouldnt give a shit for any western nation that turns its back on Davids Jerusalem, as that simply means to turn ones back on ones own history and take a shit on ones future.

In the beginning was the story.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 11:50 am

By the way I don't consider it "brave" of Trump to throw these missiles - but I don't think it will lead to war with China or Russia, I think this will lead China and Russia to figure out that they have to get on board with Trump. Thats my guess. It's not certain, naturally, but strategically this was a highly overdue statement that the US isnt in it only to get people killed and give its trillions in military infrastructure to ISIS to do with as they please, which was the status quo yesterday.
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Fixed Cross
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 11:57 am

What Trump likely did in his own mind was to say: we're in charge of our own weapons again. We dont throw them on civilians from now on, nor do we hand them to those who cook children in ovens, but we use them on those who kill civilians.

Thats a very important step. This is not a "new Iraq", as some people now are saying, because guess what, Iraq is still going on. This is the very same war that has been raging since Bush started it, and Obama tried to pull out of exactly at the worst moment, acting like a little child that is losing a game and wants to pretend the game has therefore ceased to exist, so that now Asia and Europe are on the verge of being overtaken by western-invented islamic radicalism, giving the US only a few decades before that lot inevitably would overtake them too.

I dont understand the origin of the view that the US can "stay out of war" when it has had its military deployed in fascistic hands overseas for 14 years.

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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 12:00 pm

Schopenhauer's quote can be altered a bit to apply here.

"With people of limited ability modesty is merely honesty. But with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy."
"With states of limited power modesty is merely sanity. But with those who possess great capacity it is cowardice."

Obama has taken the path of cowardice, and there is no more destructive path for a nation which has first made all the world rely on it.
There aren't any roads backward that lead to anything but more backwardness.
There is one way forward, and that is he intelligent use of the nations full capacity. The world is in crisis, and crisis is never resolved by stepping away from it.

I know these are unwelcome words, and seem to contradict Trumps election message - but they really don't, as he was committed to wiping Isis from the face of the Earth and to the people on the ground who are undergoing all this, it is Assad who legitimizes Isis, who stands at its origin. That was also what Obama was forced to face - he just didnt have the integrity to go after both evils and gather the world behind that effort.

Russia and China must get on board. And they will if they know what's good for them, if they are sane, which they very well appear to be. Both of them will get pieces of the sane and secular pie when the idiotic western made radicalism has been trumped. Most importantly, the Arabs will go back to living lives as tradesfolk unhindered by overbearing states, which in these regions must always be ran by an arbitrary choice of sect.

The desert is an anarchistic region, where implicit religion and a kind of socialistic communalism in a larger capitalistic world-frame works very well.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 12:22 pm

Within war, sanity and doubt are opposites. Where there is one, the other is not.
Trump can not waver from his convictions to end the situation in Syria. Assad has killed more people than Isis has.
And it's nonsense that he protected the Jews, as people on Breitbart says - Ive met literally half the registered Jewish population in Damascus, 12 people who live in dank basements. The rest was killed or escaped to Israel.  My tour was approved by the department of information to have it proven that the regime was Jew-friendly. I was forced to taste a pastry. I will not go back.

I feel immense pity, a horrible sentiment, and shame of speaking so lowly of these people in that situation. But what can I do?
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 12:35 pm

This war will not require ground troops on a mass scale. A thousand special forces would give overwhelming logistic dominance if the Russians agree to a solution of mutual interest, and this will, as we are constantly seeing, be negotiated over other issues. Iran is really in an uncomfortable position now, which is pleasing. They have no idea what's going to happen to them, and this means the regime is weakening in its grip on the population. A large part of Iran wants to be secular. Persians are intellectually no joke at all. The Israelis know this better than anyone, and they gladly profess it. They are proud of Iran's enmity as it is a sophisticated chess game. Now, it is escalating to their favor, which was bound to happen as Iran is living in a backwards spiral and Israel is a new, technocratic and democratic country populated by rather sophisticated minds many of which are carried by burning passion for the old word. We need to understand that for a jew there is no afterlife, there is only his loyalty to the old word. It is simply the absolute commitment to the mind, and its power to break all weakness. Pure yang. And this (Parodites, if you are reading this) relates to the core of their quest: to restore the Shekina, their yin, Queen. Their Earthly Place amidst the Bitter Sea of death. Mercy will wash over the desert along with green fields and new creeks, and let Babylon restore her hanging gardens. Hell is deep, as are the foundations of the Kingdom.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 3:37 pm

The only way forward for US and Russia to sanely work together is for the globalists to be overthrown. I don't see Trump working on that at all, in fact with this Syria attack I see the globalists cheering. And now Russia has apparently cancelled its long time coordination of air and troop movements with the US in Syria, a very troubling sign.

Assad is backed by Russia. The globalists in Europe and the US want Assad gone. This is a black and white opposition. Just as is the fact that the globalists, who still run the US and NATO, also want to overthrow Putin and submit Russia to globalism. Trump already made comments through Tillerson indicating regime change in Syria is in the works.

So yeah... not good. Russia may as well nuke the entire planet as allow their nation to fall to this insane globalist monster. And that monster has already seemed to have taken Trump out of the equation. As per my previous remarks, I now consider Trump entirely compromised. Of course I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think that I am.

You mentioned your support for the Rothschilds... how is that any different from the neoliberal globalist cabal that is currently in charge and fucking everything over?
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 4:05 pm

I do not support the Rothscilds an sich, I said that of the two sects that appear to exist, these are the less globalistic ones, as they want Russia and China intact, contrarily to the Rockefellers. That's just a theory.

Russia already said that Assad is not necessary. They understand very well that he is as ridiculous as Hitler and that they have to ditch him. But now the quest comes for a follower, which is long overdue, and of course Russia is going to play its cards.

Of course whatever Trump does in Syria is totally risk-less compared to what was happening in Ukraine under Obo. We've escaped WWIII in the summer of 2015, and on novermber 2016 again. Syria is no risk for WWIII directly, not even Iran is. Crimea most definitely is, as that is ethnically part of Russia and it is Russia's only port of significance. They'll go to war over that any day, happily. No Russian gives a personal fuck about Syria on the other hand, that is just powerbrokerage.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 4:20 pm

The theory comes from a Mexican journalist who was on Alex Jones, highly respectable guy, Jones clearly thought so, but he was just making a lot of sense and speaking about several layers of families that he named by name. He spoke of these two directions, the Rockefellers backing Clinton, which is clear enough from Rockefellers own statements, and the Rothschilds backing Trump. Now I already know the Rotschilds as very renegade type bankers who keep tricking and plaguing the English, and the nicest boulevard of Tel Aviv is called after that family. Im a Nietzschean in terms of political morality, in that I do not believe morality is a sensible concept where different moralities clash - my judgment happens through evaluation of the narratives that are trying to come out on top. If like them, basically. It can not possibly be a secret that I favor the Hebrew narrative over both Islam and any modern nihilistic and relativistic one, so I relish the idea that Israel is getting stronger at the cost of attempts to let the ME fall to the devices the US slaving away under Tehran and Ryaad has planted for it.

Israel has three advantages over any European allies, -
-it understands that ideology is war
-it is willing to fight
-it is capable of fighting.
If Trump bends them to American will by bending a little bit away from Ryaads and Tehrans wills, that's good. I don't give much of a shit for Moscows claim to Syria as Ive been guided personally by the child-sacrificing people that they employ to keep that country, and decided there and then that whatever Israel does, it never approaches such depths. Too cowardly to die themselves, they send children with bomb vests. And then they put up posters of these children, and force me to take pictures. I dont have any notion of a rightful claim of Russia to Syria.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 4:26 pm

A lot of narrative places this all in terms of oil pipelines and the petrodollar. But I place the petrodollar in the narrative of US cultural supremacy, and oil pipelines are just not strong enough of a motivation to go to war. Too easy to sabotage when you get to put one up, and marine vessels work fine. It's marginal profit.
What's really going on, has been going on for a thousand years, is the battle between Sia and Sunni Islam. Behind that, Israel is looking at which is the more dangerous adversary in terms of their own narrative, which is literally spelled out in the Torah.

I look for the oldest narratives that have consistently played their part - I think that as narratives last longer, they get stronger.
The petrodollar has nothing on Islam, which has nothing on, Christianity, which in turn has nothing on Judaeism. And none of these have anything on Greece,   and China is in the end going to decide how it will all end. They just dont give a fuck about what happens in the span of a single human life.

In 2000 I read interview with one of their government planners, he was making references to policy decisions of an emperor some thousands of years ego,and said he may have to nuance those policies a bit to attain that guys stated goals or something.

This Somali generals son that taught me a lot about Islam also told me of this story that holds that if the Chinese ('those of narrow eyes in the east') begin to grow strong, the end of days is near. That always stuck.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 4:41 pm

It is inevitable that power falls into a balance on a global scale. Globalism as a unilateral device is null and void, war is the only consequence. But as a trilateral device it could very well be valid and leave all countries sovereign.

The US as the leader of a pack of giants is preferable to a perpetual state of conquest wars where the US is trying to not be what it is, the decisive factor. If returning to the Jews their own still standing temple walls is "illegal", then fuck all laws and let the greatest passion conquer.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 4:50 pm

I refuse to single out the Jews as the only people that is not entitled to a nation. It's as simple as that. There are 14 million of them left. I just can't even begin to make it comprehensible why Israel is a problem and why we keep perpetuating this purgatory of Christian dreams where everyone is supposed to get along except us who are above it. There is an infinitude of land in these regions. There is no logical or historical reason for Jerusalem to be Arab or Islamic except that they took it with violence and now they're complaining about the violence being returned, while firing rockets from civilian houses indiscriminately into civilian areas. I don't see any validity to an organ like the UN if it can not acknowledge some basic realities about history and civilization.   Islam is a practical religion and its people will bend to anything their leaders say. Eventually these leaders will have to say that the Jews are a race of prophets as it is written in their book, and that the world is holy only when all religions live together. It's up to them, they have the 1.4 billion followers. Almost as many as Justin Bieber.
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PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 4:52 pm

Can you imagine the paradise that would erupt?
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 5:57 pm

Sisyphus wrote:

But that is irrelevant here. You can believe maybe some good comes of this, even if you're right, it doesn't matter.

I think you have put me on the spot without knowing it. I have often used the argument that some things matter and some things don't matter.

Basically, for me, if I have no control over (whatever) then it doesn't matter (to me) what happens.

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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 8:56 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
What Trump likely did in his own mind was to say: we're in charge of our own weapons again. We dont throw them on civilians from now on, nor do we hand them to those who cook children in ovens, but we use them on those who kill civilians.

That's great in principle, but in fact Trump has escalated drone strikes already even over what Obama was doing. And remember that Trump is the one who said you need to take out the families of terrorists... you know, civilians. Women and children.

Trump proved he is easily emotionally manipulated with this Syria air strike. Show him images of gassed kids, he reacts instantly. This is not good. There are two possibilities here: either Trump is now doing the bidding of the globalist cabal through McMasters and other CFR "elites" or Trump is simply reacting emotionally and thinks he can play "whack a mole" with any individual atrocious act of violence, as Molyneux put it.

One problem with this: this is the first time the US has attacked Assad, has attacked the actual state of Syria. That means the US just officially initiated an act of war against another nation; and not just any nation, but a nation directly allied with Russia.

Quote :
Thats a very important step. This is not a "new Iraq", as some people now are saying, because guess what, Iraq is still going on. This is the very same war that has been raging since Bush started it, and Obama tried to pull out of exactly at the worst moment, acting like a little child that is losing a game and wants to pretend the game has therefore ceased to exist, so that now Asia and Europe are on the verge of being overtaken by western-invented islamic radicalism, giving the US only a few decades before that lot inevitably would overtake them too.

I dont understand the origin of the view that the US can "stay out of war" when it has had its military deployed in fascistic hands overseas for 14 years.

The idea is simple: that these foreign US interventions are terrible ideas and lead to terrible consequences, so why the hell would we continue to do it? There is no "war" that we have to "win" over there, none at all. The idea that Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan or Yemen or Syria or Libya are issues of war is absurd, the US basically just went into these places and used superior firepower to destabilize the existing regimes, most of which were puppet regimes that made decisions against the western interests. Gaddafi did this, he tried to assert himself and his county independently against being a western puppet, and almost right away tried to back off and appease the west because he realized what was coming for him now that he betrayed his overlords. Same with Saddam, he tried to flout the western "elites" who controlled him, and so they took him out. This isn't difficult to figure out. And Americans know it, which is why we elected Trump to stop all this shit.

As Trump himself said back when he was still somewhat sane, "what, you think our country is so innocent?" The answer to irrational, insane and immoral foreign interventions on behalf of globalist corporate interests isn't to double down and "complete that mission", the answer is to get the fuck out of there and allow the regional powers to act and manage the situation, and allow these artificial nations to reorganize through civil war into more enduringly sane states. And that needs to happen now, before some of them get nukes.

Syria did not attack the US. Neither did Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Pakistan, or Yemen, or Libya. What the Us is doing is initiating acts of war against other states, in violation of the US's own constitution I might add, for the sake of maintaining globalist corporatist hegemony, and at the cost of millions of innocent lives. There is literally no sane way to defend any of it. We need to get the fuck out of there and stop all this "NWO" "Pax Americana" bullshit.

Last edited by Thrasymachus on Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:01 am; edited 3 times in total
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 8:58 am

In addition, when Clinton, Rubio, McCain and other neocon/neolib retards are cheering you on, and when the MSM is saying how "presidential" and wise what you're doing is, you can bet that whatever it is you're doing is fucking retarded, illegal, irrational and insane.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 9:46 am

The difference between how we see this is very simple, and it causes a radically different view of the ME and the US role in it.

I consider the situation in Syria a direct result of American interventions since 2003. These interventions have never stopped. First they invaded Iraq, and destroyed the country, which created proto- isis.
The US has then funded isis, al kaida, al nusra within Syria. I dont accept that this is anything less of open and explicit war fare in a sovereign country than shooting rockets.

The US has destroyed Syria. To pull out now, when it is utterly helpless, is cruel and insane.

I laud Trump for stopping the approach of faring war in Syria without actually trying to win it.

The idea that the US could justify pulling out of the ME after having spent 45 years and many trillions of dollars on turning it into its custom hellhole is absurd to me. As is the idea that any of the US-wrecked nations would now have the power, resources, courage, good will or education to put in power let alone elect their 'own' leaders.

No, that is all akin to setting a man on fire and then 'leaving him be'.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 9:59 am

Note that Ive been arguing for Trump forcefully taking an approach in the ME that will allow Israel to finalize its existence. I've also always fought the idea that the US should isolate itself and leave Europe to the dogs. It is the US' doing what shape the world is in today, this is not a moment where it is possible to claim causal independence.

The US has been directly attacking Russia in much more direct ways since 1945, and the past 8 years at Russias own borders.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 10:34 am

So you trust and want the same people who have destabilized and fucked up the ME for decades, the same ones now lauding Trump's illegal missile attack, to step in and "finish the mission they started?" That makes no sense to me at all.
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Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is Trump caving?    Is Trump caving?  - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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